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Thread: Ring Sets

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Ring Sets


    I wonder if this has ever been considered.

    We currently have Weapon sets in our Inventory, letting us swap out two weapons with one click. But if you look at the amount of slots there are I cannot imagine anyone needing that many weapon sets. You can have more than 15 set up.

    Is it feasible to have Ring sets, letting us swap out both rings quickly? Because if you want to swap out one ring you have to do it the long way in order to make sure the correct one is taken off, if that makes sense. All other items of gear can be swapped out quickly and easily, and I can think of a number of occasions where this might be beneficial. Like using the Chained Elemental ring set can cause a detriment in any scenario that requires a mob to die at a specific time (like Project Nemesis, or any quest that has bosses needing to die at the same time) and also swapping in Ring of Flickering Steel, or a clickie, unless I am missing a trick then I cant guarantee it doesnt swap out the wrong ring.

    Solution? A ring set option in your inventory. Maybe sacrifice 10 Weapon Set slots for 5 Ring Set slots?


  2. #2
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Well this extends to Slavelords items, that in many cases can be equipped in 2 totally different slots.

    We should go fo Diablo 2/3/4 case where we can have a full-set of items "presets".
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

    Polska gildia DDO - Magia i Miecz (200), Argonnessen

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ungermax View Post
    If what you ask is possible, why stop there? Repurpose these currently under-used weapon slots to allow for an entire gear swap, all 12 slots (or 14 w/ weapons), or as many as the player wishes to load!

    (Some items, like the Slavers gear, can be problematic in that the items have a "default" location, and if hot-barred they'll go to that default slot, not necessarily where you want them to go.)

  4. #4
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    As it stands right now, we have 1 ring slot that can be hotswapped. For most of my builds, that is enough. Occasionally I need to swap out both, but usually it is not needed.

    Would this be a nice added feature. YES.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

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