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  1. #661
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    I was wondering what the feasability of adding an export option to a plain text or word file or something would be so that it would display it like the forum display minus all the code.

    I know you can open the save files, but it doesn't necessarily display it in a real easy format to read.

  2. #662
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Should be easy to do, it's just what going out now to the clipboard, only without the BB tags. The problem is that I am HEAVILY occupied with my own game project right now (and for the forseable future) [not a MMOG, I'm not that crazy, hehe]. This is bascially the reason the planner hasn't gotten as much love recently as it really should have.

    Which is a bit of a problem.

    I'm going to start a new thread about what we can do with the planner. I want it to continue to be the great tool that it is for this game, but I don't know that I can really put the time into it myself, both to keep up with the changing game or to add new features. I'm thinking on making the entire thing open source and letting everyone contribute. I know there are good coders here in DDO, and even if you are not, contributing to an already existing codebase is a lot easier than building one from the ground up.

    Truth be told, I'm a better coder now than I was 3 years ago, when I started the planner. If I were to build it again today, it would be with a completely different arcitecture than it is now (it would be MUCH more template and OO driven than it currently is). I'd love to rebuild the entire thing from scratch, but that's not going to happen, heh.

    The bad news is that the C++ code is currenly written for Borland Builder (my compiler of choice), and I haven't tried to compile it in MSVC (which is what most people will have). But, I used straight vanilla windows code to create it, no borland specific libraries, so in theory it should compile in MSVC with no issues (I did use STL, but that's standard across both compilers). If there are any incompatabilities, they should be minor.

    Anyway, not what you asked, I know. Sorry for going all tangential on you.
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  3. #663


    I could give it a shot and attempt to compile it on MSVS 2005 and let you know if there is any troubles with it. I have a feeling, even making this open source, it will take some decent knowledge on programming to follow what you did. Even my own stuff, if I haven't looked at it in a while, takes me hours to just go through and make sure I understand the flow before changing/adding anything, yes, even with comments, which I know I don't usually put in if I'm not expecting to ever open source it....

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  4. #664
    Knight of Movember
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    Ron -

    Love the character planner. I was playing around with bard builds and I noticed that the planner allows me to select Virtuoso even though I had not completed all the pre-regs for it, specifically, Bard Extra Song IV.

    Since I know you only spend time on this and nothing else, may I request more spell info at some point? Specifically, which school / line the spell derives from would be useful in coordinating spell selection and enhancement selection.

    Thanks again.
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  5. #665
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Would it also be possible to add what each stance for Monks does (as can be seen at the bottom of this page and on this page)?

    That or if one of us did it and e-mailed it to you, would you be willing to use it for the next update?
    Person Æ, Sarlona
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  6. #666
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    Question equipment bard grey'd out in 3.0?

    wonderful tool. thanks. (edited, just read the ending posts... nm lol.

  7. #667
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalzin View Post
    wonderful tool. thanks. (edited, just read the ending posts... nm lol.
    I believe on the New version Ron Did deactivate Equipment,
    He said there was a Problem with it Crashing the planner.

    I will quote him when I find his post on this thread...

    Edit: here it is...

    Quote Originally Posted by levsix View Post
    Very long thread here, did some searches on my issue but didn't see it. The equipment button is grayed out for me. I can't select it. It worked for me in previous versions, I have used it many times. I now have the latest. The equipment button just isn't an option and is grayed out. Any ideas? Maybe I'm overlooking something painfully obvious...
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanka View Post
    He disabled it due to bugginess.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Yeah, as Tanka said, I turned it off. It's in a bad state, and was causing crashing issues.
    Last edited by Bekki; 02-27-2009 at 11:12 AM.
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  8. #668
    Community Member mrtreats's Avatar
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    hey ron i was rolling a pali and it lets me take Divine sacrifice and exalted smite both require that you have extra smite II and they go up from there so the second exalted and divine need extra smite III and the last exalted needs you to take extra smite IIII
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  9. #669
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    Red face 3.0

    Just downloaded 3.0. The Equip. button is greyed out. Am I missing a step?

  10. #670
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guim View Post
    Just downloaded 3.0. The Equip. button is greyed out. Am I missing a step?

    Yes, please read the whole thread or at lease the relase notes for each version.

    This feature was removed because it was causing major problems.
    Last edited by Steiner-Davion; 07-06-2009 at 03:42 PM.

  11. #671
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aesop View Post
    Hey Ron I was goofing around with the planner last night and I had an issue with Bard Energy of Song not filling the prerequisite of Arcane Archer (no ranger levels... what can I say I'm hoping they fix ranged and I was thinking ahead)

    I don't remember exactly what the syntax is, but it's an error with how the enhancement is listed in the requirement for the enhancement, and can be fixed in one of the .txt files. I'm pretty sure the enhancement lists it as "requires one of: Enhancement: Bard Energy of Music I" and should be changed to "requires one of: Enhancement: Bard Energy of the Music I"
    Edit: yep, go to the enhancement .txt file and search for the term "arcane archer." then where it says "bard energy of music" add the "the"
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  12. #672
    Community Member SqtYork's Avatar
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    Default thanks for all the work

    your copyright statement only goes thru 2007. You could update it to 2009. Granted it won't really matter, because by the time it would expire who would be running an O/S that is backward compatible to something from that far back.

  13. #673


    Hey Ron,

    I am sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I am having a bug that every time I resize the window, or move the app on the screen, all the icons / data dissapears from the screen except for the level icons.

    I am running 1920x1200 if that helps.

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  14. #674
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    Default Increase to Level 20?

