So, we're asking SSG to reconsider this decision to purge Wildmen from the game. Nearly everyone in the community believes this is a waste of developer time and resources and many players actively object to removing the Wildmen.

As has been pointed out in this thread, taking the Wildmen out of the Restless Isles leaves a gaping plot hole that can't be filled by bullywugs or some other incongruous humanoid species. The Restless Isles is one of my favorite places in the game and I would weep softly for a few moments if this happens. You don't want to make a 51 year old man cry, now do you?

Even as it is, the 'Diplomatic Impunity' quest is significantly tarnished by swapping out the Wildmen for bullywugs who are a poor fit. It would take less effort to put the Wildmen back into this quest with the original text and DM narration than to eventually remove the Wildmen from at least a half dozen locations in DDO. Here's hoping you listen to the community.