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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Total Past Life Benefits

    I am currently working my toward uber completionist – probably still about a year out... But I was wondering if I could find a list of all the benefits you get as an uber completionist. The closest I could find was this: It’s very good but a couple years old now. So I figured I’d update it and post to the forums - here’s what you get for 183 past lives. This is just the passives – of course you also get to turn on four epic destiny active past life feats and one iconic active past life feat. This list includes both Heroic Completionist (since it is now auto-granted at level 3) and Racial Completionist. Note the additions to skills, saves and DCs below do NOT include the benefits from the additional ability scores, so effectively the uppers to skills, saves and DCs are another +3 or so higher than those listed.

    +5 Str
    +8 Dex
    +6 Con
    +6 Int
    +6 Wis
    +7 Cha

    Action Points:
    +14 Racial Enhancement Action Points
    +9 Permanent Epic Destiny Points (5 from ED PLs + 4X Epic Completionist)

    +5 Balance
    +4 Bluff
    +4 Concentration
    +5 Diplomacy
    +7 Disable Device
    +5 Haggle
    +5 Heal
    +4 Hide
    +5 Intimidate
    +4 Jump
    +4 Listen
    +5 Move Silently
    +4 Open Lock
    +4 Perform
    +8 Repair
    +8 Search
    +9 Spellcraft
    +6 Spot
    +4 Swim
    +5 Tumble
    +8 UMD [edit: corrected - credit Glass_Jaws!]

    +66 HP (at level 1, increases to 210 as you level, plus additional 34 from Epic Destiny points)
    +24 AC (at level 1, increases to 60 as you level)
    +3 to all saves
    +45 PRR
    +21 MRR
    +3% Dodge
    +15% Fortification
    +15% Elemental absorption
    +45 Positive Healing Amplification
    +15 Negative Amplification
    +6 Elemental Resistance
    +9 Saves vs Traps
    +6 Saves vs Enchantments and Illusions

    +180 Spell Points (plus additional 17 from Epic Destiny points)
    +24 Positive Spell Power
    +15 Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power
    +3 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation
    +9 Spell Penetration

    +3 Attack
    +3 Damage
    +3 Sneak Attack
    +6 Sneak Attack Damage
    +6 Ranged Damage
    +3 Tactical DCs

    +6 Wand DCs
    +3 Extra Bard Songs
    +3 Extra Turns
    +6 Caster Levels for Turning
    +6 Summons and Hirelings Abilities
    Last edited by h46av8r; 04-27-2023 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Default Iconic stances

    Does this include the iconic stances?

    On a side note what was the point of making the iconic past lives stances? Just so they would be worse?
    Using Trackless Step,

  3. #3
    Community Member EdsanDarkbane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    Does this include the iconic stances?

    On a side note what was the point of making the iconic past lives stances? Just so they would be worse?

    And like the true the shoot from hip cowboy I replied before reading the WHOLE post hahahahaha soz
    Using Trackless Step,

  4. #4
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EdsanDarkbane View Post
    Does this include the iconic stances?
    Since only 1 can be active at a time, by definition they can't stack, so hard to list (except as "options").

  5. #5
    Community Member Bjond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by h46av8r View Post
    +45 Positive Healing Amplification
    60 total; you're missing one of the +15s, likely either blessing (because it's a stance) or SF PLs, which means doubling up on PLD PLs and thus isn't strictly required for completionist. It's hard to say no to more Hamp; I definitely can't -- it's on my short list of PLs to get first.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjond View Post
    60 total; you're missing one of the +15s, likely either blessing (because it's a stance) or SF PLs, which means doubling up on PLD PLs and thus isn't strictly required for completionist. It's hard to say no to more Hamp; I definitely can't -- it's on my short list of PLs to get first.
    Above list is for passives only. You certainly could choose Ancient Blessing as one of your active stances for more healing amp of course.

  7. #7
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    Some of you missed the OP where he said nothing on his list includes the possible active bonuses for either epic or iconic past lives.

