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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Unlocking Artificer

    I was looking at the requirements for unlocking Artificer through gameplay and it looks like you have to be ~ level 20 since a lot of the quests are high level.
    Is it impossible to do with a low level character?

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Unless you know a very tolerant group of high-levels willing to let you pike through all that favor -I believe it is impossible, yes.

    Turbine wants people to buy em, pure and simple. Personally, I think the class is worth the price, as I find them one of the most fun classes to play, but I understand those who want to unlock them via favor. It just takes a long time and a hell of a lot of effort.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Unless you know a very tolerant group of high-levels willing to let you pike through all that favor -I believe it is impossible, yes.

    Turbine wants people to buy em, pure and simple. Personally, I think the class is worth the price, as I find them one of the most fun classes to play, but I understand those who want to unlock them via favor. It just takes a long time and a hell of a lot of effort.
    That's what I thought, thanks.
    I would buy it if my budget wasn't so tight because it looks right up my alley.

  4. #4
    Community Member legendlore's Avatar
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    If you do decide to go down the route of favor unlock, be mindful of what class you decide to use in the meantime to unlock it. I'd recommend a wizard or sorcerer for easy challenge play.

    I unlocked it while playing bard which is something I can't recommend, severely lacking dps combined with timed challenges can make for a quite frustrating gaming experience (took quite a while even with help from my guildies, but I wasn't in any rush).

    I say this because if it's the buff/versatile/mixed martial-caster aspect you're after playing a bard is the closest free to play class available. While fun to play it doesn't shine in the timed challenges, where heavy dps is even more important than everywhere else (colossal crystals excluded, being a bard is great there )

  5. #5
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    Good news everybody! I just sold a couple of old games and now I can buy some TP and Artificer.

  6. #6
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Celebration time!


    Enjoy em.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  7. #7
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    Now to find a build guide.

  8. #8
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    I'm thinking of unlocking Warforged to play as an Artificer. Good idea or bad idea?

  9. #9
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malignanttoe View Post
    I'm thinking of unlocking Warforged to play as an Artificer. Good idea or bad idea?
    It helps with the self healing, certainly. But, this can be mitigated a bit by taking Construct Essence feat on a fleshie. However, as an Artificer, you should be able to use healing wands and scrolls at-level pretty easily via UMD.

    Personally, I went Helf with my Artificer for the Rogue Dilly and the Dragonmarks. I did take the Essence feat, and healing has never been an issue between that and Heal scrolls. I'd say it comes down far more on the side of personal preference then a game-changing difference.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    It helps with the self healing, certainly. But, this can be mitigated a bit by taking Construct Essence feat on a fleshie. However, as an Artificer, you should be able to use healing wands and scrolls at-level pretty easily via UMD.

    Personally, I went Helf with my Artificer for the Rogue Dilly and the Dragonmarks. I did take the Essence feat, and healing has never been an issue between that and Heal scrolls. I'd say it comes down far more on the side of personal preference then a game-changing difference.
    Cool. Thanks.

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