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  1. #1
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default The Definitive Collectables List

    NOTE, I've redone this list in a new thread which can be found here: New & Improved Definitive Collectables List 7 August 2008

    The Definitive Collectables List

    If you have additions, corrections, or clarifications, please post it here or send me a PM.

    The Harbor

    Document Collector - Giles Goodman – Outside The Leaky Dinghy Tavern
    Torn Page form Research Book --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Spell Scroll
    Khyber Prayer Pamphlet --- 2 --- Lvl 1 Spell Wand
    Tome: Prophecies of Khyber --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessory (+1)
    Note: Giles tends to give out Divine based Scrolls and wands
    *NEW - Locations: various, but adventure packs on the floor, or bookselves through the Harbor Quests

    Mushroom Collectors - Ciadan Kelle – Outside the Wavecrest Tavern and Celaeno Kelle – Bottom of the Stairs below The Wayward Lobster

    Sweet Whitecap --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Potions, Celaeno Kelle gives Cure/Repair Potions instead
    Deadly Feverbranch --- 2 --- Feverbranch Salve (Remove Disease)
    Note: Ciadan in the Newbie harbor gives lvl 1 potions instead
    Pale Creeper --- 1 --- Masterwork Armor
    *NEW - Locations: Mushrooms in Harbor and Marketplace based quests are a good bet.

    Religious Icon Collector - Goldscuttle the Kobold – Philosopher’s Row
    Prayer Beads --- 3 --- Masterwork Ammunition
    Small Wooden Icon --- 2 --- +1 Ammunition
    Icon of Khyber --- 1 --- +1 Reptilian Bane ammunition or +1 Lesser Reptilian Bane Weapon
    *NEW - Locations: Kobolds & Trogs anywhere, especially in Marketplace or Harbor based Quests. Kobold Assault and Water Works, are great sources.

    Reagent Collector - Wash Pynoptis – Outside Philosopher’s Row
    Amber Vial --- 3 --- Lvl 1 Spell Scroll
    Vial of Pure Water --- 2 --- Lvl 1 Spell Wand
    Vial of Contagion --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~1,001 GP value)
    Note: Washs tends to give out Arcane based Scrolls and wands
    *NEW - Locations: Alchemy Tables, wood piles, and adventure packs through Harbor and Marketplace based quests

    The Market Place

    Document Collector - Giles Goodman
    Caravan Logbook --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
    Research Diary --- 2 --- Level 2 Spell Wand
    Tome: Myths of Old Xen’drick --- 1 --- +1 Skill Item
    Note: Giles tends to give out Stat Buffing based scrolls and wands

    Financial Records Keeper - Kipling Vranch – Atop Falcon’s Spire
    Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
    Wavecrasher Cargo Manifest --- 2 --- Level 2 Wand
    Tome: Stormreach Imports & Exports 857YK --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessory (+1 Skill Item)
    Note: Kipling tends to give out Divine based Scrolls and wands

    Forensics Collector - Xovun Chalk – Below House Deneith
    Skull Fragment --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
    Powdered Blood --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
    Intact Fingerbone --- 1 --- Magic Robe
    Note: Xovun tends to give out Arcane based Scrolls and wands

    Morbid Curios Collector - Yannick Drumdoom – Below Marketplace Entrance from Harbor
    Funerary Token --- 3 --- +1 Ammunition
    Mark of the Keeper --- 2 --- +2 Ammunition or +1 Returning Ammunition w/ or w/o special Metal property
    Necromantic Gem --- 1 --- +1 Ammunition of Undead Bane, +1 Lesser Undead Bane Weapon
    *NEW - Locations: Undead just about anywhere, particularly low to mid level quests, for specific quests names please see this post in this thread: New Mod 7 Rituals (uses for collectables)

    Moss Collector - Loura Jotun – Outside East Entrance to Tent
    Withered Cryptmoss --- 3 --- Lvl 1 and/or 2 Potion
    Cryptmoss --- 2 --- Cryptmoss Infusion (Cure Moderate)
    Lush Cryptmoss --- 1 --- +1 Armor

    Moth Collector - Clarice Roden - Below Marketplace Entrance from Harbor
    Cryptmoss Worm Larvae --- 3 --- Cure/Repair Moderate Potion
    Cryptmoss Worm --- 2 --- Cryptmoss Infusion (Bear’s Endurance)
    Cryptmoss Queen --- 1 --- +1 Armor

