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  1. #21
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    I would have liked this if it functioned like the stealth/visibility indicators, but right now it's obnoxious and ruins my favorite part of the game. Please tone it down and/or provide an option to disable it.

  2. #22
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    I didn't see a gameplay ui toggle or option. Give us those options and let us choose if we want the more subtle older version or this more WoW cartoon style graphics. Same for the sound alert.

  3. #23
    Community Member TedSandyman's Avatar
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    I didn't really know what they meant in the release notes.

    It really is noticeable. I thought neat. Then I got tired of it. Then, after a while, I didn't hate it as much.

    It keeps going off over and over for the same trap, especially if you are fighting and moving around a lot.

    It is loud and annoying. I only soloed yesterday but I can imagine a mess when a full party with a lot of spotty people comes to a trap and it goes off for everyone at the same time.

    There definitely should be a way to disable it if you want.

    BUT I think if you are a trapper and you are trapping for a party, you really should turn it on. It could be a lifesaver. It will probably be appreciated on Hardcore.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    I found the overhead exclamation and question mark a welcome addition.

    Feedback from my part on this new feature:
    - The white pointer line to where the trapbox is when you have auto find trapboxes is not showing anymore.

    - The exclamation mark goes off for geysers, which do not have trapboxes.

    - The question mark keeps popping up on found and opened secret doors.
    (As is the case with the overhead true seeing symbol.)

    This is on a wood elf dark hunter.
    Regarding geysers, don't think I have had one to notice this on. I don't recall the continuous popping up symbol.

    On the autofind trapboxes, I always have to search but then find it. I can't say I have ever managed an autosearch; I may not have been in range for the autospot, just inside spot range. If so, than spot has a better range than autosearch.

  5. #25
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    I really don't mind the ! and ? icons, didn't bother me at all... actually reminded me of the old Dark Alliance game on Xbox. But the sounds effect(s)... oh boy the more traps or trap effects going off in close proximity like mines or multi-blades or groups of darts - the more annoying the sound effect(s). It ramps up and gets exponentially obnoxious quite swiftly. I would absolutely love a UI on/off selector for the trap detected sound effect.
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  6. #26
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Since SSG spent time and money on the feature, why wasn't a toggle setting added to UI section of options?

  7. #27
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    I like how they stand out versus the eye strainingly small notifications that appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. But they do make it look like I am playing "Loony Tunes & Dragons Online".
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  8. #28
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Default It breaks immersion

  9. #29
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    Default Everything Does

    Quote Originally Posted by OzDrew View Post
    Not everything in the game needs to be dumbed down; paying attention and watching the trapper adds to immersion but the cartoonish graphic and annoying sound kills it. Please remove or allow it to be switched off.
    Ya.. unfortunately.. everything does need to be dumbed down. In any game. There's those that are sharp, observant and quick. Most of any sample population will be average of wit. Every person playing.. again ANY game.. has a dollar to spend. Business owners want those dollars. I would. Where are most of those dollars? In the pockets of the average. .. So the sharpest, observant and quickest must endure the dumb down and try to find enjoyable challenges. On the provider end they try to balance appeal for the quick and the average; a great challenge itself. I would not want to be selling a service and have to tell people "sorry.. just pay attention to your trapper or spend your money elsewhere." I absolutely agree there are several games I play I wish with all my heart were never dumbed down. The arcane caster Hit Die in this game, for example; I felt accomplished for having created Wizards and Sorcerers with D4 Hit Die in heavy armor that are fully capable of standing in front lines beside the Fighters and Barbarians. My accomplishment felt a little diminished for having the Hit Die increased to a D6. I was slaying and surviving just fine. Everyone else with a dollar to spend may not have been.

    This new trap and door alert sounds annoying, though. I haven't seen it yet myself (I'm one of the clients still plagued by the current 32 bit/64 bit launcher trouble). From the descriptions herein, however, I know I am going to be wishing myself I could turn off the feature.

  10. #30
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ariellyn View Post
    Ya.. unfortunately.. everything does need to be dumbed down. In any game. There's those that are sharp, observant and quick. Most of any sample population will be average of wit. Every person playing.. again ANY game.. has a dollar to spend. Business owners want those dollars. I would. Where are most of those dollars? In the pockets of the average. .. So the sharpest, observant and quickest must endure the dumb down and try to find enjoyable challenges. On the provider end they try to balance appeal for the quick and the average; a great challenge itself. I would not want to be selling a service and have to tell people "sorry.. just pay attention to your trapper or spend your money elsewhere." I absolutely agree there are several games I play I wish with all my heart were never dumbed down. The arcane caster Hit Die in this game, for example; I felt accomplished for having created Wizards and Sorcerers with D4 Hit Die in heavy armor that are fully capable of standing in front lines beside the Fighters and Barbarians. My accomplishment felt a little diminished for having the Hit Die increased to a D6. I was slaying and surviving just fine. Everyone else with a dollar to spend may not have been.

