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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New Class: Enchanter (WIP)

    Hello everybody. I have started to work on an idea for a new class called the Enchanter. This is still a work in progress so I will be returning to make incremental edits but I am really excited with what I have thought of so far and wanted to share my ideas with you. If this does make it to the game I would only ask for a shiny hat or credit.

    HTML Code:
    [B]Description: Enchanters are most charismatic of the spellcasters. They use incantations, charms and enchantments to get their way in combat. Though limited in offensive magic, their manipuation magic is more than enough to get others to do their bidding.
    Solo Ability: Challenging[/B]
    Primary abilities:
    CHARISMA (for spellcasting)
    INTELLIGENCE (for magic abilities)
    DEXTERITY (for ranged builds)
    Other abilities:
    Not important:
    Primary skills:
    Use Magic Device
    Primary spell schools: 
    Divination, Enchantment, Necromancy, Illusion
    Recommended Races:
    Best: Tiefling, Drow, Human, Dragonborn, Half Elf, Human
    Middle: Aasimar, Gnome, Halfling, Tabaxi
    Not recommended: Dwarf, Warforged, Half-Orc, Wood Elf, Shifter
    Weapons and Armor Proficiences
    Light armor proficiency (granted on proficiency with DEX focus tree)
    Simple Weapons:
    Light Mace
    Clubs and Scepters
    Orbs (for the sake of simplicity)
    Martial weapons:
    All available spells:
    Level 1: 
    Mage Armor
    Charm Person
    Expeditious Retreat
    Cause Fear
    Level 2:
    See Invisibility
    Otto's Resistable Dance
    Command Undead
    Touch of Idiocy
    Level 3:
    Deep Slumber
    Hold Person
    Hald Undead
    Dispel Magic
    Level 4:
    Crushing Despair
    (Thinking of more to add here. Any suggestions please)
    Level 5:
    Break Enchantment
    Dominate Person
    Hold Monster
    Mind Fog
    Waves of Fatigue
    Level 6:
    Greater Dispel Magic
    True Seeing
    Suggestion, Mass
    Symbol of Persuasion
    Symbol of Fear
    Level 7:
    Hold Person, Mass
    Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    Control Undead
    Waves of Exhaustion
    Symbol of Weakness
    Player Progression:
    Level 1: 
    Feats granted: Arcane Lore, Dimiss Charm, Snake Charmer
    Enchantment Knowledge
    Master Enchanter: Your enchantment spells last twice as long. You gain a bonus to Enchantment spells.
    Class Pathway/Enhancements?
    (I am unsure of whether this should be a feat you pick at first level or enhancement tree but for now please view this as an enhancement tree.)
    Charlatan: Using melee weapons imbued with magic, you can inflict certain conditions on a target which influence and manipulate them into behaving into ways they normally would not.
    Shot Caller: When using wands, orbs or scepters, the use of certain charm spells are enhanced.
    Puppet Master: You are a master of manipulating people. When using a ranged or thrown weapon you have a chance to cast chance Charm Person.
    Siren Song: Using verbal incantations, you can damage, weaken, incite or distract your opponents long enough to slip by undetected.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jodro's Avatar
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    Dec 2022


    I would really like enchanter as a seperate class (something not included in priest or bard) and i believe it has some great potential.

    I ain't very expirienced, but i want to pitch in some more ideas for this class.

    First off, i think on skills it would be good to also add repair and haggle. Some focused inscribe on enchantment spells is also something that an enchanter should have, but not really sure about it.

    About enchantment trees. I propose 3 trees: an enchantment tree, a magic boost tree and a crafting tree (yes people you read that right).

    Enchantment tree is the main one, most of its enchantments are used to boost your buffs and 2nd and 4th core can make your enchantments last longer, x1.5 at core 2 and x2 at core 4. 3rd and 5th core provide you with 2 passive buffs that are always active (choose 1 out of 4-5 on each core), not especially strong ones but still useful. This tree also provides with a chain of enchantments that are basically buffs as SLAs..

    Magic boost tree is a bit standard, some enchantments that reduce metamagic cost, expand mana pool, spell resistance ect. it can be created by taking stuff from almost every spellcasters trees.

    Crafting tree. Well i like the concept of crafting your own weapons and enchanter is very fitting class for it. Unfortunatelly cannith crafting is time consuming and doesn't worth the trouble when you can loot better weapons. So i propose a tree that, if it gets invested on, gives enchanters the chance to make better weapons, on par with the greatest lootable ones, with less materials and better chances. Obviously it will still not 100% worth it, but its an interesting option to have. Also that tree will have another chain that provide enchantments on your melee or ranged weapons while you use them.

    Another reason i like this class idea is because is easy to make yet another edgy archetype. Its a curse based encahnter that instead of enchantment tree he gets a curse tree, with curse SLAs, a chain that make your weapons giving curses when hit and anything else that can be used to boost curses. Also they get to use equipment with curses without getting affected with them, which would be really cool if there are, probably later in game, equipment thats really strong but has huge drawbacks. Obviously they cannot be lawful and I'm thinking of them using some weird double edged enchantments/curses, like basic ones from you get +x constitution, but suffer from -x charisma, to more weird ones, like you get 50% incorporeality but get double the damage if hit or you get double damage and hit with wepons but suffer -x hp for every kill.

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    The devs have made it quite clear that Archetypes are a lot easier for them to implement than brand-new classes. So while they haven't ruled out new classes, they're unlikely to add anything new until they've either run out of ideas for Archetypes OR want to implement a new feature / game mechanic which really wouldn't work as an Archetype for an existing class.

    [I'm hoping we get Psionics some day but we've all got our pipe dreams.]

    So what's more probable is either an Enchantment-focused Archetype for, say, wizard; or an Archmage overhaul so the tree is actually useful. I suppose they could even implement it as an Universal tree a la Feydark Illusionist.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Feb 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by Jodro View Post
    I would really like enchanter as a seperate class (something not included in priest or bard) and i believe it has some great potential.

    I ain't very expirienced, but i want to pitch in some more ideas for this class.
    I am quoting the first sentence so you know I am responding to you. I think this is a really interesting idea. Something I thought would be really interesting as an enchanter would be the ability to disarm your opponents and temporarily wield their weapons, or even compel them to do certain things with the weapons they have. A hireling type hotbar to effectively puppet master your enemies would be really interesting. Or even using a specific object which allows you to wield enchantments. I think doubling this with a summoner class would be amazing for giving players multiple avenues to explore.

    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    The devs have made it quite clear that Archetypes are a lot easier for them to implement than brand-new classes. So while they haven't ruled out new classes, they're unlikely to add anything new until they've either run out of ideas for Archetypes OR want to implement a new feature / game mechanic which really wouldn't work as an Archetype for an existing class.

    [I'm hoping we get Psionics some day but we've all got our pipe dreams.]

    So what's more probable is either an Enchantment-focused Archetype for, say, wizard; or an Archmage overhaul so the tree is actually useful. I suppose they could even implement it as an Universal tree a la Feydark Illusionist.
    This works just as fine for me. I think this should be a wizard archetype as it has a focus on a large pool of spells.

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