    Pigment Collector - Peta Flashpin - outside Lordsmarch Bank towards House Phiarlan
    Pinch of Glittering Dust --- 3 --- Lvl 2 Spell Scroll
    Thimble of Sparkling Dust --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
    Jigger of Luminescent Dust --- 1 --- Robe of lesser Elemental Resistance, Robe of Stability, and other similarly valued Enchantments
    Note: Peta tends to give out a mix of both Divine and Arcane based Scrolls and wands, but mostly Arcane.
    *NEW - Locations: seems to be mostly in Marketplace based quests in piles of goo on the floor, don't know how else to describe them

    Primitive Tools Collector - Davyd Turner – Across from House Phairlan Entrance
    Blade of the Dark Six --- 3 --- +1 Ammunition
    Signet of the Devourer --- 2 --- +2 Ammunition, +2 Cold Iron Ammunition or +1 Cold Iron Frost/Shock Ammunition
    Shamanic Totem --- 1 --- +1 Goblinoid Bane Ammunition or +1 Lesser Goblinoid Bane Weapon

    House Kundarak

    Apparatus Collector - Husk - Outside VON 4 Entrance / In front of The Ever Full Flagon Tavern
    Ceramic Bowl --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
    Glass Phial --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
    Crystal Decanter --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~4,001 GP value)

    Document Collector - Giles Goodman – Near Armor Broker
    Cryptic Message --- 3 -- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
    Scholary Notes --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Wand
    Tome: Codes of the Aurum --- 1 --- Jewelry / Accessory (~ 1001gp Value)

    Lyric Collector - Chor Blasthorn – Across and down the street from Liquid Charm Store
    Romantic Sonnet --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
    Silver Flame Hymnal -- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
    Tome: Lost Songs of Cyre --- 1 --- Jewelry or Accessories (Lvl 1 Spell Clicky or +3 Skill Item)
    *NEW - Locations: ???

    House Jorasco

    Beetle Collector - Mantakan – Across from first Tavern
    Duskbrood Trumpet --- 3 --- Cure/Repair Serious Potion
    Headsman’s Delight --- 2 --- Arrowmint Leaves (Eagles Splendor)
    Executioner Beetle --- 1 --- +1 Armor w/ effect or +2 Armor

    Fungus Collector - Farrik Foe Cleaver –
    Sour Darkcap --- 3 --- Potion of Cure/Repair Serious
    Fragrant Drowshod --- 2 --- Spicy Fungal Gumbo (x3) (Bull’s Strength) Pot. Sap (Cure Serious and Remove Disease)
    Flowering Hellscap --- 1 --- +1 Armor w/ effect or +2 Armor
    *NEW - Locations: ???, for specific quests names please see this post in this thread: New Mod 7 Rituals (uses for collectables)

    Talisman Collector - Verisgante – Behind Tavern at Entrance to Graveyard
    Amulet of the Lost Empire --- 3 --- +2 Ammunition, +1/+2 Ammunition w/ effect
    Amulet of the Six --- 2 --- +3 Ammunition, +1 to +3 ammunition w/ Effect
    Amulet of the Archbishop --- 1 --- +1 Giant-Bane Ammunition, +1 Lesser Giant Bane Weapon

    House Deneith

    Elemental Essence Collector - Flintchip Fireson – Outside and to the left of Dragon Tooth Arms
    Smoldering Ember --- 3 --- +1 Elemental Ammunition, +1 Returning Weapon (may have metal Property too)
    Polished Ore --- 2 --- +3 Silver Throwing Ammunition
    Elemental Ingot --- 1 --- +1 Elemental Bane Ammunition, +1 Lesser Elemental Bane Weapon

    Infernal Essence Collector - Tara Wightraven – Outside Anvil Fire Inn
    Planar Crystal --- 3 --- +1 or +2 Ammunition or Returning Weapons (w/ or w/o metal properties)
    Planar Spoor --- 2 --- +1, +2, or +3 Ammunition or Returning Weapons (w/ or w/o metal properties)
    Planar Talisman --- 1 --- +1 Lesser Evil Outsider Bane Weapon or +2 - +4 thrown returners: if +2 metal, +3 - +4 may have metal properites

    Medicinal Spore Collector - Chirugeon Laj’ Amal
    Bruised Spore Pod --- 3 --- Potion of Cure/Repair Moderate/Serious
    Intact Spore Pod --- 2 --- Spore Saps x2 or x3 (Cure Moderate)
    Flowering Spore Pod --- 1 --- +2 Armor

