FB - Frenzied Berserker
WOE or WoE - Weakening of Enfeebling
MoBB - Maladroit of Bone Breaking
FB - Frenzied Berserker
WOE or WoE - Weakening of Enfeebling
MoBB - Maladroit of Bone Breaking
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
Shotgun is from the normal DnD game, though it is slang.
A level 9 wand of MM shoots 5 missles, and is usually called a shotgun for that reason.
A wand of IGMS would be more impressive, but you cant put a spell of that level in a wand.
I noticed your missing a big one.
TPK - Total Party Kill.
If you want to compare and see if we're missing any from each other's list. Mine's probably less complete.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I'm waiting for my DDO installer to download and I'm reading through the forums. I came across an acronym that is not posted in this thread: TP.
I found it in this thread
I'm sure its something I would have figured out in my first two minutes playing but it'll be about 3 hours before that happens. Thanks in advance.
Noobily Yours,
TP stands for Turbine Point. It's the currency used in the DDO Store.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
i modified this thread, the compendium, and the mac thread with additions from your list
ill take a look at it later. i noticed that you had already put tp in it though, that had to be fairly recent.
added tp to ... thanks for the definition, and thanks to the person that asked what it is.
i think i got them all alphabetized right ... somehow they got way out of whack. lol.![]()
Last edited by Shal; 09-19-2009 at 08:27 AM.
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
I make additions when I think about it but I do not work on it as exhaustively as you do.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
i havent played with the wiki yet, is the wiki coding the same as the compendium coding? or am i going to have to learn a new set of coding to use the wiki? lol. i was going to deck the compendium out with cool features and neat tables and stuff, but i wanted to keep it simple in the event somebody else edited the page and didnt have the know how to fit it all into place.
i suspect the links that are found in the keywords are going to be different, but the rest should be pretty easy. it seems the majority of the terms and accronyms have been brought up now and the influx has slowed so keeping up with it shouldnt be a problem. i have time later today, ill get started on it then.![]()
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
We both use MediaWiki so the major part should be identical. While there are differences, I don't think it's something you will notice.
In 99.9% of the time, copy/past from one to the other will work with the exception of internal links (which may be different from a wiki to another for obvious reasons).
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.