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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Hoglum's Avatar
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    Default Some things I’ve learned.

    I’ve been playing and having a blast with this game. There’s a lot to learn and I have a long ways to go. That’s good news. One thing that has taken some time other than learning to survive and build a decent character is inventory management. While I’m sure more experienced players may have better methods than myself, here are some things that have helped me get this under control.

    -After adventures, I go to a general vendor and sell everything yucky. Get some money. Remember to repair everything. Even a barkeep can repair. I make sure I have grape juice & turkey legs or something for the tavern. If one dies in an adventure, you can get back in if you’re back within 5 minutes (if I remember the rule right). Eat, drink, then repair and get back to the dungeon. Between dungeons, while selling off the junk, using the vendors sell list seems a better way to review what you found rather than looking through your backpack. If you’re in a dungeon and find something obviously cool, equip it while you’re still there. While selling, though, you get to see a list of everything you’ve found which is much better than perusing the icons in your backpack. Keep what’s good, sell the rest.

    -Concerning the collectables. The collectables can take up lots of room, even if you have the small collectibles bag. The bag, if you don’t have one, can be found at the bottom of the stairs of the Leaky Dinghy from Mari Mosshand. Cashing in collectibles can be quite lucrative and yield some nice items. This was my best source of good arrows until a recent mail I received due to some favor I earned. That’s another story for another time. Anyhow, look at some of the collectibles in the bag and it will tell you who wants what. Then, check the map and it shows little purple dots that you can hover over. The purple dots are the collectors who want this stuff. You can proceed to run around and cash in these items. You can also pick and choose what you keep and destroy by using this guide to collectibles: It can take some time, so finding a quick way to take care of this is essential. Actively managing these and find a quick path to sell the collectibles/ cash in has really helped me increase my wealth.

    -Use a quick action bar to put items you can switch out. Wands, various boots, rings, etc. that can be used for one shot items can be quickly equipped, used, then replace with your main item. One thing I really like about this game is you can have, say, boots of tumbling that are always active. If you have boots that cast feather fall for example, you can click a hot key for the feather fall boots, cast feather fall, then quickly put your tumble boots back on. The feather fall effect doesn’t go away. Great feature in the game. It makes the one, two, or three shot items worth keeping. They also recharge.

    Anyhow, I just think it’s important to take some time and learn to manage inventory. When I play with my girlfriend I’ve noticed that shopping may take up more time than adventuring. I’m not allowed to complain, so I shut my trap like a good beau. She winds up doing it right in the end. She’s like the batman of dungeon quests. Even though she never has room to collect more treasure, she has some gadget or another for every possible scenario.

    Last of all, here’s my noob story of the day. I went to the Haunted Library. The golem in the beginning cursed me. I shall now keep remove curse handy. Lesson learned. I almost made it to the shrine where I could load a remove curse spell, but died first. Bummer, I ran back in as quickly as I could. I jump in the pit with a bunch of undead. I fight until I’m hurting. I hit my healing hotkey. It doesn’t work. Dang, I hit it again and again. I’m not healing. I die a second time. What did they do that I couldn’t use my healing? Well, I look at my hotkey and find out at some point I’d clicked my mouse on it and removed it entirely. There was no action whatsoever in the number I was hitting. Two deaths, then I did the rest of the dungeon just fine but it cost a lot of XP. One death I could deal with since I didn’t know about curses just yet, but the second one was a real bummer because I inadvertently sabotaged my own hotkey.

  2. #2
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum View Post
    Sounds like you are getting things figured out. What server are you on? If you are on Khyber, let me know and I can send you some stuff.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bahgs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    Sounds like you are getting things figured out. What server are you on? If you are on Khyber, let me know and I can send you some stuff.
    You have any gear with pluses to server drama on it? I hear that is required on Khyber.
    - Bahgs

  4. #4
    Community Member Trillea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum View Post
    Anyhow, I just think it’s important to take some time and learn to manage inventory. When I play with my girlfriend I’ve noticed that shopping may take up more time than adventuring. I’m not allowed to complain, so I shut my trap like a good beau. She winds up doing it right in the end. She’s like the batman of dungeon quests. Even though she never has room to collect more treasure, she has some gadget or another for every possible scenario.
    Congrats on getting your GF to play, ya lucky bastige..

    Sounds like you are coming along well, if you play on Thelanis and you see someone named Selee come online send me a tell!
    Quote Originally Posted by Philam View Post
    I nominate you as head developer of DDO!
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    That tears it. I need to get a donkey.
    Concentrated power is the enemy of liberty - Ronald Reagan

  5. #5
    Community Member stainer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bahgs View Post
    You have any gear with pluses to server drama on it? I hear that is required on Khyber.
    I maxed my drama enhancements, drama skills and took SF: Drama. I have a 89 drama unbuffed. I can hold a mods agro on a roll of 1.

  6. #6
    Community Member Film's Avatar
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    Default +1

    +1 to the OP and Stainer!
    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear brighter before they speak. Characters: All start with Film. Loreseeker Elder

  7. #7
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoglum View Post
    Well, I look at my hotkey and find out at some point I’d clicked my mouse on it and removed it entirely. There was no action whatsoever in the number I was hitting. Two deaths, then I did the rest of the dungeon just fine but it cost a lot of XP. One death I could deal with since I didn’t know about curses just yet, but the second one was a real bummer because I inadvertently sabotaged my own hotkey.
    CTRL + = will lock your hotbars.
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Hoglum's Avatar
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    Thank you, that will help a lot. I recently figured out the reputation thing on these boards & even though you're not the first to give me some good advice, you are the first I've given a "+1" to.

  9. #9
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    I'm going to try banking all the collectibles and take them out all at once for trade runs. I have dozens of different items that don't add up to anything.
    Also have a bad habit of equipping **** gear and saving my best items. One must live for the day!

  10. #10
    Community Member Elphvyra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stainer View Post
    I maxed my drama enhancements, drama skills and took SF: Drama. I have a 89 drama unbuffed. I can hold a mods agro on a roll of 1.
    Until a Mod casts Banish on you....
    That which does not kill me, dies....

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The bug is really mind-twisting. It's like minions of Xoriat are chewing on my brain.

  11. #11
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    In regards to collectables. If you have the funds, watch for sales on the Huge Collectable bag in the DDO store. When you have one of those it is near impossible to 'fill-up' on collectables and it can make a big difference in game play.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

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