Yeah, I got that one. It turns out when I did the parser for the enhancements, I forgot to set up the save effects to read in as a vector rather than just an integer. Basically what it means is that any enhancement that affects more than one type of save is going to bork the numbers. I fixed that yesterday.
I think I'm probably going to release a new version, maybe as early as this weekend. I've already fixed a fair number of bugs with the new enhancement system, and fixed three of the four "Known Issues". I think they're significant enough to warrant a new upload, especially with that Saves bug (and also an HP calculation bug that was fixed).
It all depends on how far I can get. I have a good start on getting the enhancement graphics back into their correct places, and I'd like to finish, and if I have time, maybe get one more equipment type in. We'll see how it goes.
Not to mention, I wouldn't mind getting a little DDO play time in while the Anniversary event is going on
As for the level cap increase, yes, I'll be working on that soon. I can at least set up for the new spells and get the interface all ready, even if we don't have all the data. But it will be a couple of weeks before that's ready, at least.