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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default No reaper xp for lvl 30 character on a lvl 29 quest is complete BS

    The heroic/epic/legendary xp splits are such BAD ideas. Ok, regular xp hit is bad enough, but reaper xp too? What is going on with the devs on this?

  2. #2
    Community Member Malveaux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phatlewts View Post
    The heroic/epic/legendary xp splits are such BAD ideas. Ok, regular xp hit is bad enough, but reaper xp too? What is going on with the devs on this?
    I agree. There are 3 level 28 quests and 4 level 29 quest's. It looks good (kind of) for the appearance of adventure compendium. I also know that people level differently. I feel for the majority of players these quest's aren't played for leveling. I could be wrong. At the very least the necro 4 stuff should be moved to level 30 and made legendary.

    Just last night I suggested doing necro 4 because we are running out of first times for rxp. I hadn't played in endgame in like 2 years. My memory was fuzzy on the base level. Running that was nixxed because nobody wanted to run it if there was no point. MoD was not of interest this life. About to tr to reset.

  3. #3
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    I agree that there's no good reason for the heroic/epic and epic/legendary XP barriers; the XP bump from quests past the transition is so large that if someone wants to waste time trying to XP on the bitty quests, SSG should be fine with it.

    OTH, most of the annoyance stems from not knowing it's there. It's a rather rude surprise when it's unexpected; there was a fair forum furor when it was added to game. Now that most everyone knows about it, it seems normal and easy to bend your leveling around it.

    BTW, I'm hoping they don't add a similar up-grouping barrier to epic/legendary; ie. as heroics can't enter epic zones, prevent epics from doing legendary.

  4. #4
    Community Member Logicman69's Avatar
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    Agreed. These splits were a thing when hitting 20 gave a HUGE boost to power (remember, you used to get all your benefits at level 20), but since they have straightened out that power spike, I think they need to remove those breakpoints.
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  5. #5
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    It definitely feels a bit strange since going from character level 29 to 30 doesn't feel like much of a change, unlike going from 19 to 20 where you gain EDs which brings a ton of power. You still use the same enhancements as you did in epics. As a result it does feel like a bit of an arbitrary barrier. You get a scion feat, but that's not much to separate a legendary character from an epic one in terms of feel. I am not against the barrier but it doesn't feel differentiating at the moment, that is definitely true, so getting no XP from running 1 level over in the situation the OP described does feel bad as a result. Legendary feels mostly just like epic with a different name. They should probably do more to make legendary feel different than epic. Both in terms of player characters and quest content.
    Last edited by axel15810; 05-01-2023 at 11:48 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjond View Post
    OTH, most of the annoyance stems from not knowing it's there. It's a rather rude surprise when it's unexpected; there was a fair forum furor when it was added to game. Now that most everyone knows about it, it seems normal and easy to bend your leveling around it.
    Feedback on this change was overwhelmingly negative but they still implemented it. For reasons unclear... like axel said, the power spike from 29 to 30 (or even 32) isn't that huge and even if it was, you only get 1/2 rxp of a legendary quest, so there already was a downside.

  7. #7
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Part of a long list of things in the game that don't make sense.
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  8. #8
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logicman69 View Post
    Agreed. These splits were a thing when hitting 20 gave a HUGE boost to power (remember, you used to get all your benefits at level 20), but since they have straightened out that power spike, I think they need to remove those breakpoints.
    Currently the lvl 20 barrier doesn't exist. If it's a bug, we need to convince SSG to keep it; if it's not a bug then it would be nice if SSG would acknowledge it.

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