Well, with the advent of DH, I decided to see what was available for medium armor named sets.
In short, virtually nothing. Sharn has a coat which is OK, Rloft has a coat which is OK, IoD has a good rough armor, and feywild is stuck with snowscale.
Unless I am blind, thats it.
Cryptraider set is really not fantastic for DH.
Dread set is really pick and choose for gear, and the set bonus isnt terrible.
Feywild is also pick and choose, and the set bonus is nice because you can use it w/ dread and have a great combination of sets.
Part of the family is actually good, but only for tempest DH.
Thats it.
Can we get some more medium armor shoved into sets please? Silent avenger would be amazing if it had a medium armor option, as it fits great with DH.