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  1. #1
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    Default lack of medium armor in named sets

    Well, with the advent of DH, I decided to see what was available for medium armor named sets.

    In short, virtually nothing. Sharn has a coat which is OK, Rloft has a coat which is OK, IoD has a good rough armor, and feywild is stuck with snowscale.

    Unless I am blind, thats it.

    Cryptraider set is really not fantastic for DH.
    Dread set is really pick and choose for gear, and the set bonus isnt terrible.
    Feywild is also pick and choose, and the set bonus is nice because you can use it w/ dread and have a great combination of sets.
    Part of the family is actually good, but only for tempest DH.

    Thats it.

    Can we get some more medium armor shoved into sets please? Silent avenger would be amazing if it had a medium armor option, as it fits great with DH.

  2. #2
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Feywild also has Sunscale.
    You might also consider throwing some ToEE/VoD/Sands/VoN sets together.

  3. #3
    Pale Fox
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    Because PRR/MRR and Dodge is not balanced.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    Well, with the advent of DH, I decided to see what was available for medium armor named sets.

    In short, virtually nothing. Sharn has a coat which is OK, Rloft has a coat which is OK, IoD has a good rough armor, and feywild is stuck with snowscale.

    Unless I am blind, thats it.

    Cryptraider set is really not fantastic for DH.
    Dread set is really pick and choose for gear, and the set bonus isnt terrible.
    Feywild is also pick and choose, and the set bonus is nice because you can use it w/ dread and have a great combination of sets.
    Part of the family is actually good, but only for tempest DH.

    Thats it.

    Can we get some more medium armor shoved into sets please? Silent avenger would be amazing if it had a medium armor option, as it fits great with DH.

    Sets with armor / weapons is really just a bad idea. Basically either you just copy/paste all the armor / weapons, or you just leave entire builds out to dry for basically no reason.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    Sets with armor / weapons is really just a bad idea. Basically either you just copy/paste all the armor / weapons, or you just leave entire builds out to dry for basically no reason.
    There are a few sets that are like that. 3 item sets, x, y, and an armor. Only 4 that I could find have a medium, and the sharn and rloft bonuses arent that hot compared to all the other roguey/rangery (dark hunter in theory) 3 piece sets.

    There is a lot of cut and paste armor through all 4 expansions, like the robes (spell lore, spell power, fort, one random effect)

    Please note I am looking only at heroics. Never played much in epics, maybe to 21, 22 tops.

    The odds of getting something that works well with dark hunters really seems to be trying to find sets for everything else that work without armor and calling it "good enough", which is unfortunate.

  6. #6
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    What are you looking for in a set? Crypt Raider and Part of the Family are both absolutely fantastic medium armor melee sets. I used both on my DH past lives and was happy to do so. Poo-pooing those two is like being served surf and turf and complaining cause you wanted chicken nuggies.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    ..the sharn and rloft bonuses arent that hot compared to all the other roguey/rangery (dark hunter in theory) 3 piece sets.
    In other words what are 'roguey/rangery' dark hunter bonuses to you? Need more definition to understand the issue.

  8. #8
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    Sets with armor / weapons is really just a bad idea. Basically either you just copy/paste all the armor / weapons, or you just leave entire builds out to dry for basically no reason.

    Personally I think 5+ piece set bonuses are very restrictive as well, or needing multiple set bonuses that have more than 2-3 piece requirements each.
    You are but a lamb, ignorant of your own ignorance. You no longer interest me.

  9. #9
    Community Member thegreatcthulhu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post

    Personally I think 5+ piece set bonuses are very restrictive as well, or needing multiple set bonuses that have more than 2-3 piece requirements each.
    They are... and some of them (I.E. Salt Marsh, Dread) are weird when they get into the big 5+ territory. As you said though, the biggest problem definitely is how restrictive they make builds.

    I think there is a way around that with keeping big sets flexible (Feywild's idea was sorta what I have in mind but not quite close), but at this point it is anyone's guess as to if SSG will take it a step further....
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  10. #10
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post

    Personally I think 5+ piece set bonuses are very restrictive as well, or needing multiple set bonuses that have more than 2-3 piece requirements each.
    Often I find it better to use a single piece armor than to use one from a 5 piece set.

    That said, for heroics there are also the temple sets and the level 17 sets.
    Still, coat of the traveler is my goto medium armor, both in heroics and epics.

  11. #11
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightBear View Post
    and the level 17 sets.
    Out of the 3 Soul Splitter sets, 2 are only good for casters, and the remaining one lacks medium armor.

  12. #12
    Pale Fox
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    Quote Originally Posted by magaiti View Post
    Out of the 3 Soul Splitter sets, 2 are only good for casters, and the remaining one lacks medium armor.
    In general yes, absolutely you are right.
    Still there might be a niche usage for the blessed vestments as a backup healer with Curative Admixture spells.

    That said, I have not played a DH, so there might be more spell vials it can throw around?

    More options are always good, so I would like to see more medium armors as set options.
    But I don't think many melees will go off part of the family as crypt raider already is seen as the lessor option.

    Upping wallwatch with a medium armor would rock, but potentially make em way to good.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fauxknight View Post
    In other words what are 'roguey/rangery' dark hunter bonuses to you? Need more definition to understand the issue.
    We don't get much, if anything, from imbue. But we do get a bunch of sneak attacks, and assassinate based skills (traps) that work int/wis/dex, whichever is the highest.

    Sneak attacks + medium armor is generally not a thing, since rogues are light, and traditional rangers are also.

    We also do get pretty good healing bombs to toss.

    Being able to flex in some useful things like that would be nice, like sneak dice on something thats not an armor and doesnt require an armor to get a set bonus!

    I will be using roughcut armor for some time, as it comes with quality dodge (on medium armor!!). Nice things that are traditionally seen on light armor would be great on some medium (like roughcut quality dodge).

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    Sneak attacks + medium armor is generally not a thing, since rogues are light, and traditional rangers are also.
    Sneak attacks + light armor is generally not a thing either. There are some options, but they aren't common.

  15. #15
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    We already have BiS medium armor for mostly builds - Legendary Red Dragonscale Armor. All other is obsolete and redundant.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    We already have BiS medium armor for mostly builds - Legendary Red Dragonscale Armor. All other is obsolete and redundant.
    I honestly have no idea. I run pretty much only heroics, and have never made it past 23 before I have tr'd. I should have clarified better I meant heroics. I have zero understanding of the epic and legendary play. (I am planning to take my 2 chars to 32 this life though!)

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