Hi, I kept the list down to 5 classic D&D monsters that really need to be added into the game.
Gorgon, Devil Swine, Carrion Crawler, Hydra, Nixie
Hi, I kept the list down to 5 classic D&D monsters that really need to be added into the game.
Gorgon, Devil Swine, Carrion Crawler, Hydra, Nixie
Devil Swine? I'm not familiar with that one.
Devil swine but NO Bulette? No Remorhaz. No Arumvorax. No Basilisk. No Cockatrice. No Flumph. No Fairydragon. We're missing many marine creatures too like Sharks, Squid/Kraken, Aboleth.
Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Pretty sure remorhaz could be done using the purple worm as a basis. Basilisk would be an interesting addition for sure, but you just know they'd end up being paired with umber hulks, probably rust monsters too. We definitely need flumphs too, preferably friendly NPCs located at the bottom of a long fall for a nice soft landing.
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
The name of the thread mentioned "Classic D&D Monsters" but there's no conceivable way you could consider Devil Swine "classic."
I've been playing D&D since 1979 and this is the first time I've ever even heard of it.
(No, I don't play 5th edition. If Devil Swine was introduced in 5E, that's proof positive it isn't "classic.")
Aelonwy's list is genuinely classic. No Flumphs though, please. (Sorry Memnir)
Devil Swine appeared in the D&D Expert Rulebook in 1983
Like I said, I narrowed it down to 5 or else the list will go on forever. However, I do agree, I'd like to see these in the game as well, but I'd rather not name drop every single monster that's not in the game so far.
Ahhh, that explains why I was unfamiliar. I was playing Advanced D&D (Then 2nd Edition, then 3.5, then I stopped for a while to raise some kids), not the basic/expert set. Different rules sets that didn't necessarily play nice together.
I wouldn't call a monster that showed up in one sourcebook then never again (as far as I can tell) thru nearly 40 years of revisions a classic D&D monster. But you like them for some reason. I'd go with a standard wereboar myself. Or any one of the monsters listed by Aelonwy.
Great topic! We discussed this very topic a few weeks ago on my DDOstream "Legends & Lore" Tuesday show. I chose ten, and they were:
Basilisk, Chain Devil (just because they already have the chain in Shadar-kai), Chimera, Ettin, Flumph, Hydra (great raid boss!), Lurker Above, Roper, More were-creatures/lycanthropes (especially Wererat and Wereboar), and Yeti. Opinions may vary
The video is here until it gets aged out of the DDOstream archive: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1745280778
Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.
Hi, the Devil Swine appeared in various sources, including the main D&D book, Tortles of the Purple Sage Part 1, CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls, The Bane in Elfswood, CM7 The Tree of Life, HWA3 Nightstorm, and a D&D video game called Order of the Griffon released in 1992.
The Devil Swine is a classic D&D monster. I like it better than the wereboar because it's far more powerful, dangerous and intelligent. You can do a lot more with a Devil Swine in an adventure story.
Basilisks and Cockatrice are classics. So are Stirges. So are Rot Grub (that terrifying illustration from Monster Manual) but I'm not sure how you could really do that justice in DDO. Wyverns, Xorn, Yellow Mold...
Aboleth would be great too, though I'm not sure they ever appeared in any of the old classic TSR modules. Pair them up with some Kua-Toa.
SSG could do an entire expansion around Modrons.
There's a Githyanki right on the Fiend Folio cover, if anything is a missing classic that would be.
There's one of these threads 2 or 3 times a year, they're fun anyway. SSG has done a pretty good job of slowly getting them all in the game. Go back a few years and people were asking for Owlbears, Manticore, Slaad, Displacer Beasts, Umber Hulks...
Devil Swine, Wearboar...I'm sure if they can make Vine Horrors out of Trolls, and Mudmen out of Clay Golems, they can manage to make one out of the other.
On that note, I wonder what SSG might be able to reskin the dinosaurs into someday? Drakes? There's a whole lot of Khorvaire that's just full of 'em that'd be great to see, too.
As for classic monsters I love and want to see added — I was really hoping to see a Kraken show up in Saltmarsh. Like Aelonwy said, there's a ton of undersea monsters left to see, I'll throw Marids on the pile too.
Flail Snail, Roper, and a bunch of the really ugly fiends like Manes, Lemures, Bone Devils (I can wear one's face, but where is the rest of him?), Ice Devils and Nalfeshnee are some of my favourites. I think the animation work required to do most of them justice means it'll be a long time if ever before I see Ol' Flaily in DDO.
Couatls are kind of a big deal in Eberron lore, it'd be cool to see one show up as an NPC.