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    Community Member SoVeryBelgian's Avatar
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    Jul 2012

    Cool Eberron Adventure Pack Idea #16 "Coffers of The Keeper"

    Guess who's back... back again! 'Tis I, Nonviolence of Argo, back with another speculative quest idea! Now, let us tarry not, and get straight into it!

    First, some LORE!
    1.The Keeper is the member of The Six (in opposition to The Sovereign Host) that is most directly associated with excesses of Greed and Ruin. As the saying goes "None can escape The Keeper's clutches. Once you've been 'taken' (either by Soul or Wealth) you'll never see the light of day again. Hoarders and Necromancers both appreciate this sentiment, Dragons included.
    2.Once a year, The Cult of The Keeper will 'Open the Coffers' and allow for exchange various things The Keeper has taken; as the central precept of The Cult is that everything has an intrinsic value, nothing is priceless and personal greed is king. This twisted Bazaar moves around the continent and never arrives in the same place twice. to that end, tracking it down to participate is quite hard, and often requires that you part with some ethical scruples to join in... and even if you DO find it, it will have attracted numerous other cutpurses, scammers, thieves, and suspect merchandising opportunities.

    So why join at all? Well... QUEST PROMPT!
    Naerys Woodsorrel bemoans the loss of her family's much-loved heirloom, a carved bone wristlet inset with a sparkling beryl. Supposedly found inside a Basilisk and taken by her Grandfather, she had cared for it diligently, up until a week ago when men in robes of Gold, Grey and Black alighted upon her storefront, oddly fixated on it. Her suspicions were confirmed when the wristlet had disappeared the following morning... now she paces outside her market stand, offering a reward to whoever can find it.
    You stop by, looking for something easy to do... a small retrieval mission couldn't hurt. When you ask for a lead, she merely says "A studded cape of deepest black, embroidered with a fang or claw of blue and gold..."

    QUEST 1 - Dealing in Darkness - Map : The Canebrake of Ruu'al
    Questgiver : Inquisitive Hyaminthus Level 25 (F2P Pre-Quest)
    • After taking up the task for Ms Woodsorrel, you quickly head out of the market, only to be impeded by a lanky inquisitive with a disarming smile. He introduces himself as Hyaminthus of Breland, working on behalf of House Deneith and House Kundarak after several important clients were unceremoniously robbed of all their possessions, right down to the brass tacks. And since the wards and guards BOTH failed, the Inquisitive's Office was asked to intercede to save face. You accompany him to his office, and are greeted by a familiar face, Spymaster Romul Ziegvard. Grinning, he waves you over to talk.
    • TASK 1: You are to accompany Romul to The Canebrake of Ruu'al in the lands south of Stormreach. House Deneith suspects that the Outpost that monitors the Coastline may have been compromised. As the Spymaster creeps ahead, you are left to the path he leaves behind. On the road you are set upon by Bandits, Lizardfolk, Troglodytes, Wisps & the more aggressive types of local wildlife and plantlife.
    • TASK 2: After being chided for drawing so much attention to yourself, you begin to snappily respond to the criticism but are cut short by the arrival of a collection of people milling about a copse by the riverside. Sneaking closer to the encampment, you decide to parlay your way into the convening merchant caravan... or at least what appears to be one, while Romul awaits your report on the edge of the camp. Essentially, you use social skills to discern what people are arriving here for, and then reporting back to the spymaster. Doing poorly with your bluff/diplo/intim rolls leads to fights with Hobgoblins, Bugbears, Human Traders, Thieves' Guild Contractors, Sahuagin from the River, Gnomish Smugglers, and Rogue Artificers.
    • TASK 3: As still more traders converge and arrive, you are asked to find an informant willing to assist House Deneith. Romul has you consider 3 NPCs, an Exotic Animal Trader (READ: Poacher) named Khalgabin Mheek, a down-on-his-luck Airship Pirate Captain Yau An-Jal and a gem-obsessed Kobold named Pockets. In order to convince them, you'll need to either face off against an exotic animal (Enraged Griffon), kill or bluff a loanshark to free the captain from debt OR secure a beautiful gem for the Kobold. All while fending off attacks from Disgruntled Bandits and Traders, Living Shadows, Wererats, Pirates, Thugs and Duergar.
    • TASK 4: Once your informant is on board, you begin to head back to Romul only for Sulatar Drow to raid the camp! Fend them off! Once you defeat Raid Captain Reth'Ur the real hosts show themselves. Clad in black and gold, cultists of The Keeper. You begin to wonder if this is really worth the hassle... but before doubt can slow you, you speak to the lead Acolyte about what will happen. You are now invited to attend the Macabre Market hosted by the Dark Six. Hooray? This ends the quest. You automatically receive a skull-etched token which allows passage to the P2P quests, of which there are 3.

