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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default U59 patch notes question (re: dh)

    -> Dark Hunters may now use specific grenades without requiring them to bypass the UMD requirements

    Can someone help me understand this statement?

    I know I can craft traps somehow; is that related to this? What is meant by "specific", and what is meant by "bypassing" umd? I mean, I am a trapper who can craft traps (grenades), why is UMD even in this discussion!?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Guessing

    There are two thrown attacks in the dark hunter tree, Snap Trap and Smoke Trap, both could be considered grenades. I'm not sure that is what they are talking about as I always go heavy into UMD, so I never noticed when I played. Though, I did think it was odd that UMD was in this tree, so this feels like a design change and less of a bug fix.

    just guessing

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    My assumption would be that they were having to make UMD checks to use crafted grenades.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fauxknight View Post
    My assumption would be that they were having to make UMD checks to use crafted grenades.
    Awesome, thank you! I am going to take the 3 points in trap making in the tree, since that seems to have a significant impact on grenade crafting, and the snap and smoke traps i took.

    -> (Note: The UMD check is for characters without Rogue or Artificer levels.)

    I guess this now includes dark hunters!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    Awesome, thank you! I am going to take the 3 points in trap making in the tree, since that seems to have a significant impact on grenade crafting, and the snap and smoke traps i took.

    -> (Note: The UMD check is for characters without Rogue or Artificer levels.)

    I guess this now includes dark hunters!
    I am pretty sure that is what this one is. I put in a bug report around a week ago on being able to make grenades as a DH, but not being able to use them because of the Rogue/Artificer restriction and the high UMD check (others probably submitted bug reports too). Really impressed with how fast this got fixed. Wondering if the wording means that there still may be some that are not fixed.

    It may not be end game powerful, but DH are so good at getting trap parts (and start a level sooner than rogues), that a heroic grenade thrower seems doable! They work with Imbues as well (primary target, not splash). I have a level 8 Dark Hunter loaded up with level 8 grenades - will be fun to get to use them with multitude of missiles…

  6. #6
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    So yeah, no trap UMD for dh. Nice!

    However, traps suck. 50d6 and I still only do 100 damage to things significantly below my level.

    On the other side, THANK GOD for the healing update! I can heal party, and selfheal in reaper! (just need a breather between fights).

    This is a MASSIVE qol improvement for dark hunters!

  7. #7
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    Grenades definitely work now, but I am seeing a different issue. Doubleshot does not seem to apply to grenade damage. I started out with the lvl 4, 12d6 grenades. I am mainly seeing about 21 damage, which is consistent with most monsters saving. I get an occasional 35-45 damage, which looks like full damage. When I turn on multitude of missiles, despite having a 118 doubleshot, I still see mostly 21 points of damage. It doesn't seem to be doubling the elemental damage at all. That greatly reduces the utility of grenades, where I was hoping to use the 20d6 grenades at level 8 with double shot, and have a base damage around 140 per attack. (70 with the save), which at level 8 is pretty good.

    Doubleshot is supposed to double all damage, correct?

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