Hello everyone,
I'm trying to make some wild shape builds but, as probably most of you know, its blurry what works and what doesn't.
So I'll list a few enchantments from monk and rogues trees and i would like you to tell me if they work while in wilde shape.
- Thief-Acrobat: Thief Acrobatics (maybe it works partially without the extra attack speed)
- Thief-Acrobat: Trip Focus
- Thief-Acrobat: Improved Second Strikes
- Assassin: Venomed Blades
- Shintao/Henshin Mystics/Ninja Spy: Elemental Ki strikes (all 4 options)
- Ninja Spy: Acrobatic
For actives I'll assume that none of the enchantments that are weapon related will be available while in wild shape.
For example: Thief-Acrobat:Quick Strike and the rest on its chain, Ninja-Spy:Sting of the Ninja (while having a Piercing/Slashing weapon equiped) are not available, but all action boosts and other abilities like Assassin: Shadow Dagger and Ninja Spy:Flash Bang are usable. Unknown for Thief-Acrobat:Spinning Staff Wall.
For the above mentioned trees I'll assume everything else is available in wild shape, is that correct?
Extra Questions:
- Does Nature's Defense stance affects bear's ability to strikethrough (like defensive fighting stance does)?
- While monk stances work, do ki attacks and finishing moves and their tree abilities work as well?
- Bear's Barbarian Rage affects stances or anything else other than spells?
Any other remarks are welcome.