  8. #8
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by h46av8r View Post
    Note the additions to skills, saves and DCs below do NOT include the benefits from the additional ability scores, so effectively the uppers to skills, saves and DCs are another +3 or so higher than those listed.
    Nicely done, thank you. +1

    Just for an alternative, I am going to add the effect of having a +8 Sumpreme Tome and all +3 skill tomes.

    I believe last year during the Hardcore season ability tomes were on sale at a tempting price.
    I assume a player doing this many past lives might invest in a supreme tome deeply discounted in the DDO store and farm out skill tomes via sagas.
    I am going to assume UMD would be very hard to find except in the DDO store and will therefore exclude UMD skill tomes.

    At level 22 and higher with +8 Sumpreme Tome, +3 Skill Tomes via Sagas, and Guild Buffs not included

    +5 Str +8 = +13 [assuming +6 to Str skills]
    +8 Dex +8 = + 16 [assuming +8 to Dex skills]
    +6 Con +8 = +14 [assuming +7 to Con skills]
    +6 Int +8 = +14 [assuming +7 to Int skills]
    +6 Wis +8 = +14 [assuming +7 to Wis skills]
    +7 Cha +8 = +15 [assuming +7 to Cha skills]

    Action Points:
    +14 Racial Enhancement Action Points
    +9 Permanent Epic Destiny Points (5 from ED PLs + 4X Epic Completionist)

    {at level 22+ with a possible +2 more if one buys all skills tome from DDO store instead of farming sagas}
    {+3 Skill tomes apply by level 3, so this effect is quickly acquired compared to the ability tomes}
    +5 Balance +3 tome, +8 Dex = +16
    +4 Bluff +3 tome, +7 Cha = +14
    +4 Concentration +3 tome, +7 Con = +14
    +5 Diplomacy +3 tome, +7 Cha = +15
    +7 Disable Device +3 tome, + 7 Int = +17
    +5 Haggle +3 tome, +7 Cha = +15
    +5 Heal +3 tome, +7 Wis = +15
    +4 Hide +3 tome, +8 Dex = +15
    +5 Intimidate +3 tome, +7 Cha = +15
    +4 Jump +3 tome, +6 Str = +13
    +4 Listen +3 tome, +7 Wis = +14
    +5 Move Silently, +3 tome, +8 Dex = +16
    +4 Open Lock, +3 tome, +8 Dex = +15
    +4 Perform, +3 tome, +7 Cha = +14
    +8 Repair, +3 tome, +7 Int = +18
    +8 Search +3 tome, +7 Int = +18
    +9 Spellcraft +3 tome, +7 Int = +19
    +6 Spot +3 tome, +7 Wis = +16
    +4 Swim +3 tome, +6 Str = +13
    +5 Tumble +3 tome, +8 Dex = +16
    +6 UMD +0 tome, + 7 Cha = +13

    +66 HP (at level 1, increases to 210 as you level, plus additional 34 from Epic Destiny points) [+14 Con for 32*7= 224 extra hit points at level 32]
    +24 AC (at level 1, increases to 60 as you level) [Dex bonus to AC would vary and any tank in heavy would gain little more]
    +3 to all saves {At level 22+ -- +7 Con = +10 Fort;+8 Dex = +11 Ref; +7 Wis = +10 Will}
    +45 PRR
    +21 MRR
    +3% Dodge
    +15% Fortification
    +15% Elemental absorption
    +45 Positive Healing Amplification
    +15 Negative Amplification
    +6 Elemental Resistance
    +9 Saves vs Traps [at level 22+ -- +16 Dex = +17 Saves vs. Dex based traps]
    +6 Saves vs Enchantments and Illusions [at level 22+ -- +14 Wis = +13 Saves vs Will based Enchantments and Illusions]

    +180 Spell Points (plus additional 17 from Epic Destiny points) [Your casting ability grants you a number of bonus spell points equal to (caster level + 9) * (casting ability modifier). This number would vary greatly, but assume a good size net positive amount.]
    +24 Positive Spell Power [assuming a net change in the Heal skill from +5 to +15 this number should increase by 10 or 19 depending upon initial calculations]
    +15 Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power [assuming a net change in the Spellcraft skill from +9 to +19 this number should increase by 10 or 19 depending on initial calculations]
    +3 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation [assuming these do not include an Stat changes, the average caster ability DC increase would be +7 for a total of +10 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutations with +7 to all other schools of magic.
    +9 Spell Penetration

