Here's the situation, lets say your in a raid, more over lets say your in a guild raid where a degree of loyalty is expected AND your in some integral roll like mane healer or something and your girlfriend or what have you walks in and says she want's... hmm, how do I word this on a forum that kids read... you know... she wants the only thing that would make most guys like us even consider bailing on a guild raid half way through, you know what I mean. *WINK WINK*
This is a toughy because on one hand any guy who would put any video game above a real woman has no business calling himself a man but at the same time dems ya boyz you can't bail on em for a woman can ya?
What's the right course of action here, bail on your guild or lose your girlfriend? Another thing to consider is if your one of the guild members on the other side of this and you guildy bails on you because his GF wants some action what is an appropriate response?
To compare notes lets put this question to the ladies, and I know there are some ladies who play DDO, what do you do if your man walks in the room and he wants some "Special time" while your in a guild raid? I suspect that the most popular answer will be something along the lines of, "never gonna happen cause hes in the raid with me," but I doubt that's a blanket situation so assume for this scenario that he's not and he's feeling randy baby, yeah!
I personally would say sorry guys duty calls and bail on the raid, but I have known guys who've told there ladies to bugger off, and I mean like all rude to, "Cant you see I'm in a raid woman?!" kinda thing. Naturally they got dumped. No surprise there, he had it coming, I mean no woman likes to be second place to a computer.
I guess my question is, in this situation am I a jerk for leaving the raid to be with my lady? I'm just curious as to what the community thinks and if your one of those players that still think girls have cooties don't bother responding to this post your to young to understand the dilemma anyway.