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  1. #1
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default -New- Guilds of Mabar ~ Full List

    Hello everyone, I just thought since our current "Guilds of Mabar" list has not been updated since March 06', I thought for the new year I could create one that would be updated much more frequently . I am going to use the same basic formatting for all the guilds that the previous poster did. Here's the format.

    Please post:
    Guild Name
    Guild Website (If any)
    Leader: (Primary character's first name)
    Officers: (Primary characters' first names)
    Members: (Unique members, not including alts)
    Recruiting: (Selectively, Openly, None)
    Description: (3 sentences at max, please)

    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    Dance's with Death (website currently down for reconstruction)
    Leader: Loopy
    Officers: Zyndris, Stormi, Ebekah
    Members: 12
    Recruting: Selective. See discription, and must quest with at least one officer.
    Description: A fun, mature guild of friends. Age 21 and up exclusive. We do raid, but no pressure to anyone who doesn't wish to participate. We maintain good relations with several guilds, so grouping is never a problem.

    Dark Legacy
    Leader: Xanith
    Officers: Explosion
    Recruiting: Open
    Description: N/A

    Leader: Drakkon Darksoul
    Officers: Ladieblue, Virk, Altessa, Healsum
    Members: approx 10
    Recruiting: Selective
    Description: Most of us have been playing together for very long time, some since beta. We occasionally raid with kalye and the Hells Angels squad. We don't really go out seeking ppl to recruit but if you are interested you can email me on the site or here and well see if you fit into our group.

    Digger's Union
    Leader: Ilara
    Officers: Magnus, Malibu, Frostriven, Kraitarr
    Members: Around 30
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: Since the beginning of DDO, The Digger's Union has been a group of players who concentrate on improving the team rather than the individual. Although we are an easy-going group, we are competitive and always strive to be the best we can be. We enjoy weekly raids, frequent loot runs, daily adventuring, and walks in the park

    Empire of Mabar
    Leader: Relentless
    Officers: Telpierion, Jacomai, Sorna, Youta, Quilamir, Indriel
    Members: 1000 + (MMO wide)
    Recruiting: Open but selective
    Description: The Empire is a multigame guild that has its roots in the Dark Age of Camelot. It has expanded through the years as gaming worlds come and go. The Empire now spans over DAoC, DDO, WoW, CoH, CoV and has many seed teams playing in various Beta's. Its a mature group who enjoy helping each other without the pressures hardcore gamming. We are a true community gaming guild.

    Eternal Guardians
    Leader: Praz
    Officers: Zoe, Blair, Endsion, Spanky, Grimlak, Raypalio, and several others.
    Members: 25+
    Recruiting: Selective. Must group with and be approved by two officers.
    Description: The reformed "The Eternal Guardians." Much like any other guild, we have scheduled and unscheduled raids every week. We've got a consistent player base and most players have multiple capped toons plus a couple of toons working their way up. Usually very easy to find a guild group. Fun-loving and friendly guild, but 18+ content for sure.

    The Guild of Amber
    Leader: Dworkin, Benedict
    Officers: Kalten, Chainsawhand, Promeathius, Blacklark, Blackson, Brida
    Members: 40+
    Recruiting: Selective. Must group with Officer first. All new members 30-day probationary period
    Description: A mature yet Family-Friendly guild. Raid Teams, Guild Events, regular open Raids, and all the usual trimmings. We've been around since Beta, and still have a friendly atmosphere of people helping out each other.

    Hell's Angels
    Leader: Ebonz / Kalye
    Officers: Serith, Rhom, Sonof, Kone, Beatum
    Members: Approx 50
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: Despite the size, Hells Angels is a family oriented guild that seems to be well established within the Mabar community. We have a solid crew of members that enjoy weekly raids, loot runs and most everything in between. My officers are among the best, ever serving my members and leading them onto victory. Those that are interested in joining are required to run several quests with the officers or myself, to ensure that we get no black sheep within our organization.

    House Canith
    Leader: Davine
    Officers: We don't beleive in hierchy or structure, we're here to play not give orders.
    Members: 35
    Recruiting: Open but selective
    Description: House Canith is a medium sized guild of Mature Players on the Mabar Server. We put an emphasis on enjoying the game and the company. Without both why spend the money? We have been a guild on the server since the beggining and are still here and going strong.