    This new trap and door alert sounds annoying, though. I haven't seen it yet myself (I'm one of the clients still plagued by the current 32 bit/64 bit launcher trouble). From the descriptions herein, however, I know I am going to be wishing myself I could turn off the feature.
    Ddo players are the smartest crowd other games exist for weaker hands. Other posters have made excellent suggestions about how to accommodate newer players without alienating the core business.
    Last edited by spifflove; 04-27-2023 at 12:00 PM.

  11. #31
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    Default New player

    Im a new player and I think the noise is way too loud and distracting. The animation could be toned down just a bit also.

  12. #32
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    I like it, perhaps size it down a bit and an option to silence it. I could see it being annoying in undermine. It is helpful in quests I don't play often. I play solo but I can see it as a nice feature in a group.

  13. #33
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    Default It's Not About Being the Smartest

    Quote Originally Posted by spifflove View Post
    Ddo players are the smartest crowd other games exist for weaker hands. Other posters have made excellent suggestions about how to accommodate newer players without alienating the core business.
    DDO doesn't exist to make the smartest people happy. DDO exists to make its company money. That is done by making as many people as possible happy. When I show off ability and build concept the sense of accomplishment has been diminished after something got nerfed and anyone became able to do the same things with less effort to reach the level of ability. I never felt alienated. You're thinking from only the client point of view. .. And from only the smartest clients' point of view. .. And from only the self-centered smartest clients' point of view. That itself isn't observant. Have you considered playing "other games"?

  14. #34
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    It's the sound effect triggering multiple times that I would assume could become distracting or disorientating. Just because there are nearby traps being detected, it doesn't mean I specifically want to disable them (at that time).

    As a rule nearly all Control Panels in the game are positioned where it's completely safe to stand when performing: Disable.

    The feature may place group pressure upon the inexperienced and inefficient [Rogue] player to perform an action. Maybe they'll perform a Search action too early because of the placed an additional label upon their heads. My role is not just for one specific task, and I know how to prioritise correctly - I'm not a lapdog or one-trick pony. I don't need the unnecessary cognitive overload of this feature.

    I would suspect at low levels such as quest Levels 1 to 5 - in groups - it won't just be mainly the "trap disabling specialists" regularly triggering the alert sound(s) either. Therefore, it's going to be of limited use to them when near the presence of traps. Echo location gone wrong...

    Going from the feedback in this thread, the sound effect also probably needs adjusting or toning down. I'm not sure how much of an additional overhead it places on the server either. Like I mentioned prior within [Post #12]. A [ON/OFF] toggle would be useful... I'd appreciate either a screenshot or video link of the new "audio and visual" effect triggering, or I'll just have to wait for the "hotfix" so I can actually login in-game. :-)
    Last edited by DYWYPI; 04-27-2023 at 03:37 PM. Reason: #untrap

  15. #35
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Default Another bad decision

    I thought it would be just a little mark like the other, just a change to the icon, but this is ridiculous. It feels like I am playing a Zynga game on facebook with these dancing icons.

    Get rid of them or give us a way to turn them off and go back to the old notifications because as of now, they are so dumb it makes me want to punch the screen.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
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  16. #36
    Community Member LordPNut's Avatar
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    This might be helpful to newer players, but I'd like it to go away. It's frustrating and annoying. I had no clue it has a sounds I normally don't play with sound because DDO doesn't always load sound when I have headphones plugged in so its 50/50 if I do get any noise. There really needs to be a toggle on/off for this. I prefer the old version over this. OR even like when a cast fails is over head a small ! or ? in red would be better than this cartoony thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yamani View Post
    Because you said this, we are going to get a whiteboard with a poorly drawn unicorn on it.

  17. #37
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    Ok, I tried, I really did try to force myself to play with this loony toons style notification. I can't, I refuse to accept that this was a conscious decision by an adult to add this to a game where your target audience are not 12 year olds.

    This needs an off switch and should be a Priority 1 change.
    Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the Elder
    Iryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, Vis
    Ubique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.

  18. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Geltril View Post
    Im a new player and I think the noise is way too loud and distracting. The animation could be toned down just a bit also.
    as the expression goes, "Straight from the mouth of babes."

    There are little symbols in this game that already appear, like the face when you use Bluff and many others. I think they should just invent some new symbols like the old ones and integrate them instead of the two they are using.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
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  19. #39
    Community Member ShifterThePirate's Avatar
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    The idea behind it was good but the graphic is just badly done...Hopefully they adjust it or give the option to turn it on/off.

  20. #40
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ariellyn View Post
    DDO doesn't exist to make the smartest people happy. DDO exists to make its company money. That is done by making as many people as possible happy. When I show off ability and build concept the sense of accomplishment has been diminished after something got nerfed and anyone became able to do the same things with less effort to reach the level of ability. I never felt alienated. You're thinking from only the client point of view. .. And from only the smartest clients' point of view. .. And from only the self-centered smartest clients' point of view. That itself isn't observant. Have you considered playing "other games"?
    Have you considered marketing beer? I think you would shine.

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