    +3 Attack [will vary depending upon the Ability used to attack from +6 Str = total +9 to +8 Dex = total +11]
    +3 Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability used to damage and weapon type from +6 Str = total +9 to +8 Dex = total +11]
    +3 Sneak Attack
    +6 Sneak Attack Damage
    +6 Ranged Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability used to damage and weapon type from +6 Str = total +9 to +8 Dex = total +11]
    +3 Tactical DCs [most of these are based on +6 Str = total +9

    +6 Wand DCs
    +3 Extra Bard Songs
    +3 Extra Turns
    +6 Caster Levels for Turning
    +6 Summons and Hirelings Abilities

  9. #9
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Looking over the numbers, it is interesting to note that a new player with a 3rd life toon who spends DDO points to purchase a +8 supreme tome along with batches of +5 skill tomes could rival an existing player with all the past lives but zero tomes purchased as far as stats are concerned. Obviously, this game is about knowledge and such a player would get lost in the first wilderness they stumbled into...

  10. #10
    Ultimate Completionist
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    All past lives with Ability Scores added in:

    +5 Str [assuming +2 to Str skills]
    +8 Dex [assuming +4 to Dex skills]
    +6 Con [assuming +3 to Con skills]
    +6 Int [assuming +3 to Int skills]
    +6 Wis [assuming +3 to Wis skills]
    +7 Cha [assuming +3 to Cha skills]

    Action Points:
    +14 Racial Enhancement Action Points
    +9 Permanent Epic Destiny Points (5 from ED PLs + 4X Epic Completionist)

    +5 Balance +4 Dex = +9
    +4 Bluff +3 Cha = +7
    +4 Concentration +3 Con = +7
    +5 Diplomacy +3 Cha = +8
    +7 Disable Device + 3 Int = +10
    +5 Haggle +3 Cha = +8
    +5 Heal +3 Wis = +8
    +4 Hide +4 Dex = +9
    +5 Intimidate +3 Cha = +8
    +4 Jump +2 Str = +6
    +4 Listen +3 Wis = +7
    +5 Move Silently, +4 Dex = +9
    +4 Open Lock, +4 Dex = +8
    +4 Perform, +3 Cha = +7
    +8 Repair, +3 Int = +11
    +8 Search +3 Int = +11
    +9 Spellcraft +3 Int = +12
    +6 Spot +3 Wis = +9
    +4 Swim +2 Str = +6
    +5 Tumble +4 Dex = +9
    +6 UMD +3 Cha = +9

    +66 HP (at level 1, increases to 210 as you level, plus an additional 34 from Epic Destiny points) [+6 Con for 32*3= 96 extra hit points at level 32]
    +24 AC (at level 1, increases to 60 as you level) [Dex bonus to AC would vary]
    +3 to all saves {+6 Con = +6 Fort;+8 Dex = +7 Ref; +6 Wis = +6 Will}
    +45 PRR
    +21 MRR
    +3% Dodge
    +15% Fortification
    +15% Elemental absorption
    +45 Positive Healing Amplification
    +15 Negative Amplification
    +6 Elemental Resistance
    +9 Saves vs Traps [+8 Dex = +13 Saves vs. Dex-based traps]
    +6 Saves vs Enchantments and Illusions [+6 Wis = +9 Saves vs Will based Enchantments and Illusions]

    +180 Spell Points (plus an additional 17 from Epic Destiny points) [Your casting ability grants you a number of bonus spell points equal to (caster level + 9) * (casting ability modifier). This number would vary greatly, but assume a good size net positive amount.]
    +24 Positive Spell Power [I double-checked this and it does not include the Heal skill bonuses; so add +8 via Heal+Wisdom = total 32]
    +15 Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power +9 Spellcraf = total 24
    +3 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation [the average caster ability DC increase would be +3 for a total of +6 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutations with +3 to all other schools of magic.
    +9 Spell Penetration

