This is stated as a new feature, however am I the only one not seeing it?
This is stated as a new feature, however am I the only one not seeing it?
Ambitious ~ Ambiance
I was in Stromvauld's Mine and didn't see a visual. I also didn't get the trap icon in that quest either. I did see the trap and hidden icon in other quests... maybe it's a spot check? I didn't try looking at locked chests in other quests yet.
As an old guy, I appreciate the large, cartoonish icons. Thanks SSG!
Yes! I don't recall seeing it, but would like to. I might have and not known it. Doors would be nice. Its kind of frustrating that the team sits around waiting, expecting me to know its a locked,pickable door and then after several awkward moments, someone says locked or something. :/
I ran both a trapper and a warlock with knock yesterday and didn't see the pickable icon anywhere. The trap and door alerts are a bit large but I don't mind them.
Should the pickable indicator show for non trappers? And doors, should it show for doors?
I think such an icon would be nice and I thought it was called out in the notes, but I never saw such an icon. I was ran a trapper though many quests that had locked and pickable chests and doors.
IMHO, I'd prefer for the ?/! overhead icons+sound to be a checkbox choice. I run NIH on my trappers and thus never need even more notice (it already makes the thing visible, has SFX, and draws lines pointing to the boxes and the traps). However, I think the !/? marks are a fantastic addition for newbie trappers without NIH and definitely worth the time to add to game.