    Knights of the Undying Court
    Leader: Cuchoinneach Deathslayer
    Members: 21
    Recruiting: Recruiting to Elves only
    Description:The Knights of the Undying Court is open to all Elves and select friends of like mind who wish to protect Mabar by sending to oblivion all negative evil undead followers of Vol that plagues Stormreach. We play for enjoyment and look forward to meeting new and exciting adventurers along our journey.

    Knights Who Say Ni
    Leader: Firestar
    Officers: Zylah, Krud, Egro, Xonel, Bodwyn, Clarkria, Garrickii, and more
    Members: about 15
    Recruiting: Very Selective
    Description: We were the first to beat the new raid on Mabar, what more to say.

    Legendary Knights of DnD
    Leader: Kscribly
    Officers: Veras, Alchalamare, Blizzar, DyingPheonix, Inquisitor, Mooseknight
    Members: Approx 35
    Recruiting: Selectively / Must party with the officers and recieve a 51% yes officer vote then be put on probation period. Family members and Real life friends are always welcomed.
    Description: Legendary Knights has been a powerful Guild since beta. We regularly complete raids, loot, quest, pvp and anything else that makes the game more enjoyable. We love playing with each other and BS'ing with our fellow guildies whenever we get the chance. Our officers and guildies are extremely knowldedgable always helping each other to make them better players and people.

    Leader: Drakion
    Officers: Kilden, Flip, Discis, Bold, Octis, Morose, Ashraela, Felldon, Sammal, and Tharafex
    Members: 40 active, around 20 highly active
    Recruiting: Selectively, group with a guild member / officer, or post in our General Public Chat forum to set up a time to group with us.
    Description: We are a laid-back guild. We want to make sure our members always can find a good group. We openly share items, information, and good times.

    Night Wolves
    Leader: Tollaris
    Officers: Elderos, Lotus, Novasheer, Pertinax, Piffany
    Members: Not sure given alts, I'd say 15 or so.
    Recruiting: Open, view website
    Description: Laid back group, 20's - 40's in age range, mature, non zerging guild. Our motto is help each other before helping yourself, we want to make sure that every member that joins enjoys their time in game.

    Not So Clean Sanchez
    Leader: Horril Sanchez
    Officers: Setharis, HandleBars
    Members: 10
    Recruiting: Openly (if not actively)
    Description: We're a group of Active and former Marines stationed in Japan and Okinawa. Play style is relaxed... AFK for diaper changes and such... but we're all in it for the fun. No power gamers in here.

    Ordos Draconum
    Leader: Beerthirty
    Officers: Brion, Fiddy, Futslung, Inahime, Milolyen, Primed, Reckoning, Rekot, Strongside, Ustiveh, Waynex
    Members: 50 (give or take)
    Recruiting: Very selectively
    Description: Large guild with raiding almost everyday, we have some scheduled raids and non-scheduled raids. We recently took in some members of Elite by Nature, so we are very large now. Lots of questing, trading, looting, and fun times.

    Prophets of Velah
    Leader: Cheapthrill
    Officers: Draconius, Bio, Cassis, Lunastriel, Soins
    Members: 30
    Recruiting: Selective.. If you are interested shoot one of the officers a tell.
    Description: Just a group of people who like to have fun and help people..

    Leader: Damoraslann
    Officers: Cordelia, Krell, Tassandra
    Members: N/A
    Recruiting: Hand-picked
    Description: N/A

    Riedra Refugees
    Leader: Krishty
    Officers: 4 (names N/A)
    Members: 8
    Recruiting: Open
    Description: N/A

    Second City Saints
    Leader: Ulorinvex (temporarily away from game) - Swegen and Yonathan (while Vex is away)
    Officers: Dysin, Ceb, Crunch, Dashard, Deno, Bravokid, Glot, Keera, Devinity, Heyden
    Members: 60+
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: The SAINTS are a fun family of players that love to "slay some evil" and have good times together. We take care of one another, in and out of game. Weekly raids, monthly events and a ton of opportunity to grow as a player.

    Terminus Est (see Elite by Nature)
    Leader: Fessius Crownthorn
    Officers: Angilis; Jondallar; Klairyk; Supreme
    Members: 12 -18 (alts welcome but non raiding)
    Recruiting: Very Selectively
    Description: A newly formed group of Dedicated raiders focused on Endgame play. Not for the faint of heart, we are all adults male and female members. We have been known to loot the occasional chest.

