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Thread: DeathBringer

  1. #1

    Default DeathBringer

    Paceing in circles Warblade studies the room while slowly pulling from the shaft of a finely carved bubbler pipe he had carved from the remains of his broken club. He takes a thick splinter from the remains of the once giant sized bed and dips it in oil, then takes a long draw of some fresh gonbaccah he had picked and dried himself just days before, he lets out a pillar of smoke that twirls in bluish grey circles and rolls out the window. Tapping the now empty pipe out he looks down and see's the sandy street's bright glare and can hear men unloading a large vessel that had just arrived. About to close the shutters he notices a very well dressed man flipping a golden coin and talking to a small crowd, he reconizes the man. He was just as the Inkeeper described. Closing his ears to focus his eyes he can barley make out the movement of the man's lip's but could tell by his wild jesture's and frantic pointing to a warehouse that there were thieves that had stolen something of great value and were possibly in the large warehouse he was pointing at. A small smile curves from his mettalic lips as people were starting to stare back at his window from the sun reflecting off his body like a mirror.

    He takes one step back then leaps head first out of the one story inn and tumbles flawlessly onto the street springing up in front of Lord Goodfellas. The once bustiling Harbour screeched to a halt and a dock hand dropped his load which shattered the glass contents. He pulls the cloak off the elf beside him and stares down Damane who had turned paler than a white honesuckle.

    His attention then turns to the Lord in front of him and he say's "Is it you're plan to send this girl and the rest of these fleshling's after your stolen junk? If I had not known you to be in the service of the Coin Lord's, someone may be looking for more than missing scrolls!" The crowd scatters as he and Damane, who was struggling to free herself from his grip, start yelling at each other "You were supposed to be in the Inn!" they both said. He lets her go and says "I will not allow you to go in there alone, I am merly concerned for your safty" She yell's "Im a grown woman lump and I can take care of myself!" Interjecting, Lord Goodfellah says "If I may say, if the two of you know each other, perhaps you could go toghter and help me retrive my scrools? Thay are very rare and worth a great deal to me."

    Producing ten gold peices he says "five to each of you now and five when you return. How's that then my good Warforge?" Damane makes a grab a takes all the gold and says " You can come but I dint hire you!." Lord Goodfella says "Please hurry, these scrolls are property of the Coin Lords and must be retrived immediatly!" Warblade eye's the Lord and say's "you will have youre scroll, I just require a weapon" Beaming a smile directed at Warblade he motions to a dwarf sitting nearby and gives him a Greataxe saying "Show these theive's the way out of my warehouse and this axe is your's"

    Taking the cold steel axe he noticed the shaft conforming to his hand and growing lighter as if it were an extinsion of his own arm he know's this is no ordinary axe. "I will return within the hour, this weapon will know it's purpose. "You are granted title of DeathBringer Warforge, and have the authority of the Coin Lords do whatever must be done to return these scroll's, understood?" Warblade hearditly replies "The deal is struck Lordblade, I excpect to see you before the night will fall" He and Damane ready themselves for the journey to begin/[/quote]
    Last edited by AlphandOmega; 12-02-2006 at 04:35 AM.
    Harkonin DeathBringer WF - Myhdrill SoulStealer Drow
    Oh what sad times are these that passing ruffians can say "NEEEE" to old women at will. ~Robert the Shrubber

  2. #2
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Liking the roleplay aspect of the first quest.

    Not liking the single paragraph, no breaks thing.
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| ||
    |.....ALE TRUCK......| ||'|";, ___.
    |_...._....._____===|=||_|__|..., ]
    _________________Thanks to Hunglo for the Ale Truck

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