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  1. #21
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    The only thing I can think of is if you are going to sell a "open Quest on Elite" item, it should be "any quest for 3 hrs" vs a 1 shot deal... at least at the current price... spending 4 hrs to grind out points to spend to save yourself 10 minutes just isn't worth it in my opinion...

    Else, nothing... I'd actually like to see more store items in game... (have been lucky enough to loot a +3 lesser heart of wood, and a medium loot gem, so far so good)
    (Say): Haywire says, '"Hey, I don't come into yer home and play with things."'

  2. #22
    Community Member Dysmetria's Avatar
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    1) Raid Flagging (and perhaps for a much higher price, reflagging before your timer is up.) ~ Sometimes your friends and/or guild wants you to raid with them and it sucks not being able to do so.

    2) Named Drops and Epic Scrolls ~ Some people spend years farming stuff, others get them on the first try. It would be nice to give the unlucky ones a way to buy their desired drops instead of driving them to ragequit.

    3) Buffs ~ For when you die midrun, or just don't have an guild leveled to 85 with an airship, let us buy the airship buffs while inside the dungeon. We already can buy normal buffs in the form of potions, wands and scrolls and use them in dungeons.

    4) Preleveled Characters ~ Some people want to get their new characters to 20 fast so they can enjoy the endgame, especially those that have leveled thru the lower and mid levels many times before.

    5) Platinum ~ Farming coin is another grind many would pay to avoid.

  3. #23
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robshell View Post
    Well I would love to see the ability for VIP's to purchase adventure packs and other items available to f2p in the store. The rational being, I am switching from VIP to ftp, but cannot buy adventure packs, etc. until my sub runs out. Over the holidays, there were a ton of sales I would have liked to take part in, but was not able. Couldn't there be a warning before purchasing if perhaps people are worried that VIP's will be accidentally purchasing and getting angry?

    Love the store and the frequent updates btw. Awesome job!
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    1 - Allow VIPS to spend turbine points on quests and other items hidden from them because of the VIP purchase.
    I will "second" both of these since my suggested item (which suggested the same option) was removed.

    EDIT: LOL! At least I can rest knowing that I've been heard.

    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Last edited by Cauthey; 02-22-2011 at 12:32 PM.

  4. #24
    Founder Shaamis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing_Minds View Post
    Buy renames
    Buy server transfer
    Buy a last name change
    Preview how gear/clothing looks on the character before purchace like lotro does. None of this temp stuff currently used.
    Cleansing stones for cleansing greensteel in the store. I'm not saying make it cheep, but we'd still need to farm everything else.
    Race change.
    Sex change.

    Not the sex change thing specifically, but everything above Shaamis gives Two Thumbs and a Stein UP.
    Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!

  5. #25
    Community Member Kza's Avatar
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    1. Better xp pots. Xp pots that xp a 36:er as 34:er. I love xping, but want it to be faster than now.

  6. #26
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    epic scrolls. bound to account, of course...
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  7. #27
    Community Member SiliconShadow's Avatar
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    * Epic dungeon token fragments
    * Blueshine armours (+to hide)
    * Elven items (+to move silently)
    * Everbright weapons+1
    * The easier to get crafting collectables ie prayer beads but not the hard things like slight split soarwood

  8. #28
    Community Member k1ngp1n's Avatar
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    There isn't a single thing currently in game that I would like to see in the Store. Quite to the contrary, I want you to develop new content, not find ways to re-monetize already developed assets.
    Sarlona: Riyana | Ilyrae | Elaeria | Arlayh | Aryis | Lyanis | Yaera | Kyilsi | Malitae | Niariel | Laeriya
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  9. #29
    Community Member Tinrae's Avatar
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    Mostly cosmetic stuff for me:

    *Race change token [without reincarnation - Polymorph perhaps?]
    *Change character appearance [without reincarnation - just lets you change facial features]
    *Complete name change token [first and surname]
    *More hairstyles, dyes, appearance items, maybe weapon skin kits and fluff familiars for flavor?

    I honestly can't think of anything gameplay-wise I'd want to buy.
    I usually only ever buy content and cosmetics, so that's what I'd want to see more of.
    Nivinith Spellsinger Bard
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    it would be a much merrier world."
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  10. #30
    Community Member GovtMule's Avatar
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    Here we go....

    The ability to buy a level 20 character *ducks for cover*

    ...but I am serious
    ... I hate you all. really.

  11. #31
    Community Member Dendrix's Avatar
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    1) unbind an item. Remove the binding to character (and any associated alchemical power-up on the item)

    2) GreeenSteel Deconstruction. Get back a bag full of the items that went to make that greensteel item.

