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  1. #41
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback, theweehours.

    I've updated those values in the tables. I've also added a re-scan of enhancements from the DDO Compendium to my list of "Things To Do".

    I'm holding off on a new version until I can get the True Reincarnate benefits completely added in. Since my RL schedule has become fairly hectic of late, that may take a bit of time. I also want to get the new PrE effects added (currently, they exist only as entries in the Enhancements lists and all effects have to be manually added in the Miscellany rows of each table) before uploading a new version.

    In the interim, if you were interested in updating just those values you mentioned, they are in the hidden sheet "Lists" under the "Enhancement_List" named range.

  2. #42
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Uploaded v1.2.5

    I have never gotten around to squaring AC and Hit/Damage up with the Fighter and Paladin prestige classes, so those sections can only give you a relative baseline.

    The sheet also supports Half-Orcs --- at least the stat portion, since we don't have enhancement lists, etc. yet.

  3. #43
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    Uploaded v1.2.5
    Where's the link?

  4. #44
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    Where's the link?
    See the OP

  5. #45
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    That's funny...when I checked, the OP hadn't been updated since Feb.

  6. #46
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    You caught me .. I didn't update the OP initially, but since the URL didn't change, I didn't figure I needed to. After you called me out, I changed the parenthetical note after the tinyurl link to reflect the proper file size and version.

    Have a nice day

  7. #47
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    You caught me .. I didn't update the OP initially, but since the URL didn't change, I didn't figure I needed to. After you called me out, I changed the parenthetical note after the tinyurl link to reflect the proper file size and version.

    Have a nice day
    Binnsr - Are you guys going to update this spreadsheet for the helves and horcs?

  8. #48
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunga View Post
    Binnsr - Are you guys going to update this spreadsheet for the helves and horcs?
    Its in the works. I've got most of the kinks out of the new stuff added, but don't feel confident enough in it to drop an update yet.
    Hopefully sometime this week.

  9. #49
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    v2.0 is uploaded with the U7 updates -- there's a new download url as well,

    Notably absent still are most of the PrE updates since Unlimited launch last year. I took a pseudo break from the game for a while and haven't gotten everything that I missed into the planner. At this time, Fighter Kensei II Power Surge is the only one that is fully implemented.

    This version also resolves some buff stacking issues - mostly in the attack/damage category, but includes a few fixes in the saves/skills areas as well.

    thanks for using this tool and let me know if you find anything that is broken

  10. #50
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing it with the community.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  11. #51
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Apparently, there are new issues with openOffice and this planner. I'll be installing OO tonight and giving it a run-through to see if I can narrow down what is going wrong (although initially, it sounds like the cell validation incompatibilities that were causing problems on older versions of OpenOffice).

    Will update again once I've got a better handle on what's going wrong here.

  12. #52
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    I have updated the links with a few bug-fixes (and removed some hidden sheets that were bloating the file-size).

    • There was an external link contained in one of the named ranges. this has been removed.
    • In OpenOffice, the Enhancement cost values were displaying as '#N/A'
    • In OpenOffice, the Combat stance row in Attack/Damage (row 57) was displaying Error 511. The spare comma in one of the OR() functions has been removed.
    • In OpenOffice, the value in A1 displays as #Value instead of the sheet name. I am still researching this one, but since this is a purely cosmetic cell, it is safe to ignore this error.

    I've also added an .ods link into the OP - links to the updated files are also below. (this is a ~233kb Excel 2007 spreadsheet)
    Last edited by binnsr; 11-08-2010 at 10:05 PM. Reason: removed *.ods file link

  13. #53
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    The OpenOffice version shows #NAME? in the class feats drop-down for me.

    OpenOffice 3.2.1 and a fresh update of Java. Anyone else having this problem?

    Downloaded the xlsx to check if it has the same problem. OpenOffice opened it just fine, no problems. (It was pretty fast, too.)

    Saved the xlsx to OpenOffice *.ods format, opened the new one, same problem.

    Saved slsx to xls format, opened the new one, no problems.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  14. #54
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    The OpenOffice version shows #NAME? in the class feats drop-down for me.

    OpenOffice 3.2.1 and a fresh update of Java. Anyone else having this problem?

    Downloaded the xlsx to check if it has the same problem. OpenOffice opened it just fine, no problems. (It was pretty fast, too.)

    Saved the xlsx to OpenOffice *.ods format, opened the new one, same problem.

