Originally Posted by
Mind = blown by this post sir. Thank you for it. The only problem I see is starting with 15 wisdom. That's 8 points I'd have to take out of constitution, dexterity or strength, which would cause issues later on. The possibility of such high AC while maintaining Evasion makes me drool, but I can't see having a 15 base wisdom.
Edit: This toon has no UMD currently, and can only get up to 11.5 ranks of UMD. I don't know what UMD is required to use shield(5/10) wands, but I imagine it's about 25-30. Will I even be able to get up to that level of UMD without a higher charisma stat?
Charisma; 8base +2tome +6item +2ship = 18 Charisma / +4 Cha mod.
Level 10 Shield wands are UMD 38, so you would need 37 UMD for nofail.
11Ranks +4 modifier +3item +6charismaskills GS (you will probably want that for Intim anyway) +2good luck +4greater heroism = 30, so about a 60% chance, only bad thing is that using shield wands all the time can get quite expensive.
However with a little more gear, you could get +5 umd instead of +3item, and +3enhancement from epic big top.
Now, if you are using +7 charisma from epic helm of frost, and a +3 tome, it would increase by another 1. giving you a 90% chance. Or well over 100% for a level 5 shield wand.
The way I started with 15wis and 15 dex was;
Note; 32point build.
16str +levelups
14con (a bit low, but 20 (24) hp isnt all that much.
Endgame should look a bit like this;
STR: 16base +5level +4enhancement +3tome +3profane (abishai set, which also gives a +3stacking AC) +6item +3exc +2ship +2yugo +6stance = 50
DEX: 15base +3tome +6item +2yugo +2exc +2ship = 30
CON: 14base +1enhancement +7item +3exc +3tome +2yugo +2ship +6stance = 38
INT: Not that important
WIS: 15base +1enhancement +6item +3tome +2ship +2yugo +3exc = 32
CHA: 08base +7item +3tome +2ship = 20
HP I calculated in planner;
180 Fighter
016 Monk
044 2 Toughness feats
030 Greater False Life
020 Toughness
010 Argo Favor
045 Shroud HP
060 Toughness Enhancements
280 Con
020 Barb Past life feat
020 Yugopot
20% Stance
870 Hitpoints
Forgetting things like Large Guild Slots (would result in 24more HP)
And +10% from Artificer (seeing as you will not always have one in the group)
Total would then be 983. Over 1k if you eat one of those Infernal Power cookies.
Intimidate could be;
023 Ranks
020 Intimidate on Epic Brawn's
005 Enhancement on Epic Gloves of the Claw
004 Enhancements
006 Stalwart
006 Shroud Charisma Skills
004 Greater Heroism
002 Good Luck
004 Deneith Intimi (If you take dragonmark feats)
002 Barbarian PL
002 Fighter PL
002 Bullheaded
003 SF: Intim
002 Dragonmark
001 Tenacious Badger
005 Charisma mod
091 Intimidate, though this is with all the gear available,
it's just an example for how high it can get.
Note; This is a LOT of effort to get all the gear listed, but its more or less something to strive for.