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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Cool Reduce difficulty on Reaper 1


    To be clear here i'm only referring to reaper 1 skull. I would like to see the difficulty scaling down just a little bit, maybe 10-25%.

    I'll explain my stance on this.

    1): To me i feel like reaper 1 should be like a introduction to reaper mode. Something you should be able to do solo (I don't want to say easy, but still easier then with current difficulty). To not be to easy in group there could be scaling (not
    sure if there already is scaling in this game).

    2): For someone like me that play 99% solo, (and not only by choice, all players that I could join always zerg through quests and quite frankly that stresses me out), the xp for soloing reaper 1 on legendary is not really worth the effort. Especially once you get a few points and the next point is 15+ quests away and you barely make it through a reaper 1 quest.

    3): Most of the LFM's i see is usually for higher reaper and quite often reaper 10. If someone like me is ever gonna be able to play with these ppl I need to be able to get reaper points to "catch up" and the only way is to play reaper 1.

    Now not all quests are "too difficult", I played on my best char (Inquisitor - Pale Master) through Ravenloft on reaper 2 (except An invitation to dinner which I had to do on reaper 1) and Ravens' Bane that I did on reaper 3 to try if I could do it and I could - barely. But now I have moved on to Isle of dread and all quests are like in between reaper 2 and 3 in ravenloft on reaper 1, if you know what i mean.

    On other characters that are not my Inquisitor I had to play through Ravenloft on reaper 1 except for An invitation to dinner which I had to do on Legendary Elite, which is no fun when you're already level 32 and want the reaper xp.

    Well this is my thought on the matter and I don't think the difficulty chould be changed on reaper 2 -10 so it really wouldn't effect those that run in groups or run higher reaper.

    Best regards to you all.

  2. #2
    Community Member archest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    reaper 10 is a group and tactical effort cant be soloed < or shouldn't be...
    reaper 1 should prepare you for that. with enough reaper points its basically normal difficulty now.

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