    The Cult of Light and Shadow
    Leader: Chimitch
    Officers: Kriltos, Grarg, Rayah, Zanobi, Leonas, Dun, Sulin
    Members: 10
    Recruiting: Selectivley
    Description: We are pretty easy going and plan to stay that way, so hard core power gamers may not like our pace. However, if your tired of your old guild or just getting into the game then visit our site for details on how to meet us online and join us for some adventures.

    Last edited by Tavok; 08-10-2007 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Denrik's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Guild Name: Night Wolves
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Tollaris
    Officers: Elderos, Lotus, Novasheer, Pertinax, Piffany
    Members: Not sure given alts, I'd say 15 or so.
    Recruiting: Open, view website
    Description: Laid back group, 20's - 40's in age range, mature, non zerging guild. Our motto is help each other before helping yourself, we want to make sure that every member that joins enjoys their time in game.
    Last edited by Denrik; 01-04-2007 at 02:07 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Thank for you for the reply Denrik, hoping to get more, only the first day of this post. Keep 'em coming Mabar!

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2006


    Hells Angels
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Ebonz / Kalye
    Officers: Serith, Rhom, Sonof, Kone, Beatum
    Members: Approx 50
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: Despite the size, Hells Angels is a family oriented guild that seems to be well established within the Mabar community. We have a solid crew of members that enjoy weekly raids, loot runs and most everything in between. My officers are among the best, ever serving my members and leading them onto victory. Those that are interested in joining are required to run several quests with the officers or myself, to ensure that we get no black sheep within our organization.

  5. #5
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Thanks for the post Ebonz. Page has been updated with Hell's Angels, and my own guild, Digger's Union.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Guild Name: Darksoul
    Guild Website (If any):
    Leader: (Primary character's first name): Drakkon Darksoul
    Officers: (Primary characters' first names): Ladieblue, Virk, Altessa, Healsum
    Members: (Unique members, not including alts): approx 10
    Recruiting: (Selectively, Openly, None): Selective
    Description: (3 sentences at max, please): Most of us have been playing together for very long time, some since beta. We occasionally raid with kalye and the Hells Angels squad. We don't really go out seeking ppl to recruit but if you are interested you can email me on the site or here and well see if you fit into our group.
    Drakkon - Level 12 Paladin/2 Fighter(Drow)
    Darkhorse - Level 13 Cleric / 1 Sorcerer (Dwarf)
    Coeus - Level 14 Wizard (Human)
    Typhoeus - Level 12 Fighter (Dwarf)
    Hermod - Level 14 Bard (Drow)

  7. #7


    Guild Name: Lightbringers
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Drakion
    Officers: Kilden, Flip, Discis, Bold, Octis, Morose, Ashraela, Felldon, Sammal, and Tharafex
    Members: (Unique members, not including alts): 40 active, around 20 highly active
    Recruiting: Selectively, group with a guild member / officer, or post in our General Public Chat forum to set up a time to group with us.
    Description: (3 sentences at max, please): We are a laid-back guild. We want to make sure our members always can find a good group. We openly share items, information, and good times.
    Drakion, Leader of the Lightbringers - Argonnessen - A Founding Guild

    Currently Leveling: Drakyon the Sinner - Human Cleric

  8. #8
    Founder Zem's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default The Cult of Light and Shadow

    Guild Name: The Cult of Light and Shadow
    Guild Website (If any) The Cult of Light and Shadow
    Leader: (Primary character's first name) Chimitch
    Officers: (Primary characters' first names) Kriltos, Grarg, Rayah, Zanobi, Leonas, Dun, Sulin
    Members: (Unique members, not including alts) 10
    Recruiting: (Selectively, Openly, None) Selectivley
    Description: (3 sentences at max, please) We are pretty easy going and plan to stay that way, so hard core power gamers may not like our pace. However, if your tired of your old guild or just getting into the game then visit our site for details on how to meet us online and join us for some adventures.
    -Zem- Chief Recruitment Officer for The Cult of Light and Shadow

    "NPC's on the other hand are supposed to represent people with egos to be stroked, eyes to have the wool pulled over, and emotions to be exploited. They should be perfect targets for a silver tongued politition/con-man to squeeze for all they are worth."

  9. #9
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006



    Added: Lightbringers, The Cult of Light and Shadow


  10. #10
    Community Member ~True_Knight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Guild Name: Knights of the Undying Court
    Guild Leader: Cuchoinneach Deathslayer
    Recruiting: Open to Elves Only
    Members: 21

    The Knights of the Undying Court is open to all Elves and select friends of like mind who wish to protect Mabar by sending to oblivion all negative evil undead followers of Vol that plagues Stormreach. We play for enjoyment and look forward to meeting new and exciting adventurers along our journey.

