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  1. #1
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Default Third Tier of Triple Pos Weapon

    With the announced change to Greater Disruption making Triple-Pos Greensteel weapons suddenly appealing, I think I'm going to make a couple -- a quarterstaff and a great sword. They'll be used for some general DPS and as undead beaters.

    What I'm wondering about is which option to put on the 3rd tier. Good Blast is the obvious choice, but it's not that great -- especially with the 20x2 crit profile of a staff. I'm considering putting 30% Healing Amp there instead.

    30% amp isn't available on dragontouched. Where else is it available? I adore the +10% and +20% on my dragontouched, along with the 25% from my Jidz Tet-ka's. Healing amp is addictive once you start using it.

    Also, has anyone done the calculations to compare DPS of a Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast Triple Pos vs. a Holy/Good Burst/Healing Amp one?

    If it's a sacrifice of only, say, 5% DPS to gain an exceptionally useful effect that is hard/impossible to slot elsewhere, then that seems worth it to me.

    Any thoughts?
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  2. #2
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    you can get 30% off a sovereign rune for dragontouched armor I believe. you can also get it from gloves of the claw (epic version) or a greensteel weapon. 20% amp can come from a greensteel weapon (teir 2) or can be put on a tod ring.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  3. #3
    Community Member kernal42's Avatar
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    I agree that 30% healing amp appears much more appealing than good blast.

    It's slightly less appealing on an acrobat because you can't wield your qstaff and scroll-cast at the same time.

    Also, I haven't actually run the numbers to compare, but my impression is that good blast doesn't actually add very much.


  4. #4
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
    With the announced change to Greater Disruption making Triple-Pos Greensteel weapons suddenly appealing, I think I'm going to make a couple -- a quarterstaff and a great sword. They'll be used for some general DPS and as undead beaters.

    What I'm wondering about is which option to put on the 3rd tier. Good Blast is the obvious choice, but it's not that great -- especially with the 20x2 crit profile of a staff. I'm considering putting 30% Healing Amp there instead.

    30% amp isn't available on dragontouched. Where else is it available? I adore the +10% and +20% on my dragontouched, along with the 25% from my Jidz Tet-ka's. Healing amp is addictive once you start using it.

    Also, has anyone done the calculations to compare DPS of a Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast Triple Pos vs. a Holy/Good Burst/Healing Amp one?

    If it's a sacrifice of only, say, 5% DPS to gain an exceptionally useful effect that is hard/impossible to slot elsewhere, then that seems worth it to me.

    Any thoughts?
    The only source of healing amp 30 besides shroud weapons is the epic gloves of the claw.

    There is no healing amp sovereign rune or any other location.

  5. #5
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kernal42 View Post
    It's slightly less appealing on an acrobat because you can't wield your qstaff and scroll-cast at the same time.
    That's a good point, which didn't occur to me. Embarrassing! I wasn't planning on doing this for my current life (acrobat) but for future TRs -- and I chose quarterstaff simply because it's blunt damage that can be used by every class. But both weapons I was considering are two-handed, which rules out scroll healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    The only source of healing amp 30 besides shroud weapons is the epic gloves of the claw.

    There is no healing amp sovereign rune or any other location.
    Good to know. I was fairly certain about the sov rune, but thought it might be obtainable somewhere else. Well, that pretty much makes up my mind -- I may not end up going for a two-handed weapon, but I really do think my triple-pos will be a healing amp version.

    Thank you both!
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  6. #6
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    you can get 30% off a sovereign rune for dragontouched armor I believe. you can also get it from gloves of the claw (epic version) or a greensteel weapon. 20% amp can come from a greensteel weapon (teir 2) or can be put on a tod ring.
    EDIT: Junt's beat me to it.

    30% is not currently available on a soverign rune.

    Teir 3 Greensteel and Gloves of the Claw are your options.
    Server: Ghallanda
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  7. #7
    Community Member TheDjinnFor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardtrick View Post
    With the announced change to Greater Disruption making Triple-Pos Greensteel weapons suddenly appealing, I think I'm going to make a couple -- a quarterstaff and a great sword. They'll be used for some general DPS and as undead beaters.

    What I'm wondering about is which option to put on the 3rd tier. Good Blast is the obvious choice, but it's not that great -- especially with the 20x2 crit profile of a staff. I'm considering putting 30% Healing Amp there instead.

    30% amp isn't available on dragontouched. Where else is it available? I adore the +10% and +20% on my dragontouched, along with the 25% from my Jidz Tet-ka's. Healing amp is addictive once you start using it.

    Also, has anyone done the calculations to compare DPS of a Holy/Good Burst/Good Blast Triple Pos vs. a Holy/Good Burst/Healing Amp one?

    If it's a sacrifice of only, say, 5% DPS to gain an exceptionally useful effect that is hard/impossible to slot elsewhere, then that seems worth it to me.

    Any thoughts?
    Good blast is like 4d6 on a nat 20, is it not? Plus (crit mod +1)*1d6 on criticals in general. I would take the Heal Amp on the majority of my characters.

  8. #8
    Community Member EyeRekon's Avatar
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    I like to keep my crafted items theme-consistent. If you are making a weapon with the purpose of doing damage and disruption, then I'd keep the damage option on Tier-3. I wouldn't be hung up so much on crit-profile. For all we know, we could have future abilities to expand crit ranges and multipliers that will make weapons like a quarterstaff far more attractive.

    In other words, I wouldn't let the current state of the weapon profile discourage you from maintaining a clear, consistent purpose of the item.

    Healing amp is attractive, but you have alternatives for that same ability. If you took Healing amp, then you've mixed the purpose of your item and might find yourself wielding it for the amp instead of the damage options from Tier 1 & 2 - even when those options are not appropriate for the current situation.

    Keeping things consistent also helps you manage your inventory space, I think. If you won't be encountering undead or lots of evil creatures, leave it in your bank. But if you had Healing amp on it... well you'll want that around all the time.

  9. #9
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Good blast on a quarterstaff with improved critical:
    4d6 on vorpal
    3d6 on critical
    total = 4d6 + 2 * 3d6 = 10d6 = 35

    per swing = 35 / 20 = 1.75

    dps with haste = 1.75 * 113.3 / 60 = 3.30

    I don't know what Acrobats usually get for DPS, but I bet it's higher than 330, so Good Blast would be less than a 1% increase.

  10. #10
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    Good blast on a quarterstaff with improved critical:
    4d6 on vorpal
    3d6 on critical
    total = 4d6 + 2 * 3d6 = 10d6 = 35

    per swing = 35 / 20 = 1.75

    dps with haste = 1.75 * 113.3 / 60 = 3.30

    I don't know what Acrobats usually get for DPS, but I bet it's higher than 330, so Good Blast would be less than a 1% increase.
    Thanks, Kinerd. Yeah, my DPS is well above 330. You've just settled this for me for sure. An increase of 1.75 damage per swing is not worth nearly as much to me as 30% healing amp (which can only otherwise be obtained with a single epic item). Thanks again!

    Sadly, I have to spread some reputation around before I can hit you again, or that post would certainly be +1 worthy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wizard_Zero View Post
    One day I just wrote "Why Do I Die So Much?" in party chat, and that is how I learned about fortification.

  11. #11
    Stormreach Advisor

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    There is also the +2 exc. Con option.

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