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    Default Increase Reaper Experience for Lower Level Quests

    I just spent a life running heroic quests on R6 and I noticed a common phenomenon. Many of the better DDO players would join my LFM, discover that the quests take longer than they are used to when playing on R1, and then drop the quest.

    To be clear, I am not talking about the people that struggle to play on R6 normally. I'm talking about the people that play legendary quests on R10, but won't play heroic quests on anything other than R1.

    It is very common for people to say that heroic questing is so easy that is it boring, but that is simply because they refuse to raise the reaper level to the same level that they play legendary quests and they do that simply because heroic quests give terrible reaper experience. There is no reason for a level 30 quest to give 5 times as much reaper experience as a level 10 or 15 quest when they are being played on the same reaper difficulty and take the same amount of time to complete.

    Reaper already has a level cap. You can't enter a heroic reaper quest more than 4 levels above the base level of the quest. That level limit already makes sure that people are not circumventing the challenge by going in way over level. Quests that take the same amount of time should give the same amount of reaper experience at any level played.

    I'd really like to play all of heroic on R10, but it is so hard to find people to play with at R6 that I don't see that happening. It is no trouble to fill a legendary party for R10 questing, but heroic is a struggle simply because of the terrible reaper experience reward. Let's fix this.

  2. #2
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    The meta is plow R1 over and over again. This gains PLs and EPLs, and players gain the majority of their reaper xp running R10 at cap. /repeat

    The people who want more xp buy it. That's how the system is designed.

    What percentage of the population do you suppose plays on the correct difficulty level that actually challenges them in heroics? I'm talking about the setting which stops the zerg and makes it a dungeon crawl.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  3. #3
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    What percentage of the population do you suppose plays on the correct difficulty level that actually challenges them in heroics? I'm talking about the setting which stops the zerg and makes it a dungeon crawl.
    Sadly not many. And not me, either - I usually run heroics on r4.

    Would an increase in heroic rxp help get me out of my comfort zone? TBH, I'm not sure. I kind of agree with the OP that it's actually a little sad the way it's being played atm, but I'm not sure I can get even myself to change. Oh, well.
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  4. #4
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    The devs fell for a massive con job regarding rxp at level cap which was already significantly better than heroic rxp and people were generally running higher skulls. It's unlikely they will ever fix it as it would just be viewed as a nerf at this point.

    If anything I think they should boost epic rxp to 150% so that it's 100% heroic, 150% epic and 200% legendary.

    I think anyone breezing through R1 on heroic levels should at least up it to R2 as it probably won't change completion time, but provide a large boost to rxp. And certainly the huge # of quests that take less than 5 min are worth pushing skulls up a bit.

    The devs can never balance it perfectly.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    The devs fell for a massive con job regarding rxp at level cap which was already significantly better than heroic rxp and people were generally running higher skulls. It's unlikely they will ever fix it as it would just be viewed as a nerf at this point.

    If anything I think they should boost epic rxp to 150% so that it's 100% heroic, 150% epic and 200% legendary.

    I think anyone breezing through R1 on heroic levels should at least up it to R2 as it probably won't change completion time, but provide a large boost to rxp. And certainly the huge # of quests that take less than 5 min are worth pushing skulls up a bit.

    The devs can never balance it perfectly.
    The trouble is that upping a heroic quest from R1 to R4 often adds 100 RXP or less. I can't blame people for not wanting to join my R6 heroic reaper quest when the total RXP for completion is 300 to 400 RXP. The quests take a lot longer and are much more difficult, but the reaper experience increase is a joke.

    As for the con job, yeah, you are right. It was an epic (or should I say legendary) whine fest that got them to double RXP on level 30+ quests. Now it's time to more than double the lower level quests. Level 10 Into the Mists doesn't take less time than level 31 Into the Mists. They are the same quest. And the quest is much easier on R10 at legendary levels because people are far better equipped to deal with the extra challenge and have epic/legendary abilities.

