compendium links have been added to the listing, and a Compendium Page is also available now.
compendium links have been added to the listing, and a Compendium Page is also available now.
Last edited by Shal; 07-30-2009 at 12:41 PM.
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
Here's one:
This stands for: 'Why am I not moving?!?!?!'![]()
On my server (Khyber) this quest is pretty much never refered to as ADQ. The acronym used almost 100% of the time is DQ1 (Against the Demon Queen - Chapter 1)
With DQ2 referring to the raid itself.
GA - Greataxe
DA - Dwarven AXe
ISO - In Seek Of (not commonly used in DDO, tho it is a common mmo term)
added m/a
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
added byoh
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
Hmmm lets see....
Intimitank = A very high AC and/or DR character who uses intimidate to draw agro.
Splash = When you take just a few levels of another class.
Shield wall = Characters line up in close proximity between obstacles to form a line monsters can't cross. Generally a character on the other side of the wall then casts spells at the monsters.
Box of Rocks = Opening a chest to find it full of gemstones as rewards. (often the worst treasure possible)
Shinies = The sparkling collectible nodes in dungeons or the correctable items you get from the.
Ransack = When you have opened a chest so many times in one day its level of treasure starts to degrade and eventually offers no treasure.
A Run = Doing a quest that is done in a fairly methodical way for a specific purpose. Ex Loot Run, or Lets Run Delera's. Sometimes it only means doing a quest.
Stone(s) = Soul stones that are left over after you die where your ghost is bound. They can be picked up and carried.
Ghost run = When players intentionally die and someone carries their stone through the quest instead of trying to physically follow through the quest and risk getting stuck or left behind. Much frowned upon as a tactic.
Power Leveling = Getting more powerful characters to run quests while you tag along. There are limits in DDO to how far you can take this tactic.
Disco Inferno = Firewall + Ottos Dancing Sphere
Coyle = An infamous NPC you must protect in the Threnal East quests who dies quite easily and has a love of dangerous opponents.
Finger = Finger of Death
Healbot = A character dedicated to healing and who does little else in a quest.
Battle Cleric / Battle X = A caster who likes to and is built to fight in melee combat.
Dump stat = A starting statistic you put no build points into.
Trap Monkey = A rogue specialized for doing traps and locks. Alternately anyone with those skills.
Power 5 = +5 equivalent weapon effects, most of which can instantly kill monsters on a good roll. (Vorpal, Paralyzing, Banashing, Smiting, Disrupting)
WOP = Wounding of Puncturing. A popular weapon effect combination.
Chump Block = When you go tank even though you are likely to die in the process.
Stealth Humping = Pushing jump while in stealth mode, often in proximity to someone you love.
Spamming = 1. Doing the same attack/spell over and over again. 2. Sending unsolicited in game mail.
Gold farmers/Spammers = Folks selling in game currency.
Great idea for this thread... I remember being a newbie 3 years ago and being confused by postings for "ww" or "vons" and wondering what/where the heck that was. And then there was "bio". Why do people spend so much time working on their bios for thier chars while we are waiting for more to join the party and why are they bothing to tell us?![]()
added ...
Intimitank, Splash, Shield wall, Box of Rocks, Shinies, Ransack, Run, Stone(s), Ghost Run, Power Leveling, Disco Inferno, Coyle, Finger, Healbot, Battle Cleric, Dump Stat, Trap Monkey, Power 5, WOP, Chump Block, Stealth Humping, Spamming, Gold Farmers or Spammers
thanks sigtrent
i also added links to the compendium in some of them, and updated the compendium page.![]()
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
added ... AFAIK - As Far As I Know
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
Just like arcane is looking for a wiz/sor sometimes brd. Divine is looking for a Clr or FvS. Divine casters.
AA- Arcane archer
DS- Deepwood sniper
SR - Spell Resistance
SP - Spell Penetration (Feat)
Not sure if it exists in DDO, but
shotgun - lvl 9 wand of MM
Last edited by MtrSmith; 08-30-2009 at 12:23 PM.
got it
got itAA- Arcane archer
never heard of it, are you thinking of a different game?DS- Deepwood sniper
got itSR - Spell Resistance
got itSP - Spell Penetration (Feat)
would be a cool terminology for the wand of eternal magic missles. lol. hot sure if it exists. what game are you thinking of?Not sure if it exists in DDO, but
shotgun - lvl 9 wand of MM
Wednesday night - MAC Extreme PDGet your PD on!
Deepwood Sniper is a Ranger Prestige Enhancement.Originally Posted by Shal
Server - Thelanis