We have seen a ton of threads doomsaying and all but is there a possible way we could player fund a deep dive into hardware/ the coding to allow for larger servers and core functionality upgrades. Things that were build on old spaghetti code could be rewritten. It would be a ton of money but id throw my share in. Anyways no rant and just a few ideas.

1. DDO code needs to be rewritten and the game re-released after a large amount of moneh gathering. Needs to be fairly transparent though.
2. Game mechanics need to be simplified BUT allow for more diversity. Remove Reaper trees entirely but maybe add in a system which awards universal AP instead letting some power back to players in a system we already utilize?
3. Figure out if pastlives could somehow be worked to be lighter duty on the server somehow.
4. For the love of god remove some crafting bloat and see if itemization is causing issues. I know gear tetris makes rerunning a thing and makes a time sink but can we do it a different way? Maybe pack materials can be used to craft exclusive augments or something?

I just want the game to be seen in a good light between players and devs. Kinda need to come on together and everyone paddle the boat in the same direction. Whether is costs money or not. If we could fund it hire more devs to rewrite old code. If it breaks some things thats ok in the name of progress.

I think at the end of the day DDO needs an engine update. Right now we are a 1970s Big Block Chevy being squeezed for emissions and down on power, time to throw in the modern V8 even if some stuff changes along the way.

Happy questing everyone!