    +3 Attack [will vary depending upon the Ability used to attack from +2 to +4 = total +5 to +7]
    +3 Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability used to attack from +2 to +4 = total +5 to +7]
    +3 Sneak Attack
    +6 Sneak Attack Damage
    +6 Ranged Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability used to attack from +2 to +4 = total +8 to +10]
    +3 Tactical DCs [most of these are based on Str = total +5

    +6 Wand DCs
    +3 Extra Bard Songs
    +3 Extra Turns
    +6 Caster Levels for Turning
    +6 Summons and Hirelings Abilities

  11. #11
    Ultimate Completionist
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    All ability and skill tomes with ability scores added in:

    At level 22+

    Str +8 = [assuming +4 to Str skills]
    Dex +8 = [assuming +4 to Dex skills]
    Con +8 = [assuming +4 to Con skills]
    Int +8 = [assuming +4 to Int skills]
    Wis +8 = +14 [assuming +4 to Wis skills]
    Cha +8 = [assuming +4 to Cha skills]

    Action Points:
    +1 Racial Tome
    +1 Universal Tree Tome
    +1 Historic Destiny Tome
    +1 Feywild Destiny Tome
    +1 Dread Destiny Tome
    +3 Tome of Fate

    Skills: (ability modified listed not ability score changes)
    Balance +5 tome, +4 Dex = +9
    Bluff +5 tome, +4 Cha = +9
    Concentration +5 tome, +4 Con = +9
    Diplomacy +5 tome, +4 Cha = +9
    Disable Device +5 tome, + 4 Int = +9
    Haggle +9 tome, +4 Cha = +9
    Heal +5 tome, +4 Wis = +9
    Hide +5 tome, +4 Dex = +9
    Intimidate +5 tome, +7 Cha = +9
    Jump +5 tome, +4 Str = +9
    Listen +5 tome, +4 Wis = +9
    Move Silently, +5 tome, +4 Dex = +9
    Open Lock, +5 tome, +4 Dex = +9
    Perform, +5 tome, +4 Cha = +9
    +8 Repair, +5 tome, +4 Int = +9
    +8 Search +5 tome, +4 Int = +9
    +9 Spellcraft +5 tome, +4 Int = +9
    +6 Spot +5 tome, +4 Wis = +9
    +4 Swim +5 tome, +4 Str = +9
    +5 Tumble +5 tome, +4 Dex = +9
    +6 UMD +5 tome, + 4 Cha = +9

    HP [+8 Con for 32*4= 128 extra hit points at level 32] (You also gain +2 hit points and +1 spell points per FP. {which I forgot to include in the all Tomes post as +6 hit points and +3 spell points). Total = 134
    AC [Dex bonus to AC would vary]
    Saves {At level 22+ -- +8 Con = +4 Fort;+8 Dex = +4 Ref; +8 Wis = +4 Will}
    PRR n/a
    MRR n/a
    Dodge n/a
    Fortification n/a
    Elemental absorption n/a [note that Ship Buffs do not stack with PL bonuses in this category last I checked]
    Positive Healing Amplification n/a
    Negative Amplification n/a
    Elemental Resistance n/a
    Saves vs Traps [at level 22+ -- +8 Dex = +4 Saves vs. Dex based traps]
    Saves vs Enchantments and Illusions [at level 22+ -- +8 Wis = +4 Saves vs Will based Enchantments and Illusions]

    Spell Points [Your casting ability grants you a number of bonus spell points equal to (caster level + 9) * (casting ability modifier). At level cap with +8 caster stat would this increase by (((20+11+9)*4)+3)=163ish???]
    Positive Spell Power +9
    Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power +9
    DCs - 4 to all schools of magic.
    Spell Penetration n/a

    Attack +4
    Damage +4 [will vary depending upon the weapon type]
    Sneak Attack n/a
    Sneak Attack Damage n/a
    Ranged Damage +4 [will vary depending upon the weapon type]
    Tactical DCs [most of these are based on Str = total +4

    Wand DCs n/a
    Extra Bard Songs n/a
    Extra Turns n/a
    Caster Levels for Turning n/a
    Summons and Hirelings Abilities n/a
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 04-27-2023 at 03:38 PM.

