Was doin' some raiding earlier and got hit by a black dragon bolt casted by one of those caster Satyr dudes.

No big deal, right? It's only lh and wasn't even casted by a boss, worst it could do is ~300-500 a tick.

NOPE! (Combat): Hardsong Reveler's black dragon bolt hit you for a total of 1,810 points of acid damage after 66 were blocked by energy resistance. (Keep in mind that this was about the damage I received per tick).

A little excessive I think. Black dragon bolt has definitely been overtweaked.

Major question is, though, how long before it gets fixed? If it was doing insane kill-all damage when being cast by a player then I'd bet you it gets nerfed within a few days...but since it's a mob doing the big boy damage, what should we look at...3 or 4 months? If at all?