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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Does any gear with "Monk" effects benefit the Sacred Fist?

    So far the only gear-enhancement I've found that works for Sacred Fists is "reinforced fists" but nothing that benefits a Monk's "Stance" seems to boost anything a Sacred Fist does.
    Has anyone found anything that actually DOES enhance the Sacred Fist other than the bonus unarmed damage?

  2. 04-06-2023, 10:56 PM

  3. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    The long and short of it is that a Sacred Fist is a Paladin, end of discussion. SF's have no "stances", so there's no reason for what you suggest. No more than a Rogue or Ranger benefit would help either a Monk or Paladin.

    Anything that helps a "Paladin" would help a SF.

    Quote Originally Posted by onikage View Post
    Has anyone found anything that actually DOES enhance the Sacred Fist other than the bonus unarmed damage?
    That doesn't benefit "Sacred Fist" so much as it benefits a fighting style, "unarmed". If the SF is using a quarterstaff or dual-wielding some weapon, it's no benefit at all.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    The long and short of it is that a Sacred Fist is a Paladin, end of discussion. SF's have no "stances", so there's no reason for what you suggest. No more than a Rogue or Ranger benefit would help either a Monk or Paladin.

    Anything that helps a "Paladin" would help a SF.

    That doesn't benefit "Sacred Fist" so much as it benefits a fighting style, "unarmed". If the SF is using a quarterstaff or dual-wielding some weapon, it's no benefit at all.
    Thanks for stalking me on two posts and responding like you failed to understand my question and just responded with useless condescending snark.

    I'm asking if there's anything that Benefits the Sacred Fist specifically, like things that generate Ki for example OR if you actually wanted to be helpful, maybe recommend some gear you think would benefit a Sacred Fist. Thanks for a good laugh tho

  5. #4
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Enhanced Ki items help, as Sacred Fist has ways to spend Ki. Especially if you decide to use Grandmaster of Flowers epic strike.

    for specific gear: - currently the lowest minimum level item with Enhanced Ki - strong contender for endgame gear. - has Superior Reinforced Fists, which is better than Greater Reinforced Fists - best wraps, don't mind the negative level due to being good, it's not remotely as bad as a drained level. - if you can't give up bracers slot
    Last edited by magaiti; 04-07-2023 at 02:30 AM.

  6. #5
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onikage View Post
    Thanks for stalking me on two posts ...
    Sorry - who are you, and what would that "other" post be?

    Honestly - I'd have to have registered your name, and I didn't.
    Quote Originally Posted by onikage View Post
    responding like you failed to understand my question
    I respond to questions as I see them, and I saw your OP as from someone who was confused and thought a SF should benefit from "Monk" enhancements. How I got that impression is a diff discussion. <shrug>

    (Edit - found the other "stalking" post.

    You were on the same time I was, or just before. You made 2 posts, I responded to 2 posts (more, actually, but yours were 2 of them). This is called a "coincidence". You can calm down, it's not about you - trust me on that one.)

  7. #6
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magaiti View Post
    Fetters of the Forgewraith - best wraps, don't mind the negative level due to being good, it's not remotely as bad as a drained level.
    Arguable. Attuned DB wraps with melfang, meltscale, sparkclaw and Aspect of Tar horn seems more appealing for SF.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by magaiti View Post
    Enhanced Ki items help, as Sacred Fist has ways to spend Ki. Especially if you decide to use Grandmaster of Flowers epic strike.

    for specific gear: - currently the lowest minimum level item with Enhanced Ki - strong contender for endgame gear. - has Superior Reinforced Fists, which is better than Greater Reinforced Fists - best wraps, don't mind the negative level due to being good, it's not remotely as bad as a drained level. - if you can't give up bracers slot
    Really appreciate you sharing these options. One thing I found regarding Alignment and Negative Level is that I don't seem to get a negative level using Macabre handwraps from Ravenloft despite it stating its a Evil Aligned item (however the tooltip also doesn't indicate you do receive a negative level either so I guess its Working as Intended?)

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