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  1. #321
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yoyorobbo View Post
    The durability and the "hardness" of the leather are much better on those "gauntlets" of yours, too. Not that they wear out very much, but it is a difference, if you compare the 2 items in your screenshot.

    Is that 50 compared to 30 (durability), and 10 compared to 4 (hardness)? Kinda tough to make out in the SS< but I think that's what it says.
    The durability, hardness, min level, and value go up with the power of the item (ie a +5 has more than a +4, etc), not the other way around. People should be bug reporting any item that has too high of a min level compared to like items.

    Usually when you get things like that its because the generator hit an effect they didnt want in game or on that type of item, so maybe those guantlets were supposed to be monk weapons?
    Quote Originally Posted by EULA
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    See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun. EvilDuckie-DuckieBot

  2. #322
    Community Member Jolani's Avatar
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    I am positive that my Gauntlets of Ogre Power are a named item. Here are the reasons:

    1. A specific item description. "Steel reinforced gauntlets."

    2. Item uses Gauntlets in the name, only found on named items anywhere else in the game.

    3. Hardness of 10. I have never seen a non-named pair of gloves with 10 hardness. (Even ML 13 +5 dex gloves)

    4. Minimum level 9. Definately a hold-over from release.

    5. Ogre Power suffixed. I have never seen or heard of this being a glitch on a normal item.

    6. The missing enchantment bug has never affected gloves, only bracers.

    Not trying to nitpick, I'm just proud I was the first to notice these.
    Exile of Xoriat

  3. #323
    Community Member Morkane's Avatar
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    Post Collapsible shortbow

    collapsible shortbow

    +5 shortbow
    jump +7

    Lt. Ayurro firebrand Arena

    Morkk ranger12

    Kebek guild

  4. #324
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    Default Weathered Targe

    Thanks for all the work cataclysm. It's great to know where to go for something you want.

    Someone in my group pulled the Weathered Targe today out of the Whirling Ozann named boss chest. I don't know if it also drops out of the Thumak The Mad chest.

    Now if I can only get a dang Ring of spell storing....ha

  5. #325
    Founder SneakThief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolani View Post
    6. The missing enchantment bug has never affected gloves, only bracers.
    I am nitpicking ... the original bug affected just about anything, weapons, armor, bracers, gloves, etc (I personally pulled several of the listed that were missing effects) ...

    You may be thinking of the bug where only high level gloves were dropping when they shouldnt be (min level 13 and such).

    Im not disagreeing with the fact that what you pulled seems like a really crummy named item ...
    Quote Originally Posted by EULA
    As part of your Game experience, you can input language and upload content to our Servers in various forms ... (collectively, the "Content"). Content created by you must not: ... (f) restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Game.
    See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun. EvilDuckie-DuckieBot

  6. #326
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolani View Post
    I am positive that my Gauntlets of Ogre Power are a named item. Here are the reasons:
    It is a named item. Next time I do an update (which should be tomorrow), it will be added along with a couple other items like that that I have been meaning to add.

  7. #327
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Default Missing Items from Compendium

    Okay I know this will stir some debate but here it is:
    I went to the compndium and copied the list of all named items.
    Didnt get docents and shields though.

    I copied and pasted it into a spreadsheet along side this threads list
    Checked off all mathcing items and was left with many items on this thread that weren't on the compendium and vise versa. Download Spreadsheet

    Interestingly 2 items only recently reported were on the compndium (Collapsable bow and gauntlets of ogre power) so perhaps there are a few items with only small chances to drop random boss chests on rarely run quests) and nobody has reported the ones they have found.
    Here is my spreadsheet and following is the list of items on the compendium that arent on this thread. (There may be a few mistakes due to the size of the task)

    Now the trollish regen ring wanst on the compendium so I assume they are all "live" items, though you would have thought "Stormcleave Goggles" would have turned up by now if they were in the loot tables.

    ..............Lets Go Hinting, Hopefully not a goose chase.................

    Zeef's Amulet
    Yaaryar's Magnificent Band
    Wightskin Belt
    Wayfinder's Armor
    Teralin's Wedding Band
    Targath Amulet
    Sword of the Giant Slave-master
    Stormcleave Goggles
    Steeljaw's Teeth
    Silver Flame Deacon's Sword
    Silver Flame Deacon's Club
    Shaman's Robe
    Shadestone Necklace
    Scales of the Ancestors
    Sandstorm Glasses
    Ruby Ring
    Robe of the Archbishop
    Robe of Resistance
    Ring of Time - Now the pendant of time ??
    Ring of Rage
    Quintus' Sandals
    Powder's Hide
    Plague's Fang
    Oven Mitts
    Ornamental Sword
    Neecha's Bead
    Nargryl's Frypan
    Mithral Chainrobe +2
    Maul of Vengeance
    Magi's Staff
    Magi Robe
    Lesser Whirlwind Armor
    Lesser Stonemeld Armor
    Kneeza's Bauble
    Kelmar's Vest
    Kelmar's Justice
    Kelmar's Betrayal
    Jasper Ring
    Jade Ring
    Ikaris' Staff
    Husvat's Club
    Helm of Detection
    Golden Bracer
    Gloves of Dexterity
    Gerard's Mail
    Fortified Gauntlets
    Flamefang's Hide
    Eye of Fire
    Duality Blade
    Dink's Leather Wraps
    Deathstalker Armor
    Cloven-jaw Longbow
    Cloak of Silence
    Chieftan's Morningstar
    Brooch of Shielding
    Bracers of Magery
    Bone Amulet
    Blizzard's Hide
    Battleworn Sword
    Armor of the Amok
    Amulet of the Brute

    Removed Items Explained away below.
    Last edited by Cambo; 01-11-2007 at 09:56 PM.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
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  8. #328
    Community Member Ninety's Avatar
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    a lot of the items you posted are quest end rewards.

