I was looking around the 3.5 SRD (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Tumble_Skill & http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/tumble.htm & http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#tumble) and found an interesting tidbit about tumble and its effect on fighting defensively, or as it's known in DDO - Defensive Fighting and started thinking about how we could maybe implement this to help out this feat that rarely sees the light of day.
One of the issues that has long been said to the Devs is that skills don't really mean much in this game if it isn't of the following:Special
If you have 5 or more ranks in Tumble, you gain a +3 dodge bonus to AC when fighting defensively instead of the usual +2 dodge bonus to AC. If you have 25 or more ranks in Tumble, you gain a +5 dodge bonus when fighting defensively instead. Increase this dodge bonus by +1 for every 10 additional ranks above 25 you have.
Search, Disable, Open Locks, Use Magic Device, and Balance (Recent addition: Intimidate)
Honorable Mentions: Tumble, Concentration, Hide/Move Silently, and Spot/Listen
The bottom five or six are situational/player specific and aren't as called for as the above 5, and when I found the above SRD quote, I thought that it might be a way to give a boost to the usefulness of a skill and a feat.
Defensive Fighting is pretty much deactivated from using anything but a regular gulping animation potion, so, so this still doesn't make it an absolute end all is all plus for the feat.
The question comes into play though as to where we might cap this off so as to not make Combat Expertise become a relic feat only viewed in a museum, thus I propse the following, divide Defensive Fighting into a Tier like structure with different activation levels like Trap the Soul has. It could work something like the following:
Tier I
+2-4 AC at -4 to hit
Tier II
+5-6 at -6 to hit
Tier III
+7-9 at -8 to hit
Considering the final tier would be VERY hard to hit at a constant rate, it allows for the extremes for the feat to be reached while also not allowing it to be fully overpowered and replacing Combat Expertise for a +7-9 at -4 to hit.
What does everyone think?