    The Long Awaited Missing House Deneith Collectors
    Drow Artifact Collector - Zolor drexxian - Top of House Deneith
    Chipped Bone Talismans --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Ivory Scorpion Icons --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Tear of Vulkoor --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

    Text Collector - Mayda Yarrowmill - Top of House Deneith
    3 Mystical Formulae --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Academic Treatises --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Tome: Alchemist's Chapbook --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

    Fungus Collector (from Restless isles) - Tarbox - Top of House Deneith
    Ruddy Fungi --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Bloodfest Fungi --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) orInfluence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Sanguine Moth --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

    Ritual Paraphernalia Collector - Maxon Dreamwalker - Top of House Deneith
    Blessed Candles --- 3 --- +1 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Silver Bowls --- 2 --- +2 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).
    Ritual Athame --- 1 --- +3 Potion of Skill (effects skills) or Influence (Stat increase) (both stack with other enhancers).

    *NOTE 1* Skill Potions provide a bonus to skills based on the relavent Stat.
    *NOTE 2* Influence Potions provide a bonus to the relavent Stat.
    *NOTE 3* Skill and Influence Potions provide an appropriate Alchemal bonus to the appropriate Skill or Attribute. This bonus is CUMULATIVE with other bonus of different types. ex) Eagle's SKill will combine with Command (+2 to CHA skills), while Eagle's Influence will provide a bonus to your CHA Stat.

    House Phiarlan

    Intelligence Collector - Seld the Grey Sister – top of Amphitheater at Entrance to Gwylans’ Stand
    Runic Parchment --- 3 --- Lvl 3 or 4 Spell Scroll
    House Sealed Letter --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand - Cure Serious Wounds Wand
    Tome: History of The Houses --- 1 --- +3 Skill Item, Underwater Action Item, +1 Attribute Item

    Omen Collector - Kayla Skywhisper
    Lodestone --- 3 --- Lvl 3 or 4 Spell Scroll
    Moonstone --- 2 --- Lvl 3 spell Wand
    Stellar Orb --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~ 4,001gp Value)

    Soarwood Collector - Bowdlin
    Singed Soarwood --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scroll
    Charred Soarwood --- 2 --- Lvl 3 Spell Wand
    Lightning-Split Soarwood --- 1 --- Magic Robe (~ 4,001gp Value)

    The One Eared Bugbear- Tangleroot Gorge

    Flower Collector - Demordris Meele – Inside the One Eared bugbear Tavern
    Lily Petal --- 3 --- Lily Extract (Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds)
    Woodblossom Nectar --- 2 --- Woodblossom Mead (Remove Blindness)
    Crimson Nightshade --- 1 --- Crimson Nightshade Infusion (Remove Curse)

    The Restless Isles
    Please see Collectors listed in House Deneith!

    The Necropolis

    Emerald Claw Camp Collector - Mikela Ravenspear – Emerald Claw Camp
    Vol Prayer Charm --- 3 --- Regular & Masterwork Ammunition, +1 Ammunition
    Mark of Favor --- 2 --- +1 Adamantium Ammunition, +2 Weapon
    Abbot’s Ring --- 1 --- +2 Weapon

    Silver Flame Camp Collector - Ninevah Shadowsbough – Silver Flame Camp
    Vol Prayer Charm --- 3 --- Lvl 1 and 2 Spell Scrolls
    Mark of Favor --- 3 --- Lvl 3 Spell Scrolls
    Abbot’s Ring --- 3 --- Magic Robe ~ 4,001gp value - Robe of Axeblock

    Invasion ~ Oustider Coins - *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot - Can't remember his name at the moment - near the Entrance to The Waterworks, just past the stairs up to the Marketplace Gate

    Note: Competed by turning in 25 invaders tokens. Can only be completed once
    Demonic Breastplate - +5 Breastplate, Admanatine, Fire Resistance, Ice Resistance
    Docent of Defense - +5 docent, Heavy Fortification, +2 Protection
    Ring of Balance - Stability, +2 Natural Armor, Balance +13, Dismissal 3/day
    Sceptor of Healing - +4 Heavy Mace, Flametouched Iron, Greater Devotion V, Greater Healing Lore

    Relic of a Sovereign Past ~ Adamantine Ore - *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot - Can't remember his name now either, in the very last room of the Mine Tunnels in the Black Anvil Mines.