    QUEST 2 - No Pain No Gain - Map : The Obsidian City
    Questgiver : Romul Ziegvard (in Quest) Level 32 (Legendary Quest) *Note: If you finish out, you can talk to Farshifter Cair Calonne in House D for these P2P quests.
    • Arriving at the outer reaches of The Obsidian City you ponder why the Cult would endanger the merchants and more importantly the merchandise by skirting so close to a bastion of the Sulatar Drow... but in a way it can be said that one peril does keep tend to keep other perils at bay... just then, the caravan halts and you find yourself addressed by one of the Seekers, Selamar Graythrone, who instructs you, Romul and several others to clear the way ahead of threats, as the caravan crawls behind. You'll face various Sulatar, Fire Giants, Hellhounds, Panthers, Displacer Beasts and Animated Armor mobs, as well as a host of Fire, Magma and Earth elementals.
    • TASK 1: You find yourself and the other with you impeded by a mined walkway that spans a stone precipice between two towering walls of blackened rock. These mines CAN be disabled individually, but you'd be better served taking out the control gems that power them. Each gem is concealed by a lever-action mechanism that requires either Lock Picking or Massive STR checks. Keys exist, but they are fiercely guarded by Sulatar Sentries, Repeating Ballistae and defensive Spellwards. It's up to you to clear the way.
    • TASK 2: Romul suggests that you ought to lose the tailing mercenaries behind us, and now you have to contrive some way to eliminate the stragglers who weren't killed by the mines, as well as the Seekers sent to accompany the vanguard... using either Bluff, Diplo or Intim you convince various mercs to pursue certain avenues of action as subterfuge, wiping them out. Beware however, as Seeker Spies will attempt to warn the main caravan of your betrayal. Kill them quickly to prevent a leak! Note: The Seekers are REQUIRED to be killed to proceed, while the Mercs are OPTIONAL XP.
      Frug Hackharl (Bugbear) Can be bluffed into going down an alley and being attacked by Sulatar.
      Rekk Blueclaw (Tabaxi) Can be diploed into over-extending and charging ahead to scout, leading to being attacked by Hellhounds.
      Wermott Deepground (Dwarf) Can be intimidated into fighting you in a concealed location nearby.
    • TASK 3: Arriving at the end of a lengthy walkway you see a large stone face carved into a wall. Standing around it are spellcallers of The Keeper who bring a humming portal to life in the mouth of the stone relief. One by one, warded caravan carts pass through, but occasionally a ward will break, leading to an attack from Sulatar forces. Defend the Caravan!
    • TASK 4: After defeating 5 persistent waves of Enemy Forces, you begin to head to the portal, presenting your Skull-Etched Token. Smirking, Selamar Graythrone mockingly jeers "Fool! The token is an implement of The Keeper! We hear all and see all that the token does! You are revealed, now die!" You need to get through that portal! Kill Graythrone and the Seeker forces that stall you! and beware the Helmed Horrors that they summon!

