I went into Storm Horns to do slayers and the kill count did not progress at all after kills. I confirmed with others they are showing a similar bug. I was able to pick up the messages and get XP, but none of the kills were registering.
I went into Storm Horns to do slayers and the kill count did not progress at all after kills. I confirmed with others they are showing a similar bug. I was able to pick up the messages and get XP, but none of the kills were registering.
I can confirm this. I had the same issue in Stormhorns (heroic).Kills won't count, but you can pick up the explorer scrolls and they do give xp. Can't say anything about epic Stormhorns.
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
Dev Tracker is your friend.
Yes indeed. He stated
While we are stating that you don't get kills from anything. Not getting kills from any mob and not getting xp from special encounters are two totally differnt things.The special landscape Random Encounters that directly grant XP and have unique objectives will not complete or give XP
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
I can verify that the storm horns still don't register slayer kills. Also, in the High Road..... rares are not giving any XP. You do get slayer kills and slayer xp. You do get a chest for rares.
setting olympic record for drowning deaths ...
Epic Gianthold is funny, giant kills count but other races don't.
Bumping this in hopes other see it. I just ran around in here for 10 minutes before realizing I wasn't getting XP or adding to kill count. Guess I should scour the dev tracker before trying to play after updates. My bad.
Also, not noted by any others here, but I also didn't have any of the scrolls or rare encounters(? Maybe I just hadn't found any encounters yet, though I know the scrolls didn't generate). I recalled and second time in, scrolls and rares were there. I did one rare encounter, got a chest. I don't think I got XP. The rare I did was dancing for the satyrs, so no killing involved..
Was running on epic, lvl 27 character.
As additional data about the issue... I was trying to run EPIC feywild wilderness with my son today and while slayers and rares were giving XP the Hyrsam encounters were NOT.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd