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Thread: Gold Cap

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Gold Cap

    Been playing this game on and off since it came out. Recently I returned and brought a friend with me, I have always been a sub so I never knew there was a gold cap for FTP, This really needs to be removed. It's OK to sell things for convenience, but this basically means an FTP player will hit a point where they don't feel like they get anything from a dungeon because they can't make any plat it's just a wall. Sadly this has meant they no longer wish to play, while I know I will come back one day it's kinda sad they won't.

  2. #2
    Community Member Hawkwier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by rhysclifford View Post
    Been playing this game on and off since it came out. Recently I returned and brought a friend with me, I have always been a sub so I never knew there was a gold cap for FTP, This really needs to be removed. It's OK to sell things for convenience, but this basically means an FTP player will hit a point where they don't feel like they get anything from a dungeon because they can't make any plat it's just a wall. Sadly this has meant they no longer wish to play, while I know I will come back one day it's kinda sad they won't.

    Plat loses a lot of utility for vets as we have tons of it, and limited reasons to spend it. This cap may have made sense back in the day but it would make sense and be helpful to new FTP players who could use it, and may help some to move on to premium/VIP accounts in time.

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