    QUEST 3 - Point of Sale - Map : The Ruins of Bazek Mohl
    Questgiver : Gawping Portal (in Quest) Level 32 (Legendary Quest) *Note: If you finish out, you can talk to Farshifter Cair Calonne in House D for these P2P quests.
    • Blinking as you pass through the portal, you squint through the mist as it swirls around you. At first you stumble about aimlessly, but you see a wan glow in the distance, beckoning you to a cobblestone pathway with massive pavers and a huge stone gateway inset with giant beastly skulls. Rather than step into full view of the pathway, you wait a moment... a hand reaches for your shoulder, and you whip around to attack! "Hold on, hold on!" hisses Romul as he gestures to keep unnoticed. Under his breath he says "This is where we part ways. I have my own purpose to attend to, if you seek the Wristlet, I wish you luck, for we are now in the cradle of our enemies... should you complete your task, return to the gate where I have concealed a rope. Farewell." with that, he disappears over the door frame and into the bazaar.
    • TASK 1: This quest is a maze, a huge sprawl of tents, vendors and storefronts, seemingly conjured out of nowhere. The massive giant-stone steps are lousy with ne'er-do-wells, charlatans and of course, the obscenely wealthy. You even recognize some faces from The Aurum, The Temple of Kol Korran, The Cults of Khyber and The Boromar Clan. It would be prudent to remain unnoticed. Pursuing a lead, you decide to visit your informant. If you chose the Kobold, head to The Glittering Mile. If you chose the Poacher, head to The Screaming Cages. If you chose the Pirate, head to The Brutal Arena. Once there, question the informant about the possible location of a jeweled wristlet, using your social skills. Otherwise, they'll ask for another favor tied to their respective areas. Once you get them to talk, all will eventually mention two people. Lord Glutton, Manfred vo Skayn of Lhazaar and Rodovich Dusk-Born, Chief Purser of The Keeper both of whom keep their tents and wealth in the Eastern Market at the top of the stairwell. You head there but find the way barred. The eastern market is for VIPs only, apparently. All is not lost however, and help arrives in the form of Mettier d'Thuranni who sidles up to you and intones that she is looking to settle a few debts, and make a few purchases. If you help her, she offers a VIP pass to the Eastern Market. Seeing no other option, you acquiesce.
    • TASK 2: To assist Mettier, she has asked that you complete several errands that she was to attend to as dictated by House Thuranni.
      Firstly, you have to participate in an auction for an item. Either win by bidding, convincing other patrons to leave... or just kill everyone and take it.
      Secondly, head to the Screaming Cages and either negotiate the freedom of several House Thuranni trackers OR destroy the slavers and break their chains.
      Thirdly, you have been asked to eliminate a witness and their benefactor, currently hiding in The Whitestone Quarry, north of the map. Beware the Rakshasa.
    • TASK 3: Dodging around the Devourer and Mockery Cultists, Seekers, Living Shadows, Khyber Cultists, Thugs and Summoned Horrors you return to Mettier and she gives you the VIP pass. Once through to the Eastern market, you move to eliminate your pursuers while tracking down your target. At a large black and gold tent next to a fallen statue, you overhear a conversation between the two men you've sought out. Manfred vo Skayn is bragging about his veritable dragon's hoard of wealth. Extolling his riches, he lists off one luxury after another, entrancing the crowd gathered around him, but not the man who sits opposite, Rodovich Dusk-Born. Instead he asks about the 'star of ikriam' and the 'prism of siberys', to which Manfred scoffs, saying that he'd never part with them. Just then, you glimpse the wristlet on the table to his side, and the heavily armored Dragonborn who guards it. Now that your prey is set, you move to confront him in his tent when the crowd disperses.
    • TASK 4: At the first sign of lax protection, you burst into Manfred's private tent. He looks at you incredulously but appears otherwise unbothered. You have three options available to you. Either bluff him (Super High Bluff) use diplomacy (Super High Diplo roll + Pay Platinum) OR threaten him, which leads to a fight, regardless of how high your intim is. He is undaunted, and draws his sword. His henchmen rush in as well, forcing you to confront Tragriax Steeljaw, Dragonborn Fighter and Yud-Yud Swampspear, Bullywug Brute in addition to a horde of paid-for mercs of every stripe, class and race.
      If you are successful with the social skills, bluff means he gives you the item + bonus XP, diplo you still fight the guards, but not him. If you do not kill him, he gets killed.
    • End Dialogue: Wristlet in hand, you quickly stow the heirloom in your pocket and proceed outside. Thinking you are out of the woods, a cackling voice rings out nearby "Gchahahah kh kh kh! How kind of you to do our work for us!" a scarred figure steps out from the shadows. "Rodovich was right to be wary, to think a rat would have sneaked in this far, truly foolish!" sneering at you he continues "You don't know what that is, do you? Don't think for a second you'll escape here aliiiiiive heh kh kh kh...."