    Note: You can only have one at a time, and must pay Adamantine Ore.
    Nightforge Aegis - +5 Heavy Shield, Adamantine (15 ore required)
    Nightforge Avenger Blade - +5 Longsword, Admanatine (10 ore required)
    Nightforge Armbands: Improved False Life, Heroism 3/rest (10 ore required)
    Nightforge Darkhelm - Helm, +2 Wisdom, +5 Will, Protection From Evil 3/rest (10 ore required)
    Nightforge Darkscale - +5 Scalemail, Adamantine
    Nightforged Docent - +5 Docent, False Life (12 ore required)
    Nightforge Gourge - Necklace, Heavy Fortification (10 ore required)
    Nightforge Gouge - +5 Heavy Pick, Adamantine
    Nightforge Hammer - +5 Warhammer, Adamantine (10 ore required)
    Nightforge Mesh - +5 Chain Shirt, Adamantine (12 ore required)
    Nightforge Plate - +5 Full Plate, Admantine (15 ore required)
    Nightforge Stilleto - +5 Dagger, Adamantine
    Nightforge Spike - +5 Darts, Adamantine, Returning (9 Ore required)

    Gianthold Tor - Relics: Dragon, Elf, & Giant
    The three different collectors are located throughout the camp of Gianthold. 20 of each relic are required to flag for the Storm Reaver Raid, in addition to haivng marked completed the yellow quests below. Extra Relics can also be turned into collectors through the Giant Hold for a suit of appropriate armor. Each armor set requires 20 relics of the appropriate variety. See the the *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot link.
    Dragon Relics: Prison of the plains, Foundation of Discord, Cry for help
    Elf Relics: Storms Fist Quests - Crucible, Feast or Famine, Cable for one
    Dragon Relics: Storms Eye Quests - Prison of the plains, Foundation of Discord, Cry for help
    Giant Relics: Storms Heart Quests - Madstone Crater, Trail by fire, Maze of Madness
    Note the main long length quests can drop up to 3 relics and the short quests 1 or 2, not sure which is 1 and which is 2 tho

    Gianthold Tor - Dragon Scale Collectibles
    The three different collectors are located throughout the camp of Gianthold.
    *new* Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Chest Loot

    *NEW* Black Dragon Scales Collectables (25 Black Dragon Scales)

    * Black Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 Base armor), +13 Disable Device, +13 Search, Greater Acid Resistance, Ranged Alacrity 10%*
    * Black Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Sacred, Wizardy V, Greater Acid Resistance, Undead Guard*
    * Black Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), Greater Acid Resistance, Heal 1/rest
    * Black Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, +13 Disable Device, +13 Search, Greater Acid Resistance, Ranged Alacrity 10%*
    * Black Dragonscale Robe - +5 Armor, Wizardy V, Greater Evocation Focus, Greater Acid Resistance

    Blue Dragon Scales Collectables (25 Blue Dragon Scales)

    * Blue Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
    * Blue Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
    * Blue Dragonscale Armor- +5 Scale Armor (6 base armor), Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
    * Blue Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance
    * Blue Dragonscale Robe - +4 Armor Bonus, Potency VII, Greater Arcane Lore, Spell Penetration VII, Greater Lightning Resistance

    White Dragon Scales Collecitales (25 White Dragon Scales)

    * *NEW* White Dragonhide Armor - +5 Leather Armor (3 Base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3 charges
    * White Dragonplate Armor - +5 Full Plate (9 base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest
    * *NEW* White Dragonscale Armor - +5 Scale Armor (6 Base armor), Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3 charges
    * *NEW* White Dragonscale Docent - +5 Docent, Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection , Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest
    * *NEW* White Dragonscale Robe - +6 armor, Moderate Fortification, +4 Protection, Greater Cold Resistance, Shield 3/rest

    Accursed Ascension Collectible Guide added by permission of DaveyCrockett

    Sigil Pieces
    There are 8 different Sigil Pieces that fit into the Sigil Frame. Completion of the frame is required to advance the Litany of the Dead questline (flagged for B.A. Raid).

    There are four quests that drop the Sigil Pieces. Four pieces drop randomly within those four quests, and four pieces drop static within those four quests.

    The static drops are:
    1 Right Wing - Temple of Vol
    2 Left Wing - Fleshmaker's Laboratory
    3 Right Frame - Inferno of the Damned
    4 Left Frame - Ghosts of Perdition

    The random drops are:
    5 Left Pincer
    6 Center Frame
    7 Eye of the Abbot
    8 Right Pincer

    The numbers indicate the icon position (left to right) of that piece in the bottom of your frame.

    Shield Fragments
    There are 8 different Shield Fragments that fit into the Shield Frame. Upon completion of the shield, you may turn it in to Racella Unary to complete the Shield of Legend Quest and recieve a Static Reward.

