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  1. #1
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Default Launcher problems - summary

    Hello all,

    for some time now we got several people on different discord servers having problems with the launcher.

    Here are some common or not so common trouble shooting ways you can try. Those MIGHT help, no guarantees. If you know of more causes or troubleshoots, please add them to this thread and I update the list.
    If any of the SSG folks sees this, from a purely non-statistical point of view, it sounds like more and more people have issues. It might be a good idea to look into this.

    Things you can try when your launcher won't start:
    1) Don'tuse the Steam launcher
    2) Use 64-bit client
    3 Download old directx libraries:
    4) Check your firewall and antivir (quarantine) if they block the game all of the sudden
    5) Check the permissions on the game folders/files. Run as admin as a quick check but use with caution. See warning a few posts down.
    6) Log into a different server than the last
    7) Clear your DNS
    8) No joke - unplug all your usb devices, restart your pc and try to launch the game
    9) Use an alternate launcher
    10) Make sure your graphics card is selected. (Check under the repair tab of the launcher)
    11) Update the .Net framework
    12) (re-)downloaded MS Visual C++ x64 files (by removing -skiprawdownload and -nosplash, if you worked with that)
    13) If your update is stuck at the same file over and over again search that file and delete it. The launcher will automatically re-download it.

    (for Windows, I have no idea about Linux)

    I hope this helps. Good luck.


    I collected this from discords, forums, reddit and personal experiences of players.
    Last edited by TitusOvid; 04-28-2023 at 08:13 AM.
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