  11. #11


    Guild Name: Second City Saints
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Ulorinvex (temporarily away from game) - Swegen and Yonathan (while Vex is away)
    Officers: Dysin, Ceb, Crunch, Dashard, Deno, Bravokid, Glot, Keera, Devinity, Heyden
    Members: 60+
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: The SAINTS are a fun family of players that love to "slay some evil" and have good times together. We take care of one another, in and out of game. Weekly raids, monthly events and a ton of opportunity to grow as a player.
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  12. #12
    Community Member Tenkari_Rozahas's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Ebz, how could you spell Beatem's name wrong? he'd throw a hissy fit if he saw that.
    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    Your doomsaying of doom does not meet the doom regulations for doom font, doom color, or doom spelling, specifically the number of "o"s. Please take a moment and correct these glaring doom issues.

  13. #13
    Community Member Shieny's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Legendary Knights

    Guild Name: Legendary Knights of DnD
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Krogoth
    Officers: Veras; Alchalamare: Blizzar: Callienta: DyingPheonix; Falconeye; Inquisitor: Kscribly; Mooseknight; Vidar
    Members: Approx 35
    Recruiting: Selectively/ Must party with the officers and recieve a 51% yes officer vote then be put on probation period. Family members and Real life friends are always welcomed.
    Description: Legendary Knights has been a powerful Guild since beta. We regularly complete raids, loot, quest, pvp and anything else that makes the game more enjoyable. We love playing with each other and BS'ing with our fellow guildies whenever we get the chance. Our officers and guildies are extremely knowldedgable always helping each other to make them better players and people.
    Last edited by Shieny; 01-08-2007 at 01:42 AM.
    Legendary Knights of Mabar - Argo Server
    Alchalamare: Bard-lvl 14 Berserkur: Barb/Fghtr - 13/1
    Hellizar: Sorc/pali - lvl 12/2 Shieny Metal: Fighter - lvl 10
    Kaeon: Fighter 6

  14. #14
    Founder Arashi's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Tavok View Post

    Added: Lightbringers, The Cult of Light and Shadow


    /hi5! on the sticky!
    Guild Leader: The Cult of Light and Shadow
    Chimitch - 10 Cleric / 2 Paladin
    Chimi The Halfling King - 3 Fighter/2 Paladin/1 Cleric
    Ittibitti - 8 Bard
    Aelana - 3 Fighter/ 2 Rogue
    Buttons MacRae - 7 Fighter/ 1 Paladin
    Arashi - 1 Rogue

  15. #15
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Jun 2006



    And thank you Arashi

  16. #16


    Guild Name: Money
    Guild Website
    Leader: Dubara, Stabbity
    Officers: Leviticus, Vaughn, Fyrebalde, Pinker
    Recruiting: Selectively
    Description: We are one of the oldest guilds. We started about 2 month after release. We are also an older crowd.

  17. #17
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Terminus Est

    Name: Terminus Est
    Leader: Fessius Crownthorn
    Officers: Angilis; Jondallar; Klairyk; Supreme
    Members: 12 -18 (alts welcome but non raiding)
    Recruiting: Very Selectively
    Description: A newly formed group of Dedicated raiders focused on Endgame play. Not for the faint of heart, we are all adults male and female members. We have been known to loot the occasional chest.

  18. #18
    Community Member Tavok's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Updated with Money and Terminus Est.

    Thanks for the posts guys.

  19. #19
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Default I told him I would delete the post, actually

    If I could that is. As per request.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 03-23-2007 at 01:09 AM. Reason: Guild Leader requested Privacy

  20. #20
    Community Member Jacoby's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    Guild Name: Empire of Mabar
    Guild Website:
    Leader: Relentless
    Officers: Telpierion, Jacomai, Sorna, Youta, Quilamir, Indriel
    Members: 1000 +
    Recruiting: Open but selective
    Description: The Empire is a multigame guild that has its roots in the Dark Age of Camelot. It has expanded through the years as gamming worlds come and go. The Empire now spans over DAoC, DDO, WoW, CoH, CoV and has many seed teams playing in various Beta's. Its a mature group who enjoy helping each other without the pressures hardcore gamming. We are a true community gamming guild.

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