    3) Remove a Raid/Epic Timer

    4) Epic Scroll "blanks" i.e. buy a Vault of Night blank scroll that would work for any VoN epic combine as the scroll portion.

  12. #32
    Community Member dimster28's Avatar
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    34 character point
    36 character point

    both affect account, any character can be made with 34 or 36 point, but no past life benefits

    comestic helmet kits, work same as comestic armor kits do

    race change reincarnation

    +3 and +4 tomes

  13. #33
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    An Item that changes looted "Bind to Character" items into "Bound to Account, Binds to Character on Equip".

    I never get the item I want to drop for X class when playing X class.

  14. #34
    Community Member Keybreaker's Avatar
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    We can already respec classes/levels through Lesser and Greater Reincarnation. Recently alignment changes were added to the store.

    I would like to see the following respec options as well:

    (1) Sex/Gender
    (2) Race

    The Sex/Gender respec would be a cosmetic change-only. I personally don't like female horcs or male elves... My subjective aversion is so great that it limits my TR options since sex cannot be changed, even after dying in a fire and being reborn...

    The Race respec would require at least a Lesser Reincarnation to adjust attributes. This would be more complicated than the Sex respec, but doesn't seem like an unreasonable Reincarnation option.

    Keybreaker, Exalted Tyrants

  15. #35
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    emote packs ... thats 'packs', not just the odd one or two, passive movements and ones you have to activate pref with an option for an icon you can drag to toolbar if you wanted.. could show in feats under an emote category that also shows its ./command

    lesser soulstone heart - allows a character to be totally consumed into their xp equivalent ( even just half of the xp they have) to then be able to be consumed by any other alt u have, needs shared bank space to go in for you to choose which alt consumes the xp.

  16. #36
    Community Member dkyle's Avatar
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    If we're allowed to propose new things:

    1. Cosmetic armor slot: adds a new armor slot to all characters that can be filled with any armor, LotRO-style. That armor will be shown instead of the real armor, while the real armor continues to apply its functional properties. Only disallow technically infeasible pairings, like putting fleshy appearences on WF, and vice versa. Free to VIPs

    2. If #1 is unacceptably non-lucrative, Illusory armor conversion: Available for each of the 11 kit designs (outfit, robes, light armor, skirts, docents, etc.), can be applied to an armor to make that armor appear with that specific kit design. So the DT Robe I made because DT Light Armor is lousy, and DT Outfits are hideously ugly, can look like the Light Armor or Outfit kits I like. Only disallow technically infeasible pairings, like putting fleshy appearances on WF, and vice versa.

    3. A Race-changing LR

    4. First/Last-name change, as in-store items

    5. Gender-changing: it's ridiculous that even a TR can't change gender

    2, 3, and 5 would also be available in-game through loot.

  17. #37
    Community Member Synnestar35791's Avatar
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    Exclamation +5 Paralyzing Metalline **weapon** of Pure Good

    that would be a start, since I have yet to see both enhancements on a single weapon, and since Greensteel is a craftable....

  18. #38
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post
    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Race change! I realize it's technically not exactly in the game, but you can achieve it by TR'ing. The process would be almost the same as a Lesser Reincarnation, except that (1) you are not allowed to change any class, and (2) you are allowed to change your race.

    Name change: I believe it's currently a separate premium feature? Anyway it should be available in the store.

  19. #39
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dendrix View Post
    1) unbind an item. Remove the binding to character (and any associated alchemical power-up on the item)

    2) GreeenSteel Deconstruction. Get back a bag full of the items that went to make that greensteel item.

    3) Remove a Raid/Epic Timer

    4) Epic Scroll "blanks" i.e. buy a Vault of Night blank scroll that would work for any VoN epic combine as the scroll portion.
    All of your points are definitely good ones, but I would love to see #1. Make it unbind until equipped.
    How can you not love Bacon? Even PIGS love bacon.

  20. #40
    Community Member PNellesen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuarterMasterM View Post


    What items/features currently in the game would you like to see added to the Store (aside from the ability for VIPs to buy quest packs)? Please list no more than 5!
    Edit: After reconsideration, although it's not an in-game feature, deconstruction of ANY crafted item (Greensteel/Lordsmarch-Attack on Stormreach/Suppressed Power, etc.) would be very nice.

    I still would also like the opposite - in-store items that can be found/bought in-game.
    Last edited by PNellesen; 02-24-2011 at 07:32 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

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