    There are four quests that offer an optional chest that drops the shield pieces. These pieces are static:

    1/2 - Temple of Vol (Golem Chest)
    3/4 - Ghosts of Perdition (Kill 4 Waves Chest)
    5/6 - Fleshmaker's Laboratory (Golem Enslaught Chest)
    7/8 - Inferno of the Damned (Locked Acolyte Chest)

    Shield of Legend Reward List:
    Adherence - +3 Tower Shield, DR 3/-, Enchantment Save +6
    Arrondi - +4 Large Shield, Feather Falling, Adamantine, Moderate Fortification
    Bijio - +4 Large Shield, Proof Against Poison, Improved Fire Resistance, Improved Empower Healing I
    Death's Door - +4 Large Shield, Fearsome, Deathblock
    Fanion - +4 Large Shield, Twilight, Mithral, Magi, Greater False Life
    Sorrel - +5 Large Shield, Protection +4, Resistance +4
    Talon - +3 Large Shield(DR:4, Base Dmg: 2d6, Crit: 19-20 /x3), Maiming, Keen

    Tapestry Pieces
    Tapestry pieces are all the same, and 20 are required to complete a tapestry. The tapestry is required to complete the Tattered Tapestry quest from Balkar Aislin and obtain a static reward.

    Tapestry pieces are found in the Rare Encounter chests in the Orchard of the Macabre.

    Tattered Tapestry Reward List:
    Minos Legens - Helm, Heavy Fortification, Feat: Toughness
    Muffled Veneer - Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Search +10
    Seraphim - Helmet, Sacred, Hollowed (increased max HD of undead turned by 2), Abjuration Focus, Devotion VI
    Totemic Lavalier - Helmet, Magi, Intelligence +4, Charisma +4
    Tradusor - Helmet, +4 Wisdom, +4 Reflex save
    Undying Gaze - Helmet, +10 intimidate, +6 Shatter, Fear 1/day

    Tome Pages
    There are 8 different Tome Pieces (Legends) that complete a tome. A completed tome is required to complete the Tome of Untold Legends quest, bestowed by Bilk Howland. A static reward is given upon completion.

    The Tome Pieces can be found in the mini-boss chests in The Black Mausoleum (pre-raid). The Legends appear to be somewhat static, and appear as follows:

    Tome peice I - Legend I – Cinnis
    Tome piece II - Legend V - Cholthulz
    Tome peice III - Legend VIII – Mentau
    Tome peice IV - Legend IV – High Priest
    Tome peice V - Legend II – Mentau, Cinnis
    Tome piece VI - Legend VI – Cholthulzz, High Priest
    Tome peice VII - Legend VII – Cinnis, Cholthulzz
    Tome peice VIII - Legend III – Mentau, High Priest

    Tome of Untold Legends Reward List:
    Coronation - +5 Morningstar, Persuasion, Greater Elf Bane, Control Undead 1/day
    Deathnip - +5 Heavy Pick, Maiming, Seeker +8 (Crit: 19-20)
    Phosphor - +5 Heavy Mace, Sunburst, Everbright, Righteous, Impact
    Razorend - +5 Shortsword, Bleed, Greater Magical Beast Bane, Keen, Tendon Slice
    Serrulae - +5 Battleaxe, Vertigo +10, Transmuting, Giant Bane
    Sever - +5 Dwarven Axe, Keen, Limb Chopper, Destruction
    Skiver - +5 Dagger, Archmagi, Greater Arcane Lore, Improved Extend I, Improved Empower II
    Twinblade - +5 Bastard Sword (Base dmg: 2d8 +5), Greater Goblinoid Bane, Greater Orc Bane, Anarchic, Axiomatic

    If you find anything that I have not listed here, or turn in any collectables that I am missing please post here and/or send me a PM and I'll add it to the list just as quick as I can.
    Last edited by Steiner-Davion; 03-22-2010 at 11:54 AM. Reason: New Thread announcement

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jul 2006


    Weathered Parchment isn't really a collectible. You don't get it off of bodies or from collectible spawns. It's an item from the Irestone Inlet quest that doesn't disappear when you leave, just like several other items. Thus, it should be removed from this particular list.


  3. #3
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    Also, I got a +2 scimitar for 2 Mark of Favor from the Emerald Claw collector, so the reward is somewhat random. It's arrows or a weapon. So far, all I've seen the Silver Flame Collector give is scrolls (for both charms and marks; haven't seen a ring yet).


