Quote Originally Posted by Grymli View Post
My sense of the servers prior to the free transfers was that Argo and Orien were overpopulated and had too much lag, Wayfinder was dead as disco, and the remaining, mid-size servers were... OK.

As I understand it, the point of allowing transfers was to enable players from Orien and Sarlona, who had been blocked from transferring home from the hardcore server, to return home.

Instead, we're seeing numerous players jumping from less-active servers to Orien and Sarlona... creating even less activity on mid-size servers like Thelanis, Khyber, Ghallanda, Cannith, and play-crippling lag on already-overpopulated Orien. Not cool, cool I myself jumped from Argo to Sarlona looking for less lag... only to discover I wasn't the only one with the idea. If this ends with enough players making the same move to bring the lag with us, I will cry

Unless the goal is to make all servers less attractive, please do something to fix this. Soon. Gamers have short attention spans. We're seeing a lot of returning players at the moment. Don't give them a reason not to stay.

If you are to believe the audit, lets all shame Ghallanda.