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  1. #1
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    Default New! What server to choose?

    I have played DDO before but its been a while and I did't get very far lol. I have another game I play with hubby and I need a little break here and there for something different so I thought why now DDO The last time I played I got to level 3 on multiple characters and was just trying to find my way. I did not see very many other people though. What is the most populated server to start on please?

    I will be a very casual players as my time is divided between several games, a home business and my grandkids who live with me so I will most likely be solo a lot of the time. Is there a particular class well suited to solo play? I didn't get much past the harbor the last time I tried to play. Hubby didn't like the game so we moved on as at the time I could not afford multiple subscriptions but now I can

    Any must have new player tips?


  2. #2


    First, enter the redeem code in the store DUNGEONCRAWL for free access to a host of things!!!

    Next, many people shipped over to Orien. There are a lot of players there now. Argonessen apparently has a lot too. I know you said solo but it is always good to have other folks around. CHeck this for a sense of when you play: DDO Live LFM Viewer ( Wayfinder is a dead server, Ghallanda got gutted to Orien. All got hit honestly.

    For classes--give a try, let us know your playstyle, what feels fun.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    First, enter the redeem code in the store DUNGEONCRAWL for free access to a host of things!!!

    Next, many people shipped over to Orien. There are a lot of players there now. Argonessen apparently has a lot too. I know you said solo but it is always good to have other folks around. CHeck this for a sense of when you play: DDO Live LFM Viewer ( Wayfinder is a dead server, Ghallanda got gutted to Orien. All got hit honestly.

    For classes--give a try, let us know your playstyle, what feels fun.
    Thank you! I did enter the code already I also apparently have points from the last time I played to spend lol.

    I found the request a build thread and posted in there. My build wish list is caster or ranged dps, a heal of some kind, ability to find secret doors and traps, solo and newbie friendly. Most games I end up playing a healer or support to hubby's tanks but he is not playing DDO with me so I am thinking a dps class would be the best. I also tend to gravitate towards nature base classes or pure arcane. My current game I play a healing shaman with hubby and a warlock for when I solo. I have a tendency to have lots and lots of alts. 13 in my other game atm lol. So narrowing down one as a main character tends to be a challenge for me lol.

  4. #4
    Community Member Nebless's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BujoGamer View Post
    What is the most populated server to start on please?
    After a free transfer period last/this month many moved to Orien making it the largest, but as expected that has caused some servere lag problems.

    Ghalland is the current default server and would probably be your best bet.

    Quote Originally Posted by BujoGamer View Post
    Is there a particular class well suited to solo play?
    Make a Rogue / Wizard with the Skeleton Knight. Start as a Rogue and do 1 or 2 levels but don't spend any feat points. Then multi-class to Wizard and use those points in the Skeleton Knight tree.

    You end up with eihter a caster or melee (which is how I play mine) with a fighting companion (the Skeleton Knight). I found it to be a very good solo class and had a very easy time leveling it up.

    Quote Originally Posted by BujoGamer View Post
    I end up playing a healer or support to hubby's tanks but he is not playing DDO with me
    Get him to at least log into his account and apply the code too for future play.
    Last edited by Nebless; 03-25-2023 at 05:00 PM.
    Aias Iceforge. Barbarian Ice Dwarf - Khyber

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BujoGamer View Post
    Thank you! I did enter the code already I also apparently have points from the last time I played to spend lol.

    I found the request a build thread and posted in there. My build wish list is caster or ranged dps, a heal of some kind, ability to find secret doors and traps, solo and newbie friendly. Most games I end up playing a healer or support to hubby's tanks but he is not playing DDO with me so I am thinking a dps class would be the best. I also tend to gravitate towards nature base classes or pure arcane. My current game I play a healing shaman with hubby and a warlock for when I solo. I have a tendency to have lots and lots of alts. 13 in my other game atm lol. So narrowing down one as a main character tends to be a challenge for me lol.
    The first 4 expansion packs are currently on sale for 99 pts each. A good place to spend those points if you don't have those quests

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    After a free transfer period last/this month many moved to Orien making it the largest, but as expected that has caused some servere lag problems.

    Ghalland is the current default server and would probably be your best bet.
    Thank you for the suggestions. Ghalland was the top one in the list so I thought that might be the recommended one.

    [QUOTE]Make a Rogue / Wizard with the Skeleton Knight. Start as a Rogue and do 1 or 2 levels but don't spend any feat points. Then multi-class to Wizard and use those points in the Skeleton Knight tree.

    You end up with eihter a caster or melee (which is how I play mine) with a fighting companion (the Skeleton Knight). I found it to be a very good solo class and had a very easy time leveling it up. [\QUOTE]

    That sounds fun!

    Get him to at least log into his account and apply the code too for future play.
    I did that for him He only lasted about 20 minutes the other night though so I don't expect him to play again lol. He is big into graphical look.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bozone View Post
    The first 4 expansion packs are currently on sale for 99 pts each. A good place to spend those points if you don't have those quests
    I just bought them all Was excited to see that!

  8. #8
    Community Member Stradivarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BujoGamer View Post
    I have played DDO before but its been a while and I did't get very far lol. I have another game I play with hubby and I need a little break here and there for something different so I thought why now DDO The last time I played I got to level 3 on multiple characters and was just trying to find my way. I did not see very many other people though. What is the most populated server to start on please?

    I will be a very casual players as my time is divided between several games, a home business and my grandkids who live with me so I will most likely be solo a lot of the time. Is there a particular class well suited to solo play? I didn't get much past the harbor the last time I tried to play. Hubby didn't like the game so we moved on as at the time I could not afford multiple subscriptions but now I can

    Any must have new player tips?

    Recommend Argo actually. A massive populationsecond to Orien but not enough to cause Orien-like lag. Not too hot not too cold, just right.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebless View Post
    After a free transfer period last/this month many moved to Orien making it the largest, but as expected that has caused some servere lag problems.

    Ghalland is the current default server and would probably be your best bet.

    Make a Rogue / Wizard with the Skeleton Knight. Start as a Rogue and do 1 or 2 levels but don't spend any feat points. Then multi-class to Wizard and use those points in the Skeleton Knight tree.

    You end up with eihter a caster or melee (which is how I play mine) with a fighting companion (the Skeleton Knight). I found it to be a very good solo class and had a very easy time leveling it up.

    Get him to at least log into his account and apply the code too for future play.
    I moved from Cannith to Sarlona myself, default server might be dead now but will gain pop faster, Orien sounds like a lagfest. Either a currently-large server or Ghallandra.

    What you're asking for sounds ideal for a Warforged Artificer, but I'm not sure that would quite suit, and it's not F2P. PM Wizard with a splash of rogue is not the worst, I'd say 2 rogue at level 1 and 9. First level is for the most skill points, second is for evasion and skill point catchup after you get 4th level spells (death aura, firewall). Until you have those, you'll probably get more value out of EK or Archmage after a few points for the skelly.

  10. #10
    Community Member FaceDancer's Avatar
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    You might want to look at the server stat's for the different worlds to maybe help. I do quite a bit of solo adventuring but it is good to have an active server when it comes time to to buy/sell items from equipment brokers in game. I'm on Argo and I'm pretty happy with it. Server stats can be seen here:

    P.S. Stradivarius's comments are spot on.

  11. #11
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    I put this build up for F2P new players about a year ago and I think it is still the best build from that perspective.

    Melee with constant self-healing, great buffs and a bunch of spell casting options.

  12. #12
    Community Member archest's Avatar
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    do a forum search for lag and find the server that has less lag complaints and join that one ....hope you liek to solo game in a MMO. this post is sarcastic .

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