    QUEST 4 - Put It On My Tab - Map : The Malicious Market --(Alt Names for quest: For Want of a Jewel, Paying it Forward, Keepsakes, Check Please)
    Questgiver : Tent Door (in Quest) Level 32 (Legendary Quest) This quest connects to last one directly, 1-2 part.
    • Rushing out of the tent, the market is consumed by a gripping darkness. The sky is now pitch black where it was once orange with the setting sun. Time is running out, and anything left to The Keeper's domain will be his forever... and as the fog descends, you sense his forces closing in. Time to escape the market!
    • TASK 1: Proceed to the Lower Market from the East and head to the Gate where Romul left his rope. The various attendants are now aware of a disruption, and many will now actively antagonize you as you pass them by while you escape. Not all of them though, after all, everyone wants something from The Keeper's coffers. While you can rush toward the end, you will be clearing packs of Seekers, Shadows, Aberrants Humanoids, Undead, Chained Spirits and Living Spells in addition to Seeker Speakers <Chaining Channeler> who can restrain and trap players who get caught in the spell they weave, similar to a Vengeance Reaper death circle. 1 Hit Slows, 2 Hits Traps, 3 Hits results in Death! Watch out. That said, you can also do a number of optional tasks.
    • TASK 2 You might run into some familiar faces in the twisted bazaar while you run for your life. If the fancy takes you, you can help them out for bonus XP and another ending chest.
      Malicia the Succubus is in attendance. If you're willing, you can help her assess which outfit is best! Requires CHA Rolls.
      Commodore Bloodeye is here to look for a sword. Help him discern a treasure from a trap! Requires INT rolls.
      Break the market down! Smash boxes and tables! Make a mess! Fight off people who'd prefer you didn't make a mess!
      Chief Ungurz is here to get back a Hobgoblin artifact. Head to The Glittering Mile, and get that crown back for him. Note: It's warded. And Guarded.
      Tizera Firewing is here to free her people from the chains of the Giants. Head to The Screaming Cages. Provide her with some expertly applied violence.
    • TASK 3: Free chained souls (many of which were taking through cruel means) by striking at the Shrines to The Keeper, and killing the priests who attend them.
    • TASK 4: You find yourself challenged by the scarred figure from the tent, he calls out "You are trapped, Rat! Death comes for you!" and attacks! Necromancers call various horrors to assist them, and you'll have to eliminate them all. Once defeated, he sputters out "That wristlet is not carved from plain bone... heh... it is DRAGONBONE from the SKIES ABOVE! The Gem is blessed by SIBERYS! You will concede it!" Just then a swirl of magic holds you in place as Rodovich appears. He grabs the Heirloom and retreats to the gateway. The magic fades around you and you begin to dread what may happen. Just then, Romul arrives, flabbergasted... "What happened?!" You have no words. It simply got out of hand. Gritting his teeth, he grunts... "Well we better get it back at least!" and you rush to the final confrontation.
    • TASK 5: Showdown! Face off against Lichlord Rodovich Dusk-Born and his Dracolich Companion Lil' Jim. To the winner, goes the spoils.

    I'll post the weapons separately, so for now I'd just like feedback for the quest ideas

    Many thanks, Nonviolence
    Last edited by SoVeryBelgian; 04-27-2023 at 12:46 AM. Reason: Changed Formatting.

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