  12. #12
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Comparison of all Past Lives earned vs All Tomes Purchased
    (a positive value indicates Past Lives superior while a negative value indicates All Tomes Purchased superior)
    Note that ability score modifiers are applied in previous posts and are only reflected here.

    -3 Str
    +0 Dex
    -2 Con
    -2 Int
    -2 Wis
    -2 Cha

    Action Points:
    +13 Racial Enhancement Action Points
    +5 Permanent Epic Destiny Points

    +0 Balance
    -2 Bluff
    -2 Concentration
    -1 Diplomacy
    +1 Disable Device
    -1 Haggle
    -1 Heal
    +0 Hide
    -1 Intimidate
    -3 Jump
    -2 Listen
    +0 Move Silently
    -1 Open Lock
    -2 Perform
    -1 Repair
    +2 Search
    +3 Spellcraft
    +0 Spot
    -3 Swim
    +0 Tumble
    -3 UMD

    +210 Hit Points (338 minus 128 if you want to check my math)
    +24 AC (at level 1, increases to 60 as you level) [Dex bonus to AC would vary]
    +2 Fort / +3 Ref / +2 Will Saves
    +45 PRR
    +21 MRR
    +3% Dodge
    +15% Fortification
    +15% Elemental absorption
    +45 Positive Healing Amplification
    +15 Negative Amplification
    +6 Elemental Resistance
    +9 Saves vs Traps
    +5 Saves vs Enchantments and Illusions

    +140 Spell Points (plus an additional 13 from Epic Destiny points) [At Level Cap.]
    +23 Positive Spell Power [when you include the Heal skill bonuses]
    +15 Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power [when you include Spellcraft bonus]
    +2 DCs - Illusion, Evocation, Conjuration, Transmutation with -1 to all other schools of magic.
    +9 Spell Penetration

    +2 Attack [will vary depending upon the Ability and weapon used]
    +2 Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability and weapon used]
    +3 Sneak Attack
    +6 Sneak Attack Damage
    +5 Ranged Damage [will vary depending upon the Ability and weapon used]
    +1 Tactical DCs [most of these are based on Str]

    +6 Wand DCs
    +3 Extra Bard Songs
    +3 Extra Turns
    +6 Caster Levels for Turning
    +6 Summons and Hirelings Abilities

  13. #13
    Ultimate Completionist
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    It is interesting that the Developers seem to be balancing purchasable power with earnable in-game power.
    Although, one could easily argue that I should be comparing my post with Skill tomes farmed at +3 to Skill tomes purchased at +5 instead of defaulting to +0 Skill tomes farmed vs +5 Skill tomes purchased.

    This change would alter the above post in several ways including:

    +3 Balance
    +1 Bluff
    +1 Concentration
    +2 Diplomacy
    +4 Disable Device
    +2 Haggle
    +2 Heal
    +3 Hide
    +2 Intimidate
    +0 Jump
    +1 Listen
    +3 Move Silently
    +2 Open Lock
    +1 Perform
    +2 Repair
    +5 Search
    +6 Spellcraft
    +3 Spot
    +0 Swim
    +3 Tumble
    -3 UMD

    As well as increasing a few numbers such as Spellpower by 3.

    +26 Positive Spell Power [when you include the Heal skill bonuses]
    +18 Fire, Lightning, Sonic, Acid, Poison, Negative Spell Power [when you include Spellcraft bonus]
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 04-27-2023 at 03:45 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member
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    Default UMD Corrected

    Corrected UMD above from +6 to +8 (+3 arti + 1 gnome +2 racial completionist +2 heroic completionist)- credit goes to Glass_Jaws

  15. #15
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    You forgot about one thing when having uber completionist. You may won DDO but you surely lost your life ;p
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

    Polska gildia DDO - Magia i Miecz (200), Argonnessen

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