For those of you who are new to this old arguement...
- In Beta, (from what I hear), Range Attacks fired at the same rate as melee attacks, and it was overpowering (although ranged increment penalties were never implemented). REMEMBER, this isnt PnP. DDO has a modified 3.5 combat system, so PnP arguements while may be valid, dont necessarily translate into a balance videogame.
- At BAB 16 factoring in Manyshot 4, a bow will still fire at 54% of a melee. Just in raw attack speed.
- Turbine has never stated how rate of fire scales. Based on their statements, they imply that there is no smooth curve set % increase in attack speed based on BAB. Turbine has never said what the levels are for increasing attack speed, or what % the increases are. We only know by player testing.
- Quest design has a lot to do with the relative value of archery vs melee.
- Mob AI has a lot to do with the relative value of archery vs melee.
Any drastic to the ranged combat system would really need to be extensively tested.