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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Apr 2006

    Default Do YOU range Helos???

    Got in a PUG yesterday for SC elite, we were breezing through the quest, no problem. We got to Helos, and they all start running around the corner to range him. I was like CMON guys lets just charge him and kill him!! Helos is a PANSY!! They insisted "playing it safe" so I said fine, I'll just kill him myself. Forgot to maximize and got myself incapped. Ahhh well, it was fun

    Why do people insist on using stupid glitches? Helos is a wimp. I'll be glad when the AI fix goes in and mobs won't let themselves get exploited like this. However, until then...I call for a server-wide NO HELOS EXPLOIT movement until mod 4.

    Something about ranging him just makes me feel dirty, and cowardly.

  2. #2
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Same thing I do to that chump Zared Mighty Hoof on Elite.

    example... (sadly in a PuG)

    Zared is that named mino in one of the caves of Gwylans that can be a holy terror if you try tanking him and since it would seem most players that play a caster will lay down a ton of Crowd Control (that Zared will walk right through) instead of just doing Direct Damage via spell.

    Anyway my caster doesn't Crowd Control, I play him to take out key elements of a mob that will make a fight get out of hand (example: casters die first.)
    So here I was Gwylans Stand on Elite with a PuG in cave with Zared Mighty Hoof. The main tank was calling for Crowd Control all over the place. I explained to him that I don't have crowd control but if it'd make him feel better I'd use a wand to give him Nuetralize Poison.
    I told the tanks to get aggro and I promise that Zared Mighty Hoof would be dead at their feet before they swong their weapon once. The main tank grumbled that this was a party wipe and I played a gimp caster.
    Lo and Behold.... the tanks get the aggro and Zared crumples to the floor right in front of the main right before he starts swinging his mighty sword.

    Pen truly is mightier than the sword...

    I am, Rameses!

    and this had nothing to do with the OP
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    You don't BUFF either I hear....what is Darkrage gonna do???

  4. #4
    Community Member Allorious's Avatar
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    Poor remember, his cleric doesnt have DV's. So when he's on rage complaining about no buffs...tell him you dont buff ppl who dont have a cleric with DV's.

    Reagarding Helos, I was in a PUG yesterday that headed around that dreadful corner to hide and shoot, but me being the nice quiet type you all know willed them (shamefully calling them assorted adjectives) into charging and killing helos on elite without anyone even losing half life.

    Similarly, is there anyone that actually still kills the earth elle at the end of SC? It's sometimes difficult to explain to a PUG that the final fight requires only fighters aggro and MM. Never waste time on the elle.

  5. #5
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    once i laid down 5 blade barriers and the wiz surrounded them with solid fog...
    he was dead before he got to the ramp...
    poor Helios!
    tanks were furrious.
    some one said it was a "thing of beauty"

  6. #6
    Community Member Khestral's Avatar
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    Of course I range him... when I play a caster I stand at the back of the beatdown group and cast stuff at him...
    I don't need to walk on water when I know that I can run on wine.

  7. #7
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    Aspenor, I am sure I will buff if it absolutely is needed, but come on. Which tank really needs a blur on normal or hard content.
    If someone asks for a haste, I'd be inclined to hand one out now that I have extend.

    And I love Darkrage (dress wearing barbarians are the best) but if he's out of Rages I'd hook him up to keep him alive.

    Then I can tell "I just saved your life, Rage"

    I am, Rameses! and I support no buffing. hehe
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

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