  4. #4
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Sir Bruce,

    Thanks for the updates. I appreciate it.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    I noticed that there are some collectors in The Twelve cant get to them yet but they are on they are marked on map and were like dragon egg, dragon scale and scrap metal collectors.

  6. #6
    Community Member Viglin's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Great list, thanks to the OP...yup lm one of those people that hoarde collectables

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion
    Sir Bruce,

    Thanks for the updates. I appreciate it.
    Galen great post, thank you. Havent been on Ghallanda in a while hope all is well with you. Gives you a cupcake.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  8. #8
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Viglin
    Great list, thanks to the OP...yup lm one of those people that hoarde collectables

    Yeah, I couldn't believe there wasn't a thread about this. I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back, but I could have sworn there was one here... There wasn't. I was just going to submit my updates for the Emerald Claw Collector in The Necropolis last night, but instead I decided to post evertything, since we didn't have this thread at all.

    Yummy Cupcakes... do they have sprinkles? I like sprinkles...

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion
    Yeah, I couldn't believe there wasn't a thread about this. I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back, but I could have sworn there was one here... There wasn't. I was just going to submit my updates for the Emerald Claw Collector in The Necropolis last night, but instead I decided to post evertything, since we didn't have this thread at all.

    Yummy Cupcakes... do they have sprinkles? I like sprinkles...
    Of course green sprinkles. I haven't decided on today's cupcake design yet. still working on it LOL. gonna go make some more fresh coffee for all.
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

  10. #10
    Community Member blizar's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default Twiligh collectables

    can some one PLZ tell me what i do with all the collectables that i have got from the Twiligh Forge.. i hav so many an they all look reali kewl.

  11. #11
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I beleive there are a few mistakes in this.

    Celaeno Kelle gives Cure light or Repair light potions for sweet whitecaps, feverblanche salves for deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for ple creepers. Ciadan Kelle gives level 1 potions for sweet whitcaps and deadly feverblanches and masterwork armor for plae creepers.

    The banes given by Yannick Doomdrum and Davyd Turner were switched a few updates ago.

    I have only gotten cure moderate potions for withered cryptmosses.

    I'm pretty sure I've gotten robes of stability and similar enchantments for Luminescent Dust.

    I have only gotten Cure serious wands for House Sealed Letters.

    I'm pretty sure you get +3 skill items for a Tome: History of the Houses.

    Thank you for posting this.

  12. #12
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion
    I remember finding the info in the DDO Wiki a while back
    It's here:
    If you want to update that page as you also maintain this thread, you are of course welcome to

  13. #13
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by honkuimushi
    The banes given by Yannick Doomdrum and Davyd Turner were switched a few updates ago.
    Are you saying that I have them backwards?

  14. #14
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Steiner-Davion
    Are you saying that I have them backwards?
    Yes, Doomdrum now gives undead bane and Turner gives goblinoid bane. I forget which update it was, It may have been the Twilight forge. I'll have to go check the release notes.

  15. #15
    Founder Terik_Stoermshade's Avatar
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    A possible correction:

    In the Necropolis, the Emerald Claw Camp Collector gave Masterwork ammunition for 3 Vol Prayer Charms (12 Charms = 80 Masterwork Arrows )

  16. #16
    Community Member
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    Like I said before, the Emerald Claw person doesn't always give out a fixed level of reward. Sometimes it's arrows, sometimes it's a weapon. It can be masterwork, +1, +2, etc.

    Silver Bowls and Blessed Candles both drop from granite gargoyles. I don't think they come from regular ones, though.


  17. #17
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by blizar
    can some one PLZ tell me what i do with all the collectables that i have got from the Twiligh Forge.. i hav so many an they all look reali kewl.

    I'd like to help, but as I haven't done any of the Twilight Forge module quests yet, I have no idea what they are...

  18. #18
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006

    Default Missing some

    This list is missing the Ruddy Fungus and Casting Rune collectible lines. They are found in rubble and altars throughout Restless Isles.

  19. #19
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster
    This list is missing the Ruddy Fungus and Casting Rune collectible lines. They are found in rubble and altars throughout Restless Isles.
    Can you provide more information on them? I'll gladly add them to the list, but like I posted above, I've never been to the Restless Isles, so I don't know anything about them (how many are needed, who gets them, where he/she is located and what you get).

  20. #20
    Founder & Hero Steiner-Davion's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    Thanks to Karlch of Ghallanda we now know that the Silver Flame Collector in hte Necropolis will give you a Magic Robe of approximately 4,001gp value for an Abbot's Ring.

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