    I'm really not sure what you are talking about however when you say go hunting since I have found this thread (and the previous one) to be 100% accurate.

  9. #329
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Wooden Dagger, Tesyus, Oath of Droaam, Golden Locket, Memnos Blossom - Those are all items that appear in quests but drop upon exit.

    Club of the Holy Flame, Ornamental Sword - None magical weapons. The Club is given to you after the first part of Delera's. The sword is given to you by Goodblade (says it is the real Tesyus).

    Scarlet and Blue Ioun Stone, Dragon's Eye, Scavenged Warplate - Already on the list

    Periapt of Wisdom, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Necklace of Fireballs - Added today

    For the rest, just because it appears on that list doesn't mean it is dropping at the moment. There were quite a few items on that list that didn't drop before the last update (lot of the desert stuff), but were list on the site.

  10. #330
    Founder Arashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninety View Post
    a lot of the items you posted are quest end rewards.

    I'm really not sure what you are talking about however when you say go hunting since I have found this thread (and the previous one) to be 100% accurate.

    Aren't most of those items you get during a quest too? Like Tesyus and Club of The Holy Flame, obviously.

    A lot of these might be items you can't actually use and either go away or are to be deleted/sold after you run the quest.
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  11. #331
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    Wooden Dagger
    Oath of Droaam
    Memnos Blossom
    Golden Locket
    These are all items found within qests that are usable only within the quest. (Tesyus is the paladin sword from Relic, Oath of Droaam is the axe in VoN1. The others are from VoN2.) They are legitimate items in their own right, but can not be kept and so should not be considered loot.

  12. #332
    Community Member Dark-Star's Avatar
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    The Mysterious Ring from the wiz king can also have +3 to resist, I can confirm first hand.

  13. #333
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    I am pretty sure Necklace of Fireballs is a random named drop. I pulled one in STK months back if I recall correctly.
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  14. #334
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    I would like to gather some opinions from the readers of this thread, before I make a change to it.

    Would you rather see the unique effects split between in the item descriptions and the bottom of the list (for longer effects) or have all of them at the bottom in it's own defined section. I want to move the list appear like that (makes the list more uniform), but I don't want to do it if many others feel it will make the list harder to read. So I'm willing to hear any thoughts into this matter.

  15. #335
    Community Member Lucus546's Avatar
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    i have an idea but it might take too long to set it up.

    if there could get the pics that peaple sent in for the item we could hot link the name of the item to the pic so it would be more understanding. if peaple are confused on the effect of the item or try to say things like "that item does not have that effect" then the all they would have to do is see the pic and the whole thing would be solved.

  16. #336
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ninety View Post
    a lot of the items you posted are quest end rewards.

    I'm really not sure what you are talking about however when you say go hunting since I have found this thread (and the previous one) to be 100% accurate.
    No probs, I agree that the list Cat is maintaining is great and accurate and I knew there were a few things on the list that could be explained away. Lets go hunting just meant if you get a named drop have a look incase it inst posted.

    But for example the collapsable bow, Gauntlets of ogre power have only just been reported but there have been on the compendium list for a while. I am sure people have found them beofre and dont know about or assumed they were on the thread already. I know Cat said some items were on the compendium before they started dropping and perhaps that is the case still.

    The compendium is reletively new so I would have thought it would have reasonably accurate information (I would rely on Cat's list as more reliable)

    I thought it would spark some debate and interest and perhaps get a few more things reported through publishing the list.

    I am sure somebody would have found and reported the Stormcleave Goggles by now if they were out there and perhaps the ring of time is now the pendant of time (House P reward) but I am sure a few items on my list are geuinely out there but as I said, rare drops, if a boss spawns on a less popular quest and those who have found them didnt know about the thread or thought they were hear.

    I'll delete the ones that were explained away since the post. If th OP has any issues with the list in the thread I will gladly delete it. Just trying to be helpful.
    Last edited by Cambo; 01-11-2007 at 09:59 PM.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
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  17. #337
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cataclysm View Post
    I would like to gather some opinions from the readers of this thread, before I make a change to it.

    Would you rather see the unique effects split between in the item descriptions and the bottom of the list (for longer effects) or have all of them at the bottom in it's own defined section. I want to move the list appear like that (makes the list more uniform), but I don't want to do it if many others feel it will make the list harder to read. So I'm willing to hear any thoughts into this matter.

    Since some of the unique effects may not contiume to be unique with new item drops perhaps seperate is fine, easier to read and less work.

    Though I am thankful for the list in any format.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
    Lover of Loot, All Things Shiny and Participant in R.O.G.U.E Part Quatre Stealth Challenge.
    Woot: Hall of Fame Post - Eldritch Device Recipes

  18. #338
    Community Member The_Cataclysm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cambo View Post
    I'll delete the ones that were explained away since the post. If th OP has any issues with the list in the thread I will gladly delete it. Just trying to be helpful.
    I have no problem with the list being there. I have used the compendium in the past myself to help figure out where possible named items are dropping (The descriptions can give hints to prior owners). I have been in the past played with the idea to put up an MIA list in this thread.

  19. #339
    Solver of Dark Secrets Magnus_Arcanis's Avatar
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    Adoryn's Malice
    +2 Adamantine Light Mace of Greater Construct Bane

    Just saw this gem on the auction house. Based on its description it looks like it comes out of the Twilight Forge somewhere.

  20. #340
    Community Member UtherSRG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus_Arcanis View Post
    Adoryn's Malice
    +2 Adamantine Light Mace of Greater Construct Bane

    Just saw this gem on the auction house. Based on its description it looks like it comes out of the Twilight Forge somewhere.
    Yes. It's a random named drop from Twilight Forge, and is already listed.

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