  6. #6
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    The trouble is that upping a heroic quest from R1 to R4 often adds 100 RXP or less. I can't blame people for not wanting to join my R6 heroic reaper quest when the total RXP for completion is 300 to 400 RXP. The quests take a lot longer and are much more difficult, but the reaper experience increase is a joke.

    As for the con job, yeah, you are right. It was an epic (or should I say legendary) whine fest that got them to double RXP on level 30+ quests. Now it's time to more than double the lower level quests. Level 10 Into the Mists doesn't take less time than level 31 Into the Mists. They are the same quest. And the quest is much easier on R10 at legendary levels because people are far better equipped to deal with the extra challenge and have epic/legendary abilities.
    If they want to give a catch-up mechanism applying the 200% xp bonus to epic and heroic levels would certainly do that. Or maybe 150% heroic, 175% epic and 200% (legendary is already 200%).

    I think not wanting to push skulls in heroics also has a lot to do with having to gear up for so many different builds and at so many different level ranges. At least for me I prefer as few gear changes as possible while heroic leveling.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    The trouble is that upping a heroic quest from R1 to R4 often adds 100 RXP or less. I can't blame people for not wanting to join my R6 heroic reaper quest when the total RXP for completion is 300 to 400 RXP. The quests take a lot longer and are much more difficult, but the reaper experience increase is a joke.

    As for the con job, yeah, you are right. It was an epic (or should I say legendary) whine fest that got them to double RXP on level 30+ quests. Now it's time to more than double the lower level quests. Level 10 Into the Mists doesn't take less time than level 31 Into the Mists. They are the same quest. And the quest is much easier on R10 at legendary levels because people are far better equipped to deal with the extra challenge and have epic/legendary abilities.
    I join groups that are higher reaper in heroic, when they are up (which is rare, as you are saying)

    I don’t know exactly who you are but there are certain people that post those sorts of groups and the run often takes 30+ minutes in 5 minute quests.

    I don’t join those groups, they might be “pushing skulls” but they are not ready for it.

    So sort of hard to say. Another common player pushes skulls and it’s challenging but still relatively fast, so a nice sweet spot.

  8. #8
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    Increasing RXP wont make people want to run R6 Heroic. They're there for Heroic XP, which caps out at R1, so that's what they'll run.

    And no, you cant increase regular XP with higher skulls either. Reaper is supposed to be a challenge mode - and the problem is simply that you're the only one that wants that challenge. Which is fine for you, but you cant ask other players to facilitate your content if they dont want to.

  9. #9
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    I have run a bunch or heroic and lower Epic quests at R3. Have pushed it higher if it's like me and 2 other good players.

    Though some of those players have expressed a desire to push the skulls down for speed.

    I have been told "levels 1-29 are for EXP, levels 30-32 are for RXP"

    They are generally better players than I am, so I don't think the are wrong. And it does seem more efficient doing it that way.

    Someone above me mentioned boosting Heroic RXP multiplier and maybe that could he a nice catch up mechanic as well?
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  10. #10
    Community Member Malveaux's Avatar
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    I find r4 to be a sweet spot for heroic and epic leveling to cap. I can r1 and get maybe 50k in rxp leveling or I can get 200k plus running r4 with not much more effort leveling up. Makes the cudgel game at least some what of a challenge over r1. Where if you get it first you will take it to 20 or cap on r1.

    I am a pot time verse reward type though. If I could with my crew do r6 and not take much more time to complete a quest I would do it.

    I am not a endgamer. So I would leave that r1 leveling stuff to the real ddo pros on Orien.

  11. #11
    Community Member Monkey_Archer's Avatar
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    The issue with pushing skulls in heroic is due to the formula being based on quest level rather than skull number.

    Legendary r10s yield nearly 10 times as much rxp as r1, but low level heroic r10s only give ~3 times as much.

    This is what needs fixing/buffing.

  12. #12
    Community Member Soulfurnace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dandonk View Post
    Sadly not many. And not me, either - I usually run heroics on r4.

