Titan Loot
Bravo's Sword
Shortsword +3, +5 Sneak Attack Bonus
Seven Fingered Gloves
+11 Disable
+11 Open Lock
+5 UMD
-10% Arcane Spell Failure
Titan Loot
Bravo's Sword
Shortsword +3, +5 Sneak Attack Bonus
Seven Fingered Gloves
+11 Disable
+11 Open Lock
+5 UMD
-10% Arcane Spell Failure
Another Marilith one
Cloak of the Zephyr
Blurry (10% perma blur)
and 1/day invisibility (might be higher caster level than normal)
I drink harder than you, ride harder than you and if I have spare time I might just play this game too.
Shinarel Arashin, Arishna, Tosshin, Castshin, A warforged named 5u3
Please make "Reading Comprehension" a class skill for all forum posters
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Ask a Loremaster.
Zawabi's Revenge (Warded Chest) - Level 12 raid
Blindness Ward goggles of Trueseeing Both perm effects.
Demon Queen Loot:
Pouch of Jerky
Greater False Life
Heal +11
Eat Jerky 3/day
Vambracers of Inner Light:
Base Value 25,100 gp
50 lbs
Proficiency: Heavy Armor Prof
Armor Bonus: 11
Armor Type: Heavy
Max Dex Bonus: 1
Armor Check Penalty: -5
ML: 8
Binds when acquired (makes this next to bloody useless)
This Full Plate armor glows with an eerie golden light.
+3 Enhancement
+3 Charisma
Another piece of loot to add to the Marilith section.
Lion-Headed Belt Buckle
Minimum Level: 11
+4 Strength
+4 Constituion
Immunity to Fear
Roar (Causing melee attackers to resist or be Shaken)
The item doesn't list the DC save for roar though.
Marilith loot
Bracers of the Demon's Consort
Min lvl: 11
Demonic Curse: Each time you are hit in melee combat there is a chance that your attacker will be cursed.
Demonic Shield: Each time you are hit in melee combat there is a chance that a shield of demonic energy will grant you 30 temporary hit points.
Demonic Retribution: Each time you are hit in melee combat there is a chance that a demonic force will strike back at your attacker hitting them with an Inflict Moderate Wounds spell.
Demon Scale Armor dropped too but that is already listed.
Dr. Matson Saloner
Professor Emeritus at the University of the Arcane Order
Leader, Neo Skullriders - Sarlona
are those 3 effects of the bracers on all the time?
or is it casted?
that staff of arcane power is actually gonna be Sorc/Bard/Wizzie - its in the known issue notes, its gonna get changed in an upcoming hotfix/update thing
Last edited by Shandi; 11-10-2006 at 01:23 AM.
Shandi TRing - Jackdal 20th Figther - Kaven 18th Fighter / 1st Monk
Proud Member of D.W.A.T. since 2006 of Xoriat, now Thelanis
...and when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks back at you...
demon queen update,
info on storm is wrong ....... +4 Shocking burst, Thundering Heavy X-bow To Hit bonus +4 keen ....
and the 5 ppl who stomped the raid to prove it on 11/9
more loot for you in two days
krayla/krail aundir
Last edited by Dralik; 11-10-2006 at 06:44 AM.
Titan Loot
Shining Crescent - Sickle (2 Handed Version!)
- 2d6
- Adamantine
- +5
- Vertigo +6
- Tendon Slice +6
Here is the critically important question:
Does Weapon Finesse still apply to that sickle, even though it is two-handed??
If so, this would be fairly attractive to rogues as the only two-handed finesse weapon. It will also be desirable by battle-clerics, because they have a high (buffed) strength, but not proficieny with any two-hander besides a staff.
Last edited by Gimpster; 11-10-2006 at 04:10 PM.
Update; Grazad's Helm - Helm, DR 1/-
Is spelled Garzad, and I got it from his chest in Cartamon part 3.
"... Could be worse... Could be raining..."
To keep your list up to date you should take a look at Europe forums once in a while
Another 2 Marilith drops
Dustless Boots:
Seal of the Earth
My guildie dropped the Marilith tonight, but sadly nothing new dropped.
From the Ashen Titan run Sat. Night on Riedra:
Visor of Concentration (Goggles)
Spot -7
Concentration 10
Reprair Lore
Ice Lore
Rconstruction 5
Glaciation 5
P.S. Here is another pic of the Titan's Cattering Ring (w Focus Orb pic)
Last edited by gpk; 11-12-2006 at 06:58 AM.