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  1. #1
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Jan 2016

    Default AH pricing new players out of the option

    as it says.
    hundreds of thousands of plat prices new players out of the option of going to the AH for items.
    if they are lucky enough to get a few items they can sell that someone might buy for that they might be able to increase there plat enough to buy an item.
    there stuff in the AH starting at 2 million platt and you have to ait 3 days for it even if you bid on it.
    while there are many players on Orien now it is overwhelming to begin a new account on such a server because of it .
    so any new players try another server the AH prices will be better.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2015

    Default Well that sucks

    Inflation. I can't even escape it on a game. Yes, very old returning player, starting fresh since my original characters are gone.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Many of the 2million pp items on the AH are not intended to be sold. The AH is used as extra storage, and when it come back to the "seller" it will be stored in the mailbox for a while.

  4. #4
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoffWatson View Post
    Many of the 2million pp items on the AH are not intended to be sold. The AH is used as extra storage, and when it come back to the "seller" it will be stored in the mailbox for a while.
    I'm afraid you have a bad idea of how many items "not intended to be sold" are actually regularly sold at these prices. I tell you this as a seasoned Orien merchant, regularly successfully trading at just such prices.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  5. #5
    Community Member thwart's Avatar
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    Monsters have loot you can just take.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    As a new player, are these 2 million plat listed items on the AH something that they really need. Is it something that anyone really needs???

    Yes, technically a new player could find use in most items. However, is it really something that is going to be worth it.

    Items from the market vendors, and other NPCs, along with chest loot in quests. This should be more than sufficient for any new player.

    As far as the AH goes......inflationary times has been the issue for quite a while.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  7. #7
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Please don't hesitate to ask for help in these matters. I am willing to donate to any newbie player as long as I have plat on any of my toons. I even can donate some equipment and I know where to ask, if something specific is needed.

    We created a cannith crafting channel on the Orien (Raiding) Discord a while back to help get players what they might need. Some of the high lvl crafters are even willing to do it for free.

    A lot of people try to help out but it is not easy to reach the right players. My advice ask around. I am pretty sure you will meet jerks, too but we have a big pool of decent players that are willing to help out.

    Last edited by TitusOvid; 04-04-2023 at 03:55 PM.
    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  8. #8
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitusOvid View Post
    Please don't hesitate to ask for help in these matters. I am willing to donate to any newbie player as long as I have plat on any of my toons. I even can donate some equipment and I know where to ask, if something specific is needed.

    We created a cannith crafting channel on the Orien (Raiding) Discord a while back to help get players what they might need. Some of the high lvl crafters are even willing to do it for free.

    A lot of people try to help out but it is not easy to reach the right players. My advice ask around. I am pretty sure you will meet jerks, too but but we have a big pool of decent players that are willing to help out.

    this is true I've always helped and have had help when I ask for it without any issues.

    maybe just listing low level items in the AH and remembering what its like to have 500 plat and not be in a guild.
    and then visit the AH trying to find level 3 gear.
    I play on Argonnessen too and the prices are listed a bit lower.
    for common gear.
    even augments gear isn't 50k unless its double or triple

  9. #9
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    is a f2p account still limited to post in AH only 1 item? i guess it is still a thing, like it always was.

    then just remove such an artificial low bad limit, make it like 10 if really there's the need for a f2p limit

    done, problem solved. newer players will create a market by themselves, the whole point is that with the 1 item only limit they can't, considering that a f2p account can't even access shard auction.

    and also remove f2p plat cap
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

    omni-cosmetic system suggestion: Arbiter d'Phiarlan, the Weaver of Guises

  10. #10
    Community Member ycheese123's Avatar
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    I often post batches of loot for very low buyout prices. Like, under 1,000 plat. I usually have treasure hunter elixirs running, so I pull some neat random loot. If I think it's useful I post it. Garbage gets dissolved. The thing is... ALL of my auctions sell within hours.

  11. #11
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    After playing for years people acquire millions in Plat thru questing or various means shall we say. the platinum economy is out of whack correspondingly.

    If you group up with people in LFMs you can run a lot of quests get a lot of loot keep what you need and sell the rest and eventually acquire all the plat that you need.

  12. #12
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by archest View Post
    hundreds of thousands of plat prices new players out of the option of going to the AH for items.
    2 things are true:

    1) New players have ALWAYS been out of the AH. I was when I joined a dozen years ago, nothing has changed on that front. Veteran players (those who care about platinum, and some do exist*) know that a good item is worth a few thousand, an unusually good item can be worth a few 10's of k's, and a truly rare item is worth bank to someone, so the max, 2M (when it isn't being offered on the ASE).

    Vet players also know that other vet players have the plat to pay these prices; hell, usually it's sitting around in 4M piles on multiple mules. So it's not their job to price for the platiun-poor newbie, since a well-priced item will sell either way.

    (And this doesn't count the items are being offered for absurd prices - those posters are planning to STORE that item in the Mail, and if it sells for that price, they'll live with that profit.)

    So, the only time something isn't being offered at "market value" is either when a) the seller doesn't know its true value, or b) someone wants it to sell, and fast, or c) they feel like contributing to the "poor" - altho', sadly, it's then a coin toss whether someone might grab it and re-post it w a "market value" price tag to make plat on it.

    (I will do this last - I try to post items so that the 30% selling tax will discourage reselling. Items disappear, and rarely re-appear. And I'll post sub-standard items cheaply for the new player - not the best, but affordable, and to keep the AH stocked and active.)

    2) Because of this, because of the forces of supply/demand/pricing, most of the "market value" items (and all cheap items) get snatched up quickly, leaving mostly(!) only the over-priced items that people see. If the price was fair, it got bought already! Unless you are haunting the AH religiously, dropping by as you run to the next quest, you are never going to see the "deals", because those just disappear - someone else saw it first and bought it. You snooze, you lose.

    So, that leaves the vast majority of items on the AH as either 1) overpriced vs. market demand (from ignorance or greed or a desire to store it in Mail), or 2) rare reasonably-priced items that simply have not found their market yet (but soon will, almost certainly).

    (* Why do I care about Plat when "plat is worthless"? Because it's not to me. I have several private Guild Ships for my alts, all F2P, so no shards. Between upgrades and buying (usually highly-priced) Deeds on the AH, I could easily spend 50M plat today to upgrade them, without even having to think about what to buy.)

    For those new to posting on the AH, think about all of the above - if your stuff isn't selling, then you're simply pricing it too high (or it's crapola and no one wants it! ) Drop the price in half, see if it sells then, and go from there. GL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Valerianus View Post
    is a f2p account still limited to post in AH only 1 item? i guess it is still a thing, like it always was.

    and also remove f2p plat cap
    These are two (of the several) incentives to not be true F2P. They are meant to be "problems", and have an easy, existing solution.

    F2P is a "Let's just test the game out" mode. It works fine, even if there is "better". I did it for a couple months when I started, and once I knew I liked the game, I ponied up a few RL dollars (during a Sale) and never regretted it.

    Even if you can't afford VIP every month, it's cheap* to make a one-time contribution to the game and become Premium, and well worth it.

    (* A few $'s to buy some DDO points when they're on sale, and your Account is Premium for life.)

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