    Would an increase in heroic rxp help get me out of my comfort zone? TBH, I'm not sure. I kind of agree with the OP that it's actually a little sad the way it's being played atm, but I'm not sure I can get even myself to change. Oh, well.
    Honestly, I don't think meta builds would notice the change beyond level ~5 or so. It can vary by build - some things are pretty painful until 12, some gets their legs early. Heroics can be a bit of a mess; before druid got more spells it was single target until 11. That was rough. But fighter? At level 6 you have +1 mult, haste boost and a ton of damage and melee power. 30% x3 with a falchion at level 6 is faceroll territory. Barb gets +2w, melee druids get a bunch of melee power, etc.

    Of course, sorc facerolls anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malveaux View Post
    I am not a endgamer. So I would leave that r1 leveling stuff to the real ddo pros on Orien.
    Dunno why you're still being salty about the Orien thing, but anyway. Should probably stop before you get banned? Or not, perhaps.

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    The issue with pushing skulls in heroic is due to the formula being based on quest level rather than skull number.

    Legendary r10s yield nearly 10 times as much rxp as r1, but low level heroic r10s only give ~3 times as much.

    This is what needs fixing/buffing.
    I mean, buff rxp in lowbies, adjust the formula to match... both getting the same result of rxp not being awful in heroics.

    FWIW I've run r7 levelling before. Often it wasn't a challenge due to the sheer OPness that we get while levelling compared to what was intended, but the rxp was awful.
    It was this middleground of "not hard enough to be a challenge", "not enough rxp to be worth the time" and "slower for no reason".

    I guess my biggest thought it that we have more hp, damage and prr by level 10 or so than people used to have at level 25. Heck, prr wasn't a thing. Nor was melee power. Barbarian giving 3[w] and reaper points existing wasn't even conceivable.
    By level 12, melees have a mile more hp.

    By level 15 with sharn gear, we're miles beyond what they used to have (barring casters, which.. well, they were pretty awful in that meta and I can't even remember an approximate crossover point).

    One thing to consider is the sheer stat creep we experienced. +4 gear used to be ML: 11 I believe. Now it's level 5. +5% damage wasn't even something you could imagine, now melee power is handed out like candy - and 5% damage is on relentless fury, so we have it anyway.
    Even with reaper skulls, we're so vastly beyond what was intended for those levels that adding skulls won't make it hard until r9 or r10.

  13. #13
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    I prefer heroic gameplay to epic/legendary. More RXP would be nice.

  14. #14
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    Definitely agree it could use a bump in heroics/epics. I usually run r2-3 in heroics, and 3-4 in epics just because that's about the point where it doesn't slow me down time wise. And when it slows you down, there's really not much incentive to go higher. I have joined a couple epic groups doing r6 and it was pretty **** fun, but sadly there aren't many groups doing that because the rewards just aren't there. If there was more incentive to push skulls in heroics/epics, more people would do it.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Increasing RXP wont make people want to run R6 Heroic. They're there for Heroic XP, which caps out at R1, so that's what they'll run.

    And no, you cant increase regular XP with higher skulls either. Reaper is supposed to be a challenge mode - and the problem is simply that you're the only one that wants that challenge. Which is fine for you, but you cant ask other players to facilitate your content if they dont want to.
    People don't want a challenge at all. That is why the cut every corner, even in R10 legendary quests, to make the game as easy as possible. They want maximum reward for minimum effort and currently that is granted only on legendary quests. If they got the same RXP per minute in heroic as they did in legendary you would see a lot more quests run on higher reaper. But when raising a skull increases your RXP by 15, it's not surprising that they don't bother to do it. People farm RXP at level 30+ simply because it is the only place to do it effectively, not because it is the only time they care about getting RXP. They race through heroic levels simply because it is not rewarding to farm RXP at those levels.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    If they want to give a catch-up mechanism applying the 200% xp bonus to epic and heroic levels would certainly do that. Or maybe 150% heroic, 175% epic and 200% (legendary is already 200%).
    Unfortunately, unless they change the equation for how reaper experience is calculated, this won't help much at all. The problem is that the experience calculation includes multiplying by the level of the quest. Multiplying 50 x 3 just isn't as rewarding as 50 x 32, so running the level 3 Gatekeepers quest is a waste of time on high reaper even if they did a 150% or even 200% multiplier (like they do with legendary quests). The reaper experience calculation should factor in the length of the quest (short, medium, long, very long), but not the level. With how powerful we are in epics now, quests are not harder at higher levels. It's time to bring up the reaper experience per quest to be in line with legendary quests so that all quests are worth running for RXP instead of only level 30+ quests.

