anyone try the Ruined Signet out of the Lost Signet quest in the Phoenix Tavern
Or ion stones.
anyone try the Ruined Signet out of the Lost Signet quest in the Phoenix Tavern
Or ion stones.
Brotherhood of the Blood Xoriat
We are the blood,
We are the madness,
Hopefully this is not referring to JUST the shard of power, which has limited drops. I am thinking it is referring to something else. It seems like there was something else that I recently ran across on one of my characters on live that I noticed is a trinket, but was not something you would equip to a trinket slot. I can't remember what tho, I just know I lost it at some point when I double-clicked and it went to the trinket slot. It might have been something in crystal cove...
This might be the case for a number of ingredients tho, maybe even bronze tokens and tapestry shreds... I will have to look when I get a chance back in-game.
Although I am not saying any of these things mentioned can be stripped down to a 'craftable trinket' (interesting as that might be...), just trying to job my memory and maybe some of the rest of you might have noticed (or might be in-game right now and can check).
Murlaynd's Spoon?
Old crappy Ioun Stones with NO suppressed power?
Stone of Good Luck?
No Bloodrage Symbiot.
I would say more than moderately rare.. 1:50-1:100 chance drop. BTC as well so you cant farm it and pass it along through your account.
Only going to be farmable for mid-high level toons as well since it drops in von 4 and that quest can be problematic for less than well geared toons.
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
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I tried the following, they were not allowed to be deconstructed
Pearl or Power
Old version Ioun Stones
Stone of good luck
Revers Refugee Gems
Ruined Signet
Pearl of power is my guess. Not really a named item as it drops as many different levels of power.
Last edited by TiberiusofTyr; 04-06-2011 at 06:21 PM.
I wonder if you can deconstruct a shard of power, enchant it with w/e, and then use it in a greensteel recipe.
Star Firefall
20 Rogue Assasin
Currently on life 42 of 42 (Final Life!)
I was really looking forward to this crafting system to finally create useful items for my multiclass caster... Then found out the same update kills the only way of multiclassing casters anyway.
Sad panda.![]()
Casters should be able to multiclass too!
Give us our own version of a BAB! - Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Magic Rating
Regular shards are already too hard to get (1 chest) compared to other supreme (2 chests) and great shards (3 chests). If they are the only craftable trinkets that will become even worse, more people will be trying to get the fewer (than now) shards that are put for roll.
IMO each all three types of shards of power should be craftable in addition to pearls of power. Don't let the reaver's gems be craftable.
The drop rate on small shards was more than doubled a couple of updates ago. Supreme Shards are now the bottleneck for players with a lot of trading power - Large Scales for everyone else.
I wonder if you can craft on a Shard of Power, then whack some zany Greensteel recipe on it to have extra stuff come up when you link it. I'd test it, but every vendor I've tried on Lamannia (to buyback shards I vendored for inventory space) seems broken.
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
The drop rate on small shards was ninja-buffed through the roof some time ago. It's pretty rare to finish part 1 without 3-4 dropping. I've vendored a half dozen lately because nobody in the raid wanted it and I have 4 banked.Regular shards are already too hard to get (1 chest)
Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.
Added 'Attack Bonus +2' to one.
Next trick is to try using one in the Shroud altar...
Well using Holy Burst as the example, here's how I see it.
I can deconstruct holy burst and get about 30 ingredients.
To MAKE a holy burst I need 1024.
Thats 34 deconstructions.
If I sold 34 +3 Holy Burst weapons (Lets say thats the average) on my hagglebot, I'd get 111,622 plat.
Is a custom Holy Burst weapon worth 111k plat? Likely not. Even if I put that holy burst on a silver weapon, its still not likely worth 111k plat. Nevermind the cost and effort it takes to get to the level to be able to make a min level 8 weapon.
And these are bound shards. What will the cost be for unbound weapons? Because lets face it, if it takes 100 paralyzers to make a paralyzer, I can assure you it wont be worth the 350k plat in lost vendor trash sales to make it.
The ratios need to be adjusted.
Long Live New Xoriat
"I wish I had a chest so big you could zone into it." - Tolero at Gencon '07
Thank you Gary - 3/4/08