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  1. #1
    Community Member fit4life's Avatar
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    Default Healing class not healing

    As a long time FVS player and caster. Why does meta support healing classes not healing. If you are a cleric or FVS while with a pug do expect you to only heal not, but not healing anybody else absolutely grinds my gear and I want to squelch people and never group with them. But I can't do that either because I can't heal like them on other classes. PS, If you play a healer Class HEAL OTHER PEOPLE!

  2. #2
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    I think you should play your character and let them play theirs. Today my dark apostate killed 75% of the mobs in a reaper run. I was too busy killing to heal. Did I not fulfill my portion of the quest? Did I not carry my weight? Conversely, many of us old-timers have solo healed shroud ( the original) on a bard, and I know a couple who did on a ranger. At the end of the day, if I'm on a divine class build, it doesn't mean I've agreed to be your living hireling. Especially if you can't perform more DPS than me If I see your hit points are low and I'm able, I'll probably toss you some healing even if I'm on a sorc or barb.

    The only thing I expect from other players is to contribute in some fashion, and I try to make allowances for differences in goals, abilities and perspectives. I suggest making allowances for the vast variety in character types and play styles.
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  3. #3
    Community Member Onyxia2019's Avatar
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    I suggest having a conversation at the start on party roles. Ask the person if they can heal or be a backup healer.
    It can be taxing to keep an eye on everyone's HP bar and also be a killing machine. They may be in the mood to just kill everything.
    Don't assume that every class that can heal will be the designated party healer.

    Obviously if on hardcore anyone that can heal should have at least one eye on the HP bars since the stakes are much higher.
    If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.

  4. #4
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    because its a group tactic it makes your stronger if you can build without having to think about self healing.
    most of the clerics in epics use the shroud to auto heal if your standing close to them.
    but this game has been more about the tr grind and solo play than about grouping and an adventure party that traditional D&D players long for.
    R10 you get that because only particular TR train, 200 life, completionist, with bought and paid for tombs can solo it.
    In addition when you need healing your running around like a chicken with its head off wanting to be healed so they cant even target you and end up taking hits because of you.
    there should be a key code like when your raiding in reaper and your ready to be raised after the timer is off (X) maybe an (XH)?
    its the way it is.
    you start an lfm and someone runs ahead zerging for xp and you need to pick up the collectables and open chests and do the optional's they dont stop and help kill the stuff they just argo it on you and runaway.
    some people still need collection of crafting materials, they need equipment from chests tp grind for essences the want to do the optional's for both rare encounter chests and collectables and the added xp from them.
    Tr Train is not interested in hose things and dont slow down enough to care they are killing the party of 3rd and 4th lifers because they can solo zerg the quest.

    even when posting no zerg or not interested in TR train they ignore your wants and needs altogether.
    I will start opening on reaper so that if I leave no one else can join and then reset the quest.
    there's no reason for them to join my LFM if they can open on reaper themselves.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    In most PUG's everybody is expected to self-heal. In PUG raids there may be a requirement to heal but that's generally established at the start.

    The only place where my healers are clearly healers is in static groups and guild groups.

  6. #6
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    @ OP - Respectfully, I don't think you're being completely realistic re PUG's, and the current character base. As others have pointed out, it's very easy to have a character that self-heals, to the point of that being the "expected" norm. I mean - what do you do if there is no "healer" in the group? Same situation you're complaining about - is that your standard questing experience?

    There are Cleric/Favored Soul builds that are combat oriented, sometimes specifically because people who run them want to run a "combat" character and not a healer. That's just the reality of it.

    And, similarly, there are people who run healer-class who simply do not like to heal, for one reason or another. Just as there are "Rogues" who cannot trap, by design or fault of gearing. Unfortunate, but far from rare.

    There are even multi-class builds that hide the fact that they are "healer" class, for that very reason, splitting the class break so they show up as anything but a "healer" class icon in the Party list, not acquiring a "dominant class" of Cleric or Favored Soul until 20 and TR.

    If you ~need~ a healer so you can run quests, then either 1) bring in a hire, or 2) find a static group w a willing healer, or 3) start your own group and state "Healers must heal" in the LFG text*. Or (best) 4), run builds that don't rely on others to heal them - pretty easy.

    (* GL w that.)

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ariel7 View Post
    I think you should play your character and let them play theirs. Today my dark apostate killed 75% of the mobs in a reaper run. I was too busy killing to heal. Did I not fulfill my portion of the quest? Did I not carry my weight? Conversely, many of us old-timers have solo healed shroud ( the original) on a bard, and I know a couple who did on a ranger. At the end of the day, if I'm on a divine class build, it doesn't mean I've agreed to be your living hireling. Especially if you can't perform more DPS than me If I see your hit points are low and I'm able, I'll probably toss you some healing even if I'm on a sorc or barb.

    The only thing I expect from other players is to contribute in some fashion, and I try to make allowances for differences in goals, abilities and perspectives. I suggest making allowances for the vast variety in character types and play styles.
    DA doesn't even get radiant servant, which is the goto for healing.

    The comments above mirror my experience playing DA. Stacking DD +crit/spellpower with DA crit/spellpower is pretty potent for killing things! Just not so much for healz.
    Last edited by Scrag; 04-12-2023 at 09:21 AM.

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