    I realize there's a *lot* of work involved with such an upgrade to an already complicated, but outstanding tool, but...

    Any estimate on when we might see an update that includes increases to Level 20?
    Trinarius (Trin) - Level 20 Dwarven Rogue/Ranger/Wizard

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  15. #675
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Don't know. I have up through level 20 enabled in my internal version, but there is no data in there yet, since there is not much (non-NDA) mod 9 info released that I can stick in there. Most likely there won't be a release until we get closer to Mod 9 and T&T start giving out some comprehensive data.

    Gel: That's an odd bug. Does everything come back when you click on a level bar? Or minimize/restore the window? Sounds like the window is not refreshing properly. What OS are you using?

    I'll take a look at those enhancement issues guys. I think most of them have already been corrected internally, and will work properly for the next version, but I'll double check them.
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  16. #676
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Don't know. I have up through level 20 enabled in my internal version, but there is no data in there yet, since there is not much (non-NDA) mod 9 info released that I can stick in there. Most likely there won't be a release until we get closer to Mod 9 and T&T start giving out some comprehensive data.

    Gel: That's an odd bug. Does everything come back when you click on a level bar? Or minimize/restore the window? Sounds like the window is not refreshing properly. What OS are you using?

    I'll take a look at those enhancement issues guys. I think most of them have already been corrected internally, and will work properly for the next version, but I'll double check them.
    Thank you Ron for the hard work

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  17. #677


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Don't know. I have up through level 20 enabled in my internal version, but there is no data in there yet, since there is not much (non-NDA) mod 9 info released that I can stick in there. Most likely there won't be a release until we get closer to Mod 9 and T&T start giving out some comprehensive data.

    Gel: That's an odd bug. Does everything come back when you click on a level bar? Or minimize/restore the window? Sounds like the window is not refreshing properly. What OS are you using?

    I'll take a look at those enhancement issues guys. I think most of them have already been corrected internally, and will work properly for the next version, but I'll double check them.
    Hi Ron,

    Nothing I do gets the icons back, minimize, maximize, move it off screen, etc, I have to close it and launch it again, so I have been saving a txt file after every little change.... I think you are correct, it does seem like it is not refreshing the screen properly.

    I am running Vista Ultimate 64. Any other info you need? Thanks for looking into this!

    | Jolokia | Gelandor | Criminal | Cerial Killer | Insurgence | Barias | Camiel |
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  18. #678
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelandor View Post
    Hi Ron,

    Nothing I do gets the icons back, minimize, maximize, move it off screen, etc, I have to close it and launch it again, so I have been saving a txt file after every little change.... I think you are correct, it does seem like it is not refreshing the screen properly.

    I am running Vista Ultimate 64. Any other info you need? Thanks for looking into this!
    Hmmmm, you are running exactly the same OS and screen resolution that I am, and I can't get the same problem to occur. Very odd. What about (say) the class icons? If they are on the screen when the data dissapears, do they also dissapear? (the reason I ask is that they are drawn using the same method as the level bars, so the answer might give me a bit more of a clue as to what is going on). Also, if the class icons don't appear, and you click in the area where they ought to be, do you get the yellow highlight box?

    Is the program just locking up? Can you still change the active level after this happens, or does it simply not respond?

    Sorry for all the questions, I'm trying to narrow down where the problem might lie.
    Last edited by Ron; 06-21-2009 at 09:06 AM.
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  19. #679


    Quote Originally Posted by Ron View Post
    Hmmmm, you are running exactly the same OS and screen resolution that I am, and I can't get the same problem to occur. Very odd. What about (say) the class icons? If they are on the screen when the data dissapears, do they also dissapear? (the reason I ask is that they are drawn using the same method as the level bars, so the answer might give me a bit more of a clue as to what is going on). Also, if the class icons don't appear, and you click in the area where they ought to be, do you get the yellow highlight box?

    Is the program just locking up? Can you still change the active level after this happens, or does it simply not respond?

    Sorry for all the questions, I'm trying to narrow down where the problem might lie.

    Hey no problem for the questions, thanks for looking into this, I will do a bunch of testing and get answers for ya.

    So here is what I remember, usually all the graphics would dissapear except for the level icons, but then when I would minimize the app, then bring it back up, or change the window size, the class icons would appear, so all that was showing is the level icons, and the class icons. I hope that makes sense.

    Right now, I am on a different computer, and it is not happening, the only difference is that this computer does not have SLI, so maybe it has something to do with that, here are the specs of my 2 pc's if this helps:

    PC 1 - Having the issue

    EVGA 780i SLI Motherboard
    Intel QX9650 Extreme Proc
    8 GB Ram
    2 x EVGA GeForce GTX 280 in SLI
    2 Monitors @ 1920x1200
    Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit

    PC 2 - Not having the issue

    EVGA 780i SLI Motherboard
    Intel QX9650 Extreme Proc
    8 GB Ram
    1 x EVGA GeForce GTX 280, No SLI
    2 Monitors @ 1920x1200
    Windows Vista Ultimate 64 Bit

    I will test the other questions you asked tomorrow, and get back to you. Thanks again!

    | Jolokia | Gelandor | Criminal | Cerial Killer | Insurgence | Barias | Camiel |
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  20. #680
    Legendary Founder Ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gelandor View Post
    Right now, I am on a different computer, and it is not happening, the only difference is that this computer does not have SLI, so maybe it has something to do with that, here are the specs of my 2 pc's if this helps:
    Huh, yeah, could be the SLI. Not sure why it would cause any issues, but then again, I've never tested it with an SLI setup either.
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