  17. #17
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    I agree with being fair at all to folks doing heroic leveling. The RXP rules are extremely unfair to heroic levelers. If you only doing heroic leveling you probably don't even know how much you are left behind, complete malpractice game design. Only problem with making RXP more valuable earlier, is you will get the difficulty partitioning earlier, more high reaper LFMs that are more choosey while you are heroic leveling.
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  18. #18
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Many builds don't have the tools to handle higher difficulties at lower level (lack of burst attacks, low aoe capability, missing big deal spells, etc.) while at cap those builds are fully realized and fleshed out. When I first came back to the game (and was dropped into the world of reaper having been added), I initially TR'd rightaway after capping each life to get the next life going; I wish I'd know that the better method for growth would've been to park cap for a few days to a week, farm out gear, and run the highest skulls I could handle. Once changed my TR train method to include park time at cap, RXP came fast. Higher RXP in heroics wouldn't have helped anywhere near the way changing TRing methodology did.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    Many builds don't have the tools to handle higher difficulties at lower level (lack of burst attacks, low aoe capability, missing big deal spells, etc.) while at cap those builds are fully realized and fleshed out. When I first came back to the game (and was dropped into the world of reaper having been added), I initially TR'd rightaway after capping each life to get the next life going; I wish I'd know that the better method for growth would've been to park cap for a few days to a week, farm out gear, and run the highest skulls I could handle. Once changed my TR train method to include park time at cap, RXP came fast. Higher RXP in heroics wouldn't have helped anywhere near the way changing TRing methodology did.
    My method has been to run quests that have no epic or legendary option during heroic quests, then epic quests to get to 30, then every legendary quest on R10. This gives great RXP, but since I have no epic past lives left to earn I waste a lot of time getting just RXP with no past lives (since only the first 20 levels give any kind of past life benefit). I also noticed that my heroic gear doesn't have much in the way of bonuses on it because it was mostly acquired on elite and R1. This last life I decided to run R6 for any quest that had loot that wasn't complete garbage and it turned out to be a lot of fun, but getting that RXP reward of 385 RXP for running a quest on R6 was very anticlimactic. And since the quest wasn't any faster or easier than when I ran it on R10 legendary there is no reason for it to give less RXP.

    Running all of heroics on R10 sounds like a fun challenge, but I know I can't do it on my own and since my fellow players need a bigger carrot to get them to participate (like the one they have for legendary quests), I'm here to campaign for that carrot. I already have so many Reaper Points that I don't care if I only earn one every couple of lives, but most of the rest of the community needs a reward on par with what they get at cap if they are going to be convinced to participate.

  20. #20
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    The heroic formula needs an upgrade for sure, even a flat x2 or x3 and then refactor the scaling for pushing skulls.

    Will folks push the skulls? Probably not, it isn't until late heroics you really come into your own depending on the build, and even then I only push R4 on old school launch / "Module" content like VON, Sorrowdusk/CO6, Sands, etc. where there aren't mobs running around with several thousand HP like in RL or Sharn.

    That said, it needs to be tuned just to get RXP to begin with, not a lot of people are interested at staying at cap or even going into Epics as they may be grinding Archetype, Heroic, or Racial lives instead and then when they're done with that they cannot contribute at endgame/reaper raids due to missing a ton of RPs.

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