Just a little thing I noticed.
As for the Cult of the Six loot list. You have (greymoon wayning required) which to my knowledge is no longer true. I haven't run it but I don't think you need to run GM anymore.
Just a little thing I noticed.
As for the Cult of the Six loot list. You have (greymoon wayning required) which to my knowledge is no longer true. I haven't run it but I don't think you need to run GM anymore.
Ghallanda (Attuny, Attuni, Harmonik)
Frets warchanter ¤ Haemorrhage reaper killer ¤ Humbucking mechanic ¤ Coercive warlock ¤ Hemolytic paladin ¤ Thwart tree ¤ Incise fury-shuri ¤ Carpal monk ¤ Unhealer cleric
Leader, ~Elite Raiders~ of Khyber ...
Xanther Falshun - 16Rogue - Baz Axeman - 8Fighter - Xanone 5Wizard - Argonnessen
proud member of Prophets of Velah
FALSE!The Green Blade does NOT give 1d6 force dmg per hit....only the extra 1d10 force dmg on confirmed critical being a x2 weapon.
It gives 1d6 Force damage on EVERY hit.
I know. I own one.
update- the Insulated Armor from the Warforged Titan has an arcane spell failure chance of 10%.
Officer of the now Disbanded Bones Combat Brigade
Ironweave Tunic is from Tear of Dhakaan, 2nd named chest
got this in the wizard king treasure room
silken mail:+4 mithral chain mal axeblock, silent moves + 10
and it binds
Little known fact: If you cut a Dwarf's beard off, and throw it aside, another Dwarf will grow from it.
Got two over the weeken... lucky me! The second had +3 stat (dex) and +3 protection +3 to all saving throws.
Sorry it was in my title the mysterious ring that can drop in the final chest of the wizard king quest. I have gotten two of them
1. +3 str, +3 deflection bonus to AC (does not stack with Sepc op)
2. +3 dex, +3 protection bonus to all saving throws
Hope this helps.
Thornlord, anyone know anything particular?
Also, Unkor's Cleaver - +4 battle axe, Keen is from the locked gate chest, the dwarf in the kitchen cage gives the key/pickable too.
Thornlord, I know nothing.
Unkor's. I figured the name was enough to figure out which chest it was in.
Saw someone pull a elemental gem(earth) out of a chest in redwillow.
BTW not sure if anyone mentioned it but the lesser vampiric effect from the Chaosblade is 1 hp/hit xferred.
The Torc seems to be roughly 10% of physicial hits converted to an avg of 20 SP. Shield blocking archers w a tower shield seems to be a decent way of getting som SP back![]()
The Sands of Menechtarun loot
Dynastic Falcata- Khopesh +4 True Law Adm. Cha +2
Crystallized Widow's Eye
Power X
Spot +10
From one of the Wisperdoom's Lair object quests, Splinterskull Battle Standard I think.