I've played off and on since launch in 2006 I stopped before it went free and i've come and gone a few times till say 2013 ish. Either way its been almost 10 years and alots changed in the game and feeling a little overwhelmed atm hah. So I'll just show you what i've got going for me and maybe yall can help me make a decision. I was a compulsive hoarder and an altoholic so I'll need a spreadsheet to figure out all the **** i've got.

Last time I played was idk 6th birthday(i've got a few pieces of 6 year old cake lul) or risia or 3 barrel cove or something cause I farmed the hell out of the risia event and i've still got a few thousand potions/scrolls (haste/jump/fire res/chill shield/featherfall/ supreme ice power pots or something /and alot of those ice elemental gem things. it looks like I did the crystal cove thing alot and got lv 20 gear set up for futures alts/lives.

OK i'll stop rambling sorry - right my highest is my main class I played a 1st life lv 20 elf arcane archer ranger 32 point but its mismash of gear some green steel bows(holy shocking burst, and acid/acid burst/blast/earth grab bows) from shroud and some lv 20 gear from the crystal cove event along with like some vorpal/disrupting/paralyzing, wounding of puncturing and other assorted random greater bane stuff i've found along the way.

Should I just rebirth and start over Dark Hunter looks fun from the videos i've watched, or should I tough it out and favor grind unlock stuff and try to hit 30+ before TR'ing so i get epic and heroic TR?

Also hows the population been, and are we seeing any new players or just more boomerangs like me? Thanx for your time and input ~ Riv