I logged on Lammania and I had a box in my inventory called Raider's Chest. When I opened it a barter window came up offering me 5 heroic coms or my choice of any CITW weapon. What's up with that?
I logged on Lammania and I had a box in my inventory called Raider's Chest. When I opened it a barter window came up offering me 5 heroic coms or my choice of any CITW weapon. What's up with that?
That means I'll get one raider's chest for each raid I've done before I tr'ed after U19?
One for CitW,FoT,VoD,HoX,ADQ,Shroud and so on?
Best clear up some space in inventory...
Is it always from CITW, or is it from a differing subset of raid options.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
Does this go to all or only to people that run citw in u19?
Seems a bit excessive to me. Sure folks who didn't get their 20th reward should be compensated but I guess they can't determine who that is. But giving these weapons out like this? really? I don't like it..
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
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I am astonished people are complaining about us getting these.
Now if somehow they wind up in the store . . . that's a different matter.
The problem is this gesture does more damage to the game in the name of repairing damage. If they spread It out with a wider selection it won't be as bad.
As it stands this will flood the game with CitW gear and totally obviate any reason to run the raid ever again for almost everyone. Doesn't seem like a long term healthy thing when it can be avoided by spreading the damage out.
Some of the damage that's been done since u14 is high drop rates and sellable epic gear, that saitiated demand for the gear without requiring many people to run the content, leading to extremely short lived or "disposable" content. Like the current "expansion" many Eveningstar quests and recently eGH, LFM's for which are increasingly rare. Giving every single person who's done a raid in the last couple months all the CitW loot they could want will crush any desire to run it for almost everyone.
Giving an expanded list spreads that out.... and let's face it giving away torq or SoS base items is going to have a lot less negative impact because you probably still need a seal and shard.