Can we have less cartoony icons? Look how immerse is Artificer Runearm charging for example
I agree that it does need to be less intrusive. I love the concept, but the execution leaves a bit to be desired. When you look at icons that appear overhead for other things, I think they could find something better. For example, diplomacy, intimidate, looking for ham, looking for broccoli, and stop all have icons that are not as BLAM! IN YOUR FACE! WITH SOUND EFFECTS! as the two that were introduced with this update. Something more along the lines of those icons or the runearm charge would look much better.
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High Rollers Alts: Brighton, Compleat, Aggrotech
+5 to Sexterity Alts: Ruffintumble, Soulmistress, Spellmann
If you have NIH, MLI, Watchful Eye, or the equivalent, then the notices are extremely redundant and unnecessary.
When lacking those features, I would probably FAR prefer the new ?/! marks to the old tiny and unnoticeably small icon hidden away on the far corner of the screen. The new marks are far and way more newbie-friendly than the old quiet icon, too.
However, all my trappers have NIH. So, I find the new marks extremely annoying.
Quieter would be better.
Smaller icons, maybe a tad off to the side like a thought bubble would be more artful.
Not if we hear other characters' reactions or not but best if we don't hear other characters reactions.
Please consider the environment before printing this post
Yes, the (Exclamation point [!]) feature is (currently) just as unpleasant and counterproductive as was mentioned prior in this thread by several people. The sound effect is truly awful... It initially reminded me of a malfunctioning Bear trap jaw-clamping sound gone wrong.
What possessed Team DDO to use that sound? I'm not a near blown-out car engine with flashing critical failure warning lights showing: I am about to EXPLODE!
Each time I manoeuvred near or through the trap's zone it spammed the sound. It provided no benefit to me whatsoever; it just created unnecessary distraction and was a potential headache inducer. It is similar to what I had expected would be the case, and it doesn't really help with accessibility either.
In fact the feature even manages to causes accessibility problems for me (and I do have a cognitive disability). The animation decreasing in size was also slightly problematic.
The one thing that was possibly positive, the icon eventually disappeared after around 5-seconds. However, that would semi-defeat the objective of having it in the first place... Furthermore, a skilled [Rogue] will actually manoeuvre and position themselves and might need to re-enter the trap danger zone and thus retrigger said annoying: audio and visual warning multiple times.
I was looking for a stress-free environment.
Currently the baseball bat sized Looney Tune Exclamation mark [!] looks more like a classification symbolism of vilification. The type used in propaganda by the National Socialist German Workers' Party during the Great War. It is discourteous to the player, not having a [ON/OFF] toggle.
For it to of be any real use (in group) all ears and eyes would have to be focusing directly upon the potentially moving [Rogue's] head. If the group is doing that, the odds are they aren't paying close enough attention to their own roles and responsibilities. Potentially the Rogue would nearly always have to be positioned; to be in front of pack leading it, that doesn't typically happen.
It won't benefit the newbie [non-rogue] that much either with regards to traps. Secret doors might be a different story. I'm just solely talking about the Exclamation mark [!] within this post...
I am surprised an icon design similar to the DDO emotes, or the 'Detect Secret Doors' spell overhead icon, wasn't used. Rather than using that hideous Exclamation mark [!] Disaster. Perhaps a trap stylised yellowish or golden Bear trap symbol might have made some logical sense. The drunken "!" is far too generic and meaningless. :-/
I'll reiterate my role is not just for one specific task, and I know how to prioritise correctly - I'm not a lapdog or one-trick pony. I don't need the unnecessary cognitive overload of this feature. :-(
Last edited by DYWYPI; 05-02-2023 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Exclamation point [!] is useless.
Please fix this "feature". It's annoying and looks amateurish. It could be a bit smaller and the colors should be more like the rest of the game. It also pops up EVERY TIME I walk by, even if I've just passed it. It would be nice if I could turn it off.
Suggested some options to mitigate the issues but thinking it would be best to just delete the new animations and sounds, maybe make the previous system louder or have the [previous trap spot animation and sounds repeat or something.
Please consider the environment before printing this post
I like the icons.
for the complainers add a gamplay toggle to turn off the ability to view them.
While they are at it they can add a toggle to be able to turn off/on the view of other players cosmetic pets
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
When playing as a family, usually either I or hubby do the trapping instead of the kids. The loud clang sound for traps and red exclamation point has stopped my over-zealous son from running ahead into traps more than a dozen times since Friday evening. A character bending down searching for traps never stopped him but this blaring bullhorn sets him back on his heels. So while the sound effect annoys me... it does seem to be effective for... new and (in my kid's case) impatient players.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
These icons are GREAT. I love them.
No need to add more clutter to UI's by providing an option to turn them off.
If I'm not a trapper then I want and need to see it going off when the trapper finds things.
While it may be good for new players or kids, just like the 'hints' when you are just starting the game fresh, that we can Turn OFF,
or maybe good for a hardcore season, I say nope nope don't want it on while I play.
I will have to agree after a while it is just too corny big and cartoonish and does not really match the style of the game graphics. It literally after seeing it makes me not want to play it is that obnoxious.
So PLEASE give us the option to turn this new feature OFF
The 'Find Traps' spell has a giant Bear trap jaws containing an eye symbol for its overhead animation and looks a little like Jaws the Shark. However, I was more thinking the current angled Bear trap symbol. Similar to the Trapsmith's Workshop Guild buff, but done more like an emote style.
Going onto the large Question mark [?] for Secret doors, again the icon design wasn't the best choice. I am sure the SSG art department can come up with something better...
However, unlike with the distressing and counterproductive Looney Tune Exclamation mark [!] as was mentioned in [Post #48]. The Question mark [?] for Secret doors wasn't nearly as annoying or distracting.
There's no hope for the hopeless.
It is still ugly (and possibly the wrong symbol) but there was at least some credibility in the concept of having an extra visual alert of Secret doors.
As a general rule you [the Rogue] don't need to be in mid-combat or dancing through live minefields (insert: a plethora of damaging trap effects), when you want to search for a Secret door. In contrast: for traps you as a [Rogue] are likely multitasking. Thus, possibly dodging missiles, trap effects or you'll be combat prior to being able to get to the trap Control panel itself. You don't want a flipping large Exclamation mark [!] covering the screen blinding your vision and continually spamming that idiot pointless noise. Your aim is to Search and Disable when it's appropriative, not feel like you're being dictated to by a giant generic red [!] symbol because it's making your life miserable. Therefore, you possibly resort to desperately trying to get rid of it, displaying or sounding to make the pain of the [!] symbol go away...
Cordovan, as you are the DDO Community Manager who is meant to meant champion our concerns; how far are your progressing with getting our message across to the DDO Developers that the new (Exclamation point [!]) system is problematic on several levels? It looks like well over 35 people are requesting a design and implementation review (or at least some sound tweaks). Several would certainly appreciate a having a [ON/OFF] toggle for the feature. A few were also new players on that list that thought the new system was not exactly great. :-/
Last edited by DYWYPI; 05-02-2023 at 08:20 AM. Reason: Looney Tune Exclamation point [!] sucks...
Yes, please implement a toggle. Also, maybe prevent the same trap from triggering more than once.
Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)
I like it personally, even though I know where the traps and secret doors are in most quests. But there should definitely be an option to turn it off for those who don't want it.