Golden Greaves: Boots, Striding 15%, DR3/- (Nice !)
Found in Minotaur chest in Chains of Flame (or whatever it's called) / Burning City (gnoll city w/ Efreeti)
EDIT: Hey, i screwed up, it was late and i'm not sure what i was thinking. Whirlwind is Telekinetic not thundering. On a successful hit the target makes a DC 17 save or is tripped.
Sorry about that.
I pulled this out of the LOCKED chest up high in the new Demon Sands area that is guarded by all the gnolls.
+4 Thundering Greatsword with the screaming arrow effect.
I'm moving so i'm not sure if it's 1d6 per hit or 1d6 per critical. I think its 1d6 per hit. Right now it binds on aquire but the devs said in a post that will get fixed soon. My cleric is currently carrying it. he hits pretty often with it but not like a tank would.
Last edited by Shawhan; 10-31-2006 at 02:11 PM.
THe Mithral Platemail of Speed ....I've seen drop in Caverns of Korromar, so random but rare spawn.
Thanks for taking this up after Trotsky left.
Invaders Reward List I'll look at later today and post what I find. I do know that clerics are raving about the mace off it.
Scepter of Healing = +4 to hit, Cold Iron Heavy Mace w/Greater Dev 5,and healing lore (10% chance of a doubling the effect/amount healed of your healing spell). Cost 25 invader tokens. (lvl12 required.)
Last edited by studentx; 10-28-2006 at 07:25 AM.
"Humanity has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature." Tom Robbins
Apparently some people on Lhazaar beat the titan and posted screenshots of a couple of the loot items here. One is Centurion Armor, +5 full plate with a 2 max dex bonus and +4 reflex save. The other is Insulated Armor, +4 mithral half plate, looks like, with lightning resistance 10 and lightning bolt ward (negates lightning bolt spells?). I'm pretty anxious to know what the other rewards will be.
Edit: nevermind, just saw you already put the titan items in there.
Last edited by Morcanden; 10-28-2006 at 02:52 PM.
Here's a new one. Pulled it yesterday inside the Gnoll fortress in Burning Mountain.(sorry quest name escapes me)
Cape of the Roc
Premanent Feather Fall cloak
Roc Strength 3/day (Roc Str is +6 for 30 seconds)
Also pulled da jeweled Letter opener. Will post the stats when the login server is up again.
Wizard, Drow Lvl 14-Exin
Fighter, Human Lvl 15-Soulripper
Ranger, Drow Lvl 13-Switchblade
I came back to DDO and my server was gone....
That ring, at least the one my character got, also has 3 charges of the Dismissal spell as if cast at level 7. And the ring itself is minimum level 11.Ring of Balance - Stability, Natural Armor +2, Balance +13
We have met the enemy and he is us. Pogo
What kind of bonus is that +6 strength? (screenshot?)
If it's an enhancement bonus like most every other item that boosts a stat, then this item is worthless, because for only 30 seconds gaining +2 strength (above what the Linen Handwraps give) is not worth the time to click on it.
But if it gives a morale bonus, or an unnamed bonus, then Roc Strength would stack with Linen Handwraps for a total +10 strength, which is good enough to account for the puny 30 second duration.
guilded pulled this from the chest at the queen mother gnoll... 3 charges of charm dog/animal, din really ask him wat was it
Last edited by Aranticus; 11-05-2006 at 08:30 PM.
If you want to know why...
Anybody have any idea what the items are like for turning in the Ancient Bronze Tokens? If you havent found him yet, you turn them in at Manzei Imports, at least thats what I think its called, it shows up as on the map of Zawabi's refuge with the token that indicates a store, but the door has no lit up symbol on it, so alot of people are going right past it. Anyway, I have talked to the guy, and you need 500 Ancient bronze tokens just to look at his cheapest gear, and over 6k to look at his best stuff. I am very curious as to wether or not it is worth it to farm tokens, so far between all my characters I have maybe a dozen or so tokens, I hope this gear is worth it, because it is going to take an awfully long time to save them up.
My name is not important
Vambraces of Inner Light
+3 full plate
+3 charisma
pulled from Tower of the Wizard-King (middle chest of 3 in the wizard-king treasure room.)
Favor Status- 1999
[Lvl] 12 Pezius - Dwarven Cleric of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 8/4 Pezii - Dwarven Fighter Barbarian of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 12 Peziii - Drow Wizard of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 12 Peziv - Drow Sorcerer of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 8/2/2 Pezv - Drow Fighter Paladin Rogue of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 12 Pezvi - Elf Ranger of UnBreakable
[Lvl] 12 Pezvii - Elven Rogue of UnBreakable
Just looted out of the treasury of Chamber of Raiyum - Hard.
-Adherent's Pendant-
Minimum level 11
Difficulty 12
Paladin only
A consecrated pendant sealed to the followers of some forgotten deity.
Superior Devotion IV
Wizardry II
From the final chest in the Pit
Robe of Acid
Playing (and dying) since Open Beta...
from arzahag khow sewers: sword of thirty+3 keen greatsword
Little known fact: If you cut a Dwarf's beard off, and throw it aside, another Dwarf will grow from it.
What do you mean by the
#Transform Kinetic Energy - Each time you are hit in combat there is a chance that the energy of the blow will be converted in sp
Does that gives us SP or damages our SP instead of HP?
I would assume it means you get SP. If it is confirmed I will change the text to be more clear. Until than it will stay very close to description of the effect.
Whirlwind does not require a Crit to trip, it just requires a successfull hit and they make a DC 17 save or get knocked down. Used it last night and noticed it several times in VoN5. the fighter next to me wondered how a cleric could trip the mob:0 was pretty cool. I'm no battle cleric but when you don't need to heal someone as bad ass as the group i was with were you get to swing a weapon more. Since i can't transfer the weapon i'm gonna take advantage of it until i can transfer it.
Since I have had 3 different people tell me 3 different things about whirlwind, can someone please post a screenshot of it?