@Tolero @Cordovan @Lynnabel @Steelstar @whoeverdev
I haven't wanted or needed to craft anything for a very long time as I find it totally unnecessary with the currently available loot.
Having said that I do like crafting.
What I would like to see instead of breaking items down into ingredients is a system that breaks the items down into their prefixes and suffixes, slots and special effects. Even named loot.
The difficulty could be based on how strong the effect you are trying to "save", maybe you can only "save" one effect from an item when breaking it down.
For example, I want to save an effect "paralyze" and combine it with another effect "bleeding" from a different weapon I have broken down and combine both effects on a blank weapon I had prepared.
The named item effects could be only combined with other named item effects onto a named item blank.
The effects could be assigned to Pommel/Grip/Cross-piece/Chappe/Blade/Gem Slots
Blank could be assigned their own level trash/named/raid (green/orange/red)
This system would give me a reason to cap my crafting which currently sits at 200, which I currently have no desire nor interest in raising because the whole system is frankly pretty boring.
A crafting system should add something to the game. The current system IMO does not.