    Saved slsx to xls format, opened the new one, no problems.
    Perhaps it's an issue with translating office 2007 to open-office format that doesn't exist when you've already back-revved the file to Office 2003?

    I've not yet had an opportunity to work on replicating this and/or resolving it -- have spent the last 24 hours at the office working issues When I get home later and have had a chance to catch up on some sleep, I'll update the *.ods file with one generated from a 2003-formatted template

  15. #55
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    The saved xls file is fine in OOo though, so a headsup to anyone else using OOo right now to just not use the *.ods file.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  16. #56
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    I've updated my files using Irinis' technique for generating the .ods file.

    I think, in my paranoid old age, that Microsoft doesn't properly do the conversions in a subtle effort to steer folks away from competing products.

    Anyway, if you continue to have issues with the .ods files, let me know and I'll probably just drop the .ods file from the site since it seems that Calc has no problems importing the xlsx file itself.


    edit: please note that the file size on the .ods file has risen to 142240 bytes.

  17. #57
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    It's been fine on all the builds I tested so far. One thing though, total HP doesn't seem to be counting Rage spell when that's turned to ON. Is that WAI?
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  18. #58
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    It's been fine on all the builds I tested so far. One thing though, total HP doesn't seem to be counting Rage spell when that's turned to ON. Is that WAI?
    1. Something broke in mine and it wasn't counting Rage spell +2 to CON so HP wasn't changing with Rage spell set to ON. Just copied the STR to the CON and hope that didn't break something else.

    2. There's something odd about the SP calculation for Bards, I have 40 CHA at level 20 and nowhere near the SP the spreadsheet tells me I should have: 1685 base. I have 960 base sp. No idea how to change the code for that.

    525 bard 20 = 50 at level 1, 25 per level after
    435 cha mod 29 x 15 @ 40 cha
    200 spellsinger
    60 Bard Energy of Music III (required for Spellsinger II)
    =1220 I have right now before items. I WISH I had 1685!

    Also, Spellsinger II is another 100 sp and +2 to UMD and Concentration.

    IF(U4>=6;IF(VLOOKUP("Bard SpellSinger I";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0

    Replace with:
    =SUM(IF(U4>=6;IF(VLOOKUP("Bard SpellSinger I";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0);IF(U4>=12;IF(VLO OKUP("Bard SpellSinger II";$AM$1:$AN$65536;2;0);100;0);0))

    I think. Been a while since Excel.

    I haven't attempted to fix the UMD stuffs yet.

    3. Archmage item shouldn't stack with Shroud I, but if I select both Archmage and Shroud I+II+III it stacks. Not sure if that's easily fixed in the code but obviously can choose to select only Shroud II+III if you select Archmage.
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  19. #59
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    My working copy locally has the CON and SpellSinger issues fixed. I've also added Orcish Power Rage to the Strength section as well.

    I'm aware of the stacking issue with shroud I and the other Power/Magi items, but haven't gotten around to fixing it yet - I've put it on the short list, though.

    What's wrong with UMD calculations? My copy doesn't show anything wrong with UMD but then, my mind is mush these days and I may have corrected something and just don't recall it.

  20. #60
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Default v2.1

    Missed the UMD part of your previous post -- I'm a bit slow sometimes

    I've completed a few more fixes and additions, mostly based on feedback in the thread and via PMs. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback

    Fixed in this update:
    • Corrected/Added SpellSinger II spellpoints - thanks Irinis for the specific breakdown. It showed me exactly where I was missing some settings.
    • Added in the SpellSinger UMD/Concentration Bonuses
    • Orcish Rage now adds to Str/Con for Barbarian Rage properly now
    • Fixed various barbarian rage-related fields (broken when I moved the Rage on/off up 1 row)
    • Added stalwart defender/Defender of Siberys Defensive Stances
    • Added stalwart defender passive ac and intimidate bonuses
    • Added shavarath SD/DoS set AC bonuses
    • In order to de-conflict Shroud I bonuses stacking with power/magi items, I simplified the whole thing. If you have Shroud I on an item, use Wizardry VI in the 'Power Item' field.
    • Added Pale Master hitpoints
    • ArchMage SpellPoint bonuses and penalties

    Ended up being quite a few changes in this revision, so as always, please let me know if something isn't working as expected.

    Finally, the new xlsx file size is 241859 (237kb) and because of cell-length limitations in Excel 2003, I was unable to properly save the sheet to that format in order to convert it to .ods format. Therefore, I've removed the .ods file from my site and previous posts.
    Last edited by binnsr